*** June 2015 Mummies ***

Good luck here's hoping. Hopefully they'll pop your waters and the process will speed up!
Hoping buggy and eve are well on their way to having their babies.
Ah there's lots going on!! Good luck HH, Buggy and Eve, hope you're all having baby cuddles soon :-) xx
Hang in there girls. Hopefully things move along a bit quicker! You will have your wee bundles oh so soon!

Am hopefully having a sweep today with midwife but not feeling too optimistic! Wish me luck!! I need to work on my game face so I don't throw a wobbler when she tells me I'm nowhere near labour yet!! xx
No!! Back home. Opted for that so we could get some sleep. Contractions slowed to every 10 min but got stronger and longer which is weird. It did do something in that my cervix came more forward and they reckoned I'm 2-3cm. Just still going really slow and I'm aware it could just stop any time. I thought having laboured twice before that my body would know what it's doing and it'd be quicker. How wrong was I!
Baby boy was born 6.20 am weighing 8lbs 6oz after going from 5 cms to birth in 29 mins! Glad it's over. Will post photo and name as soon as agreed. Good luck tashawink and here's hoping xx
Ah congratulations Eve! Today is going to be exciting I hope for June! Buggy I hope you get to go back in soon (in a nice way!). And hope you're progressing well HH.

Coletteypie I have every faith you won't need your game face!!

Woke up this morning to a glob of plug! I thought it was a myth! x
Congratutuons eve. Gosh things moved on quickly towards the end of your labour. Good luck to the rest of the ladies that are progressing too, Fingers r crossed for you's. I'm onto single figures for my section date now, 9 days. Eek ️xx
Congratulations eve and good luck here's hoping and buggy! Hoping to see more June babies soon! Including my own but no signs of that yet :( xx
Awww congrats eve and what a good weight.

That's so annoying buggy :-(!! Get some rest and then try and get walking or bouncing again. That's all you can do. But you need your energy levels first! You will def be more comfy at home.

Hmmm keep an eye on things Belfa - maybe you are on course for an early arrival!!
Congratulations eve and good luck to HH and Buggy. Sounds promising for today.

Finally got my little man home yesterday and registered him too so he is all official. He is 10 days old today! Feels amazing. X
That's lovely babyscotcher. Still having pai s about 10 mi apart pleased they've not stopped all together but disappointed it's not progressing much
Hang in there girls. Hopefully things move along a bit quicker! You will have your wee bundles oh so soon!

Am hopefully having a sweep today with midwife but not feeling too optimistic! Wish me luck!! I need to work on my game face so I don't throw a wobbler when she tells me I'm nowhere near labour yet!! xx

Good luck Hun! Although I think we should have our babies on the same day as we've been symptomless together!! I'm not due a sweep for a week tho lol. Hope it works for u xx
Buggy - Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Eve - Congratulations!! Nice healthy weight too.

HH - Hoping its all going well for you and that as we haven't heard from you your busy having your baby!

Coletteypie - Good luck with you sweep, let us know how it goes.

Ladies, I'm really sad :( Had my consultant apt today who basically confirmed that although baby is now 4/5 my cervix is no where near ready. He game me a sweep (although not sure how effective that will be) and asked to see me again in a week.

He's giving me one more week to give birth naturally or else I will have a booked c-sec for either the 11th or 12th.

So disappointed with my body :( have ordered OH home this evening (instead of playing rugby with friends) and although I'm not really in the mood we are having a much sex as it takes to start labour...

Could literally cry, thought my baby would be here by now.

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Sorry pismo it's horrible isn't it.

i think i need all the help i can get
Congratulations Eve,

Buggy hope things ramp up for you soon.

HH hope things are going well for you.

Babyscotcher glad your little man is home at last.

Pismo hope you are ok, don't be too sad. You never know, baby might just decide to come. X

Hope everyone else ok, SIL popping by for lunch, this waiting game is hard.
I'm just so disappointed and I don't think that I should be told to have a c-sec just because I haven't laboured naturally by 41weeks - Some women don't labour naturally until way into their 42nd week. They aren't even giving me a chance :(

Off to research as many way as possible to induce labour however I just want to curl up in bed until LO arrives :(


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