*** June 2015 Mummies ***

I will do when I go back next week. I think its unreasonable to expect me to labour naturally when other women are given until 42weeks before induction. They don't want to induce me unless my cervix is favourable either.

So its either naturally or C-sec. No in-between.

How are you getting on buggy?

Back to about 7-8min quite painful. Just wish they'd get on with it
Ah Pismo that sucks, I also find it odd that they're not helping to induce you but want to go straight to c-section?

At least the time in between is getting shorter Buggy!

Great news Babyscotcher, it must feel great to have him home.

I think that's all my plug gone now, not sure how much you get but there was loads in my pad earlier. If your plug starts to come away does that mean baby has started to engage? Or can it come away and baby is not in the pelvis at all? x
Can't believe you have plug Belfa I've still had nothing. Maybe half a teaspoon of slightly thicker discharge but otherwise nada! Convinced ill be a 42 weeker!

been out in town since back of ten this morning, back killing me. Wish it was labour related but think it's just carrying all this weight. Humph lol
Ah Pismo I am in miserable land with you due date buddy. I needed my game face after all. My baby isn't engaged at all so couldn't have my sweep..... I am gutted. She doesn't think I will go anytime soon. Booked back to see her on Monday.

Belfa - your plug should regenerate. Only takes 24 hours apparently. But keep an eye on symptoms just in case.

Buggy - not sounding fun. Hope it ramps up for you soon :-(!

Karen - yup. We are going nowhere!! This sucks :-( sob sob!
Pismo, that is really annoying that they won't give you a chance at being induced.

Heybabya I'm exactly the same, almost nothing come away apart from a small amount of discharge.though it can still come just a few hours before, you never know Belfa.

Colettypie, it's a bummer your baby isn't engaging.

Lunch was nice, was good to have baby talk, not got much planned now until DD, might go for a walk later, or a waddle lol.
Pismo that's really annoying! Why won't they just let you go to 42 weeks?

I am feeling awful!! I've been up all night with the most painful headache I've ever had in my life! OH had to come home from work as I couldn't even lift my head off the pillow. Paracetamol won't touch the pain either. No swelling so I'm seeing how it goes. I've slept the day away though so maybe just my body crying out for rest! Had people in the house every day this week tiling and there is dust everywhere after me keeping it so clean! Stress!! All done now though! I have less than a week to get the place sparkling, iron all babies clothes and try rest in between! This time next week I'll should have my baby in my arms!!! :)

OH has finished work now until 24th June too so nice to have him to help me get everywhere ready!!

Can't remember if I said congrats to eve! This days a blur! Big congrats :)

Buggy your next I think :) hope things continue to progress for you!! Xx
Coletteypie - It sucks doesn't it. We all get our hopes up and the extra hormones don't help matters either.

We are literally ready now, everything in place - even the car seat is in the car waiting! Just super disappointing...

Did your MW give you any tips on getting baby engaged? Have you got an exercise ball to go crazy on?

Lucy - Enjoy the peace now whilst you can :) I suggest lots of walks and catching up with daytime tv (or your favourite boxset!)

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Ha my car seat is in car too. Maybe taking it out and being as unprepared as possible would make things happen eh ;-)?

Nope she didn't give tips - cos I told her what I'm currently doing (bouncing,walking, leaning over ball, pelvic tilts) and just kinda nodded sympathetically lol. Grrrrr silly baby or my stupid pelvis is causing a problem.

How are you getting on buggy and HH??

And I meant to say congrats to babyscotcher earlier - lovely news getting your wee one home :-)!!
Charlie, hope you are feeling a bit better. Defo rest up.

Pismo, I ended up having a long nap this afternoon. Have got a couple of box sets on the go.

My car seat is also set up. Haha. I really want baby before this weekend as in laws still on holiday, I'm trying everything.

Yeah buggy and HH hope you have news for us when you come back on, x
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Pismo - definitely refuse a section if you're not happy. I had my consultant last week and I said I will not be booking a section, they've booked me in for induction at 40+11 (next thursday) where they will try to insert a balloon to dilate cervix and then pop waters and then drip if contractions don't start. But I have faith I will labour before any of this will happen, baby is still only 4/5ths and cervix is no where near ready either. But it only takes an hour for everything to change! Stay positive that your body can do this.

Still nothing happening here. Went for a lovely walk around bushy park (couldn't really go far because the LO didn't want to and he's too heavy to carry) :) need to get the OH to get freaky with me haha :)
Hope all you June mummies are progressing nicely! :) congrats to eve x x
Toby was born at 6.01pm today. 30 mins after getting into the pool! He weighed 9th exactly. I got a second degree tear and needed stitches but otherwise all good. He's a real cutie with lots of dark hair x
Omg! Congratulations Buggy!! Thought it had all stopped for you... Well done! Welcome to the world Toby.

Congrats buggy!!

Alexander was born tonight at 7pm weighing 6lbs after a 4hr labour and 10mins of pushing!

All is well, had cord round his neck so went to SCBU and has a small heart murmur but that may just be the speed he was born at so will check again tomorrow. Not liking the boob so hand expressing x
Oh my goodness! 3 babies born today.

Congratulations Belfa and buggy! HH I hope you're progressing nicely xx
You too Belfa??!! June baby boom has started. Congratulations! Well done.

I'm a total queue skipper lol!

Forgot a pic! x

Lol, you are indeed Belfa!! But he's such a cutie.

I know you lost your plug earlier but was it really unexpected? They always say that's not an indication.

Regardless - Happy Birthday Alexander! Welcome to the world


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