*** June 2015 Mummies ***

Hello lovely ladies - I just wanted to pop in and wish you all the best of luck for the upcoming month or so when you all start having your babies! :)

I would have been due with you all on the 10th of June and can't get it out of my mind but this pregnancy is going much better so much thankfully! Made it to the 12 week scan and all is okay! So feeling positive!

Hard seeing June mummies when I should have been included but things obviously weren't quite right last time!

I can't wait to see all your gorgeous babies! <3
Congratulations on your pregnancy Weeza, glad everything was all ok at your 12 week scan. Will keep an eye out for you the forum but please keep popping back and updating us :D

I will thanks Coletteypie. Can't believe you're all having sweeps before due dates?? Why are they doing them? Feel like I'm going to be pregnant forever lol! X

Lol, hoping to beg my midwife for one tomorrow - This is my second pregnancy for fingers crossed she agrees and it starts something off. Even BH have calmed down these last few days.

Congratulations on your pregnancy Weeza! :)

Bought some raspberry leaf tea today as a girl at my work swore by it. I'm starting a bit late but thought I'd give it a try anyway. Also bought evening primrose oil capsules but I'm a bit scared to use them - worried it will effect the bp, did that not happen to colletteypie or someone?
Yeah was me! Was the tea that upped my BP. I still have it in the cupboard but am too scared to try it. Maybe next week....

Aww Flosi you will be welcome here if you go over but fingers crossed you don't have to. Tashawink pops in and out of here too.

Lol I know Pismo - I can't believe poor wee Belfa has gone through that. That sucks about your thrush. Is it worth trip to GP or just pharmacy?
Nah - Will see how it goes tomorrow as its not as itchy today and if its still an issue i'll grab a pessary thingy and sort it myself.

Warning - Rant alert (sorry ladies!)
Arrrrghhhh!!!! I hate my house... Its an older property (that I rent) and try as I might it NEVER seems clean. Now today, of all days, this is p*ssing me off even more than usual!!! Its like everywhere I look there is dirt, dust, spiders and mess. I have started cleaning the kitchen, but think it will take me a day to be truly and honestly happy - This is made worse by the fact that I cant do everything due to being to big (width wise) and to small (height wise). I am angry!

I also just sneezed and wet myself a little.

That is all :) Feeling much better now. Sorry again ladies.

Lucy this is a really odd thing to say but I thought of you at the weekend as I invested in a lady trimmer :lol:. Of course last night I so wished I'd used it!!

:lol::lol::lol: this has cracked me up belfa.

Hi flosi hopefully your LO will appear before June but everyone here is nice.

Pismo, maybe get some live yoghurt to cool it down, I'm sure years ago I tried that once, though a bit messy.:shock:
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I've been taking raspberry leaf tea for about 3 weeks, I'm on 3 cups a day now. I also bought some EPO but am scared of doing too much too soon. Is anyone taking both? X
I've read quite a lot online of people using them both but I think I'm going to wait and ask the MW on friday!
I'm due 31st same as tashawink! But no signs of anything!!
Hi girls. Had my 2nd sweep today, was a lot gentler than my first one. Im still 2cm but everything is thinned out and soft. She says babys head was well down and was able to touch it (freaky!) She thought if i started getting contractions things should kick off.

Shes wrote 1/5 on my chart for relation to brim, im bit confused...does that mean 1/5 of babys head is in pelvis or other way round? Tried to google but got mixed answers.

Booked in for 3rd sweep thurs but hoping something happens before then! Busy thread here today, getting exciting!x
Just tried my first raspberry leaf tea, probably far too late and made me heave a little so might just let nature do its thing and not bother!! Altho I do have some pineapple chunks haha x
HH I think 1/5 actually means 4/5 of head in your pelvis. I really hope bubs has moved down by my 38 week appt on thurs.

I dunno whether to bother with raspberry leaf tea now, heard its best to slowly introduce. From tomorrow onwards gonna do some serious bouncing and try and do a few walks as lunch with the girls is my last commitment.. It's near my work so 35/40 min drive each way, lots of baby cuddles again. There will be 4 under 5 months lol.
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I think 1/5 and 4/5 can be easily confused. If she could feel baby's head then you are allllll the way engaged HH!!! How exciting! I have a feeling you might be our next momma :-)!! Ahhh I wish I had a sweep this week.

Heybabya I think they can be totally safe to use. Apparently just gotta keep an eye on BP with the tea. I didn't like the headache I got so prob won't risk it again.
All looking promising girls though my advice is let them cook as long as possible. My little man is too small and cant regulate his own blood sugar at the minute so is still in SCBU. It is horrid being on the ward without a baby.

On the plus side I am feeling pretty good for 2 days post section. My advice for anyone who has one planned or unplanned is that when you can get up and move around then do. Dont push yourself but it is amazing how much better things like a shower can make you feel. X
Thanks for keeping us updated scotcher! Hopefully your little man will be better soon and he'll be able to join you either on the ward or at home. Have they mentioned discharge planning yet?

HH - for some reason I had it in my head that they only offer two sweeps. Fingers crossed this one does the trick.

Had some lovely tightening with a bit of back pain earlier but think it was down to my vigorous cleaning as apposed to labour.

I think I am being discharged tomorrow but little man wont be home for at least a few days as they like them to be stable for 24 hours before they will let them home and he isnt yet. X
I've been taking raspberry leaf tea for about 3 weeks, I'm on 3 cups a day now. I also bought some EPO but am scared of doing too much too soon. Is anyone taking both? X

I've been drinking 1 cup of raspberry leaf tea per day for the past week, I'm starting to drink 2 cups per day from today and will probably drink 3 cups per day starting next week when I'll be 38 weeks. I have also been taking evening primrose oil capsules every day for the past 2 weeks but I realised today that they were only 700mg and the recommended dose is usually 1000mg from 36 weeks so I bought some higher dose ones today which I'm going to start taking 1 orally and insert one every night.

On another note, I've started drinking 2 glasses of fresh pineapple juice per day, walking around as much as possible and bouncing on my fitness ball when I'm not walking. If baby doesn't make an appearance by 39 weeks, I'm willing to try castor oil too as if she's not here by her due date then my partner risks not being here for the birth. :shock:
Wow it's busy on here today!

All sounding promising HH I would bet you will be our next June mummy :)

I thought I would be one of the first but this little man is proving the Drs wrong :)
I'm having planned section scotcher so thanks for advice! I am so scared about my section! Hopefully your little one will soon be home :)

My grandad wasn't too bad, news was that they cannot cure him and he's going to always have an infection which has caused his dementia as its in his blood so has burst capillaries in his brain, and feet. He's losing his feet so will not be able to walk again so he's going to have to go in 24 hour care home :( was heart breaking seeing my nan crying as she also has dementia so it's just been horrible. It's good that my grandad isn't all there anymore as he would have given up by now but he's always in his own little world now, smiling away unaware of what's happening really! Thanks for the kind comments though :) can't wait to take the baby to see him!

My stomach is so bad tonight! Cannot get off the loo! Sorry tmi :( other than that I feel fine :) it's been another manic day! Haven't stopped! Definitely having a rest day tomorrow, I can't seem to sit still!! Haha xx
Aw I know that's still mixed news Charlie but you are right, if he seems content with his dementia then that's better than knowing.

Here's hoping it sounds like you're not far off!

Pismo I know what you mean about your house. I can't escape dog hair atm and am cleaning and washing daily trying to get rid of it downstairs, our baby's going to be so grubby when he starts crawling!

I really hope Lucian gets discharged soon babyscotcher so you can start being a family.

What does raspberry tea leaf taste like?

I had my work leaving do tonight, we played some good baby shower games, was really funny! Today has been a revelation, I thought I'd escaped cankles but obviously not, I actually found it really funny when a colleague pointed it out! I freaked the men in the office out - oh if only they knew the half of it :lol: x
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Oh I'm the same! I scrub the house and then 2 days later I've got to scrub it again! Bloody dogs haha!

I'm gonna have a good clean tomorrow I think, even though I planned to rest haha xx

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