*** June 2015 Mummies ***

I'm not getting any tightenings at all.

Belfa, a couple of times a few weeks ago when I'd finished weeing, I stood up and more came out :/ Not an awful lot, but needed to change lol. Now I have to make double sure I really have finished before I leave the loo. Actually come to think of it, it happened the other month when OH proposed! We were down the beach and I went for a wee and stood up, leaked, shouted over to OH to tell him lol, and then he popped the question! Surprised I didn't kill the mood Haha!

:lol: :lol: bless him, mine would have run a mile! x
Wow busy busy here today! I've not been on much!

Congrats to those who have had their babies in May :) and big welcome to the last couple of May mummies!

Nothing exciting happening here! Can't believe Drs said I would be lucky to get to 34 weeks and I'm still going!! 8 days until it's all over and my little boy will be here!! Got my pre op on Thursday. Terrified and excited all at once!!

Fingers crossed for all the ladies who have had sweeps and hope things get started! Buggy sounds like your close!! :)

Can't believe it's our month!! Feels like yesterday we were all in Tri 1!! Xx
Is anyone else really thirsty at this stage? I have an insatiable need to drink loads of water the past few days. And my feet are really stretched and swollen :/
Heybabya - mention it to your midwife. Did your feet swell dramatically overnight? Or was it gradually? I'm not anymore thirsty than normal. And I have very slight swelling.
Good luck to those with appointments today.

I've been really thirsty too and not really very hungry which is unusual for me.

No more pains for me :( I did bounce on my ball for ages and tried to be more active just around the house but nothing. So disappointed.
I am so ready to start getting my body back! This time last year I was at one of the smallest I have been in my adult life and now feeling like a whale haha (ok I know I'm pregnant and it's allowed) just so looking forward to feeling like me again.

Anyone else?

I know I'm going to miss being pregnant though - can't win! :)

Buggy- still got today to make it happen. Try and let gravity do its thing. Side walking up and down steps, squats and bouncing. :)
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I'm ready to get my body back too. I have been pregnant for 96 weeks since the end of 2012! In 2011 we got married and I was my slimmest. This pregnancy has been hard work too which has made it worse. Can't wait for it to be over really..
The past week or so I've started to feel massive too. Caught a glimpse of myself on my ball last night, I was wearing massive woolly cardi thing, but I looked like a house!

I've also got midwife in an hour or so, need her to put my mind at ease about this period-ness, then back home to cram for an exam this afternoon! Feels like an age since I last saw midwife, I guess because I've been full term for a week now so need some reassurance! Starting to feel a bit anxious, but it could be the pressure of the exam I guess. xx
I am so ready to start getting my body back! This time last year I was at one of the smallest I have been in my adult life and now feeling like a whale haha (ok I know I'm pregnant and it's allowed) just so looking forward to feeling like me again.

Anyone else?

I know I'm going to miss being pregnant though - can't win! :)

Buggy- still got today to make it happen. Try and let gravity do its thing. Side walking up and down steps, squats and bouncing. :)

This!! I cant wait to start doing more exercise - Stopped going to the gym early in pregnancy because of morning sickness and just didn't end up going back. Have already started mapping out walks to do with baby and have exercise DVDs at the ready. :)

Hope you are all feeling good on this miserable day. Isn't it supposed to be summer now?

Getting really disappointed each morning when I wake up still pregnant - I know I shouldn't and baby will come when ready but I just don't like not knowing when its going to happen. I like being in control and don't feel in control of this.

I'm another one experiencing period type cramps at various points during the day, woke up feeling sick and have totally lost my appetite too. I hope these are all good signs.



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My god, I completely forgot about my exercise DVDs! Will have to root out my 30 Day Shred at some point. The thought of doing it again after so long is hilarious! It's going to kill me!

Def can't wait to get out and about with bubba and the dog though, we're lucky to be due at such a good time of year (ignoring the gale force winds outside at the mo!) xx
Due date today. Woke up disappointed that I still felt fine lol! Come on babyyyy!
Lol @ Pismo. That picture sums up life.

I am gutted to still be pregnant this morning. I was having serious BH last night, loads of cm... And woke up really crampy in my lower back and front at various points. But nooooo baby. I have never willed myself to have intense pain before - but come on contractions, I am ready for you. I know they will be awful(and I will wish them away as soon as they start) - but the baby needs to come out so I just want this labour thing out the way!!

Happy due date Karen and HH!

I'm the same as you ladies - I'm not even that big a fitness fan but I just want to feel normal again. And be able to walk for 10 mins without pain lol. And be able to fit past people in restaurants without getting wedged in :lol:

Anyone having signs this morning? I'm back to nothing. I seem to get most aches in early evening!
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Morning ladies, I do think it's quite funny how we are wishing pain upon ourselves too. Bring it on!! The waiting is tough.

Heybabya I've been excessively thirsty, especially at night, I wake up and my mouth feels like a dry flip flop. No swelling though.

I'm also ready to get my body back, all the fertility drugs I was on and off made me like on a few lbs be for falling pregnant then with the pregnancy gain I'm ready to get back in my old clothes. I've asked for money as it's my birthday next month to do a clothes spree.

It's really horrid out isn't it, hubby took car today so hibernating while waiting for sainsburys delivery to turn up. Got pain au chocs cooking in the oven, thought I may as well enjoy myself with some treats these last few days.
Yeah happy due date Karen and HH. Wonder if anything will start for you both x
Omg Lucy the sound of those pain au chocs in the oven just made my mouth water....:thumbup:
Happy due date Karen and HH!! Fingers crossed its not much longer now.

Going to bake a lemon drizzle cake later :) Seems like all of a sudden I have turned into some fanatical baker - I normally hate baking because of the massive clear up afterwards!

Still, the banana cake I made yesterday was good for breakfast this morning :D

Seems we're all getting a bit frustrated with the waiting!

Not much to report sadly. Woke up feeling a bit queasy but not too bad. Had a few tightening but suspect just bh again. Did just go for a poo and lose rather a lot of thick mucus that was really bloody. Is there a difference between losing plug which doesn't really mean anything and a bloody show?
Good luck remaining may mummies and all June mummies!! Hoping someone kicks start it all soon! x
Happy due date ladies!!

Buggy I was always under the impression that the "bloody show" meant you weren't far off kicking off - fingers crossed!

Just got a call from the hospital to say they've had a cancellation tonight for Accupuncture to prime the cervix and I was next on the list, woohoo! Thought they'd forgotten about me.

I have been wanting my body back for years! I looked okay pre-ttc though would have liked to have lost 1.5stone of post uni weight. Then during ttc I put on over a stone and I'm desperate for it to be gone.

What fitness DVDs do you recommend?

Also, I used my lady shaver for the first time this morning Lucy ;) . It appears I offered it a challenge :oops: x

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