*** June 2015 Mummies ***

Let's hope so belfa. That acupuncture sounds a bit scary!
Well girls, had my hospital appointment this morning. Consultant gave me a sweep (oh my god....the most painful yet!!) He seemed confident i should have a show from it.
Had scan and shows the fluid around baby has reduced. So they plan to induce me today or tomorrow depending when they have space!! Im in shock and dont mind admitting bloody scared. Wasnt expecting that. So basically at home now waiting for a phone call at any point today or tomorrow to go in!

Hope the rest of yous are well!
Happy due date ladies!!

Also, I used my lady shaver for the first time this morning Lucy ;) . It appears I offered it a challenge :oops: x

Lol'd hard at that Belfa!! I have the thirty day shred by Jillian Michaels which I found was ok (the couple of times I did it!) but have heard good things about the Davina ones too. Also, where are they putting the needles for the acupuncture? I have visions of some form of cervical torture!

Buggy - Keeping my fingers crossed for you. You on serious symptom watch now?

HH - Argh!! Scary yet exciting times!!! Will be thinking of you. Keep us updated if/when you can. Good luck.

Ahhhhh HH no way!!! How exciting :-). I wasn't sure if they would induce cos you are vbac!? Wishing you lots of luck!!!

Lol at Pismo - where do they put the needles :shock: I hope not in poor belfa's flipping cervix!!! That would be as bad as labour surely!!

Buggy you sound like you could go at any time to be honest. Symptoms all sound seriously promising.
Coletteypie - Not going to lie, would allow for one (maybe two) SMALL needles in my cervix to get this baby out before my due date!

Haha pismo!

I'm not so optimistic, I know it's silly but I feel like it'll never happen. Really fed up. If I could enjoy doing stuff with dad it wouldn't be so bad.

It's hard to look for symptoms!

Keep us posted hh
Just woke up and my ankles have reappeared but the past few days they have suddenly swollen to massive size by the afternoon, I'm not even on my feet much just in the house. And it's accompanied by this thirst. Got blood sugars tested last week and haven't heard back as they only said they would contact me if something was wrong so assume all is clear on that front. I know a bit of fluid retention is normal at this stage and baby is still jumping about in there. Seeing midwife Friday dunno whether to phone today if they swell again..
Colettypie they were good.

Belfa lol at the lady shave... I might get hubby to do a top up later lol..

I loved having acupuncture, I defo wouldn't be here if it wasn't for having it, the month I conceived I had something used on me called a moxa box which heats up my abdominal area, I ovulated 5 days later. I'm not sure what points belfa will get as sometimes the points are indirect.

HH keep us posted, good luck.

Just baked my banana loaf, now gonna do some bouncing.
Thought I would give a quick update. Induction started by pessary. Having some Braxton hicks but currently wired up to monitor for the next hour to see what is happening! Will try to update again later hopefully with some good news!
Good luck Eve! keeping everything crossed for you...

On the subject of nursing bras again - I know I asked something similar just the other day so apologies.

Emma Jane nursing bras specifically.

I cant get to anywhere to be measured before this LO arrives (don't want to stray too far from home and no shops close by) so wanting to purchase them online.

Should I just go with my maternity bra size? or go for my normal back size and jump up a cup to accommodate milk full booobies and breast pads?

Coletteypie and belfa - I know you have been seen my an Emma Jane specialist lady. What did she suggest?

Yeah - keep back size as normal. Cos apparently your rib cage goes back to normal size pretty quickly. Is the cup size you need to adjust for. Would def say at least one cup size. I've gone up 2 from my normal. But not sure if you have already gone up one with your mat bra? If so just go up one more. But maybe go up 2 from your pre preg one! xx
Just had a bad pain in my tummy and had to poop again! Was a bit splatty lol sorry! If something isn't happening then I think I'm ill!
I've still to book my appointment Pismo (thanks for the reminder!) but what Coletteypie says is what we were told in class.

Haha I'll let you know where the needles end up, I also had it during ttc and they do put them in some odd places but I found when they focused on my pubic bone area I always had cramps afterwards.

My shaving was for nothing, no one asked to see down there at my appointment. I have been signed off by the consultant and free to go to the CMU now woohoo! Also baby is measuring in at a respectable 6lbs.

Eve and Here's Hoping how exciting!!! Can't wait to hear your progress x
Got my hopes up so much this afternoon. I was laying in the bath and watching the baby move around when all of a sudden I felt a gush of something come and I couldn't control it. I'm not 100% sure it was my waters but it was clear, there were a few blood streaked mucusy bits floating about (sorry tmi) and it felt like my stomach went down slightly. I led down with a pad of for an hour afterwards but it was dry so I guess it wasn't my waters. Just feeling super crampy, tight and getting some shooting pains now but no real contractions. I got so excited, it's a good job I didn't ring my OH as he would have come home from work for nothing!
Would it be worth getting checked as i suppose it could have been waters but no more since you got out the bath?
No signs of anything since :( It was probably just wishful thinking, I'll keep an eye on it though
Thanks for the info Colettey and Belfa - Will order just the one for now and see how it goes.


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