*** June 2015 Mummies ***

I will thanks Coletteypie. Can't believe you're all having sweeps before due dates?? Why are they doing them? Feel like I'm going to be pregnant forever lol! X
Hi all, I hope you are all ok? I've felt a bit strange for the past few days. I feel so uncomfortable when I walk - not from SPD or that kind of pain, it's as if my cervix feels sore? I've got stabbing, shooting pains and a dull constant back ache. Anyone else? X.
Im hoping this one will work. My baby isnt engaged either Coletteypie, at scan she said they were on the brim so dont think they need to be engaged to get it done (or maybe thats just for second babies?). As far as I know your cervix has to be favourable in order to do it so fingers crossed you'll get your way.

When are you getting seen next karen? Just be cheeky and ask. I dont know why im getting them early, the consultant offered so i didnt decline. The mw must just be following it up x
Julie that all sounds really promising! Like your body is gearing up. I've def had aches and pains down there. And lots of back ache. Been Googling early/pre labour and this ticks a lot of the boxes so fingers crossed.

Karen my sweep is at 39+6. I just asked and she said if cervix is favourable then yup could have one. It's not really seen as medical intervention as such. Is literally the midwife having a wee poke around lol! I'm not sure they could tell you no if you asked for one. But I think they are only successful if labour is imminent. Will only bring on what is shortly due to start! If your baby is too comfy then wouldn't work quite yet anyways :-(!

Yeah you are right HH. Is about cervix not engagement. But I suspect my cervix won't be ready if baby isn't engaged with this being my first time. But who knows! Have been having lots of aches and pains and increase in cm - so fingers x'd!!!
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We've been quite similar with our pains and recent increased discharge Coletteypie, so id say you'll be pleasantly surprised and find that your rightly on yourself. Fingers crossed!!x
Hmmmm very true HH!! our babies are in similar positions, lots of common symptoms....would love to think positive :)! its so weird tho, i didn't think first time babies would be able to engage and un-engage - but sometimes i can feel the wee lump i assume is my babies head right above my pelvis (like where yours is) and sometimes its not there (so assume has dropped). How are they getting in and out?? Been told i have a flexible pelvis (which caused my spd pain at 28 weeks), so maybe its a bit too flexible and the troublemaker has too much room. Am just nervous this means labour won't start on time.

9 days till due date and i finally managed to work out how to update the ticker i created at like 8 weeks. Holy moly, i am a tech nightmare. But feeling proud i finally managed to do it haha!
Im hoping this one will work. My baby isnt engaged either Coletteypie, at scan she said they were on the brim so dont think they need to be engaged to get it done (or maybe thats just for second babies?). As far as I know your cervix has to be favourable in order to do it so fingers crossed you'll get your way.

When are you getting seen next karen? Just be cheeky and ask. I dont know why im getting them early, the consultant offered so i didnt decline. The mw must just be following it up x

Not until 40 weeks +4 days!! Possibly go naturally before then but if not my first offer of sweep will be 40+8 so they'd prob just wait, they're very strict and patient in my neck of the woods!! Going for a walk in a mo and hope gravity will be more understanding lol xx
Hello lovely ladies - I just wanted to pop in and wish you all the best of luck for the upcoming month or so when you all start having your babies! :)

I would have been due with you all on the 10th of June and can't get it out of my mind but this pregnancy is going much better so much thankfully! Made it to the 12 week scan and all is okay! So feeling positive!

Hard seeing June mummies when I should have been included but things obviously weren't quite right last time!

I can't wait to see all your gorgeous babies! <3
I remember you Weeza and was so pleased to see you back :). I hope you have an easy pregnancy and will be keeping an eye out for your posts!

Rachy just seen your comment about you gaining 26lbs too - that's so weird! I wonder if our babies will be the same weight :lol:

Coletteypie yep it was Paisley, I felt comfortable and calm being there which was good.

I've put on a night time always pad today and it's quite wet plus I had a really painful BH in my back so I'm hoping things are gearing up for a 37-40 week labour?! I have a scan 1 week today which is exciting, looking forward to seeing what they say, going to be majorly bouncing on my ball this week ;) xx
Ahhh weeza I also remember you. Congratulations to you :) great news that you have had your 12 week scan . Will be looking out for your posts when little one arrives :)

Well I've only just woke up about half an hour ago! Had a bit of a rough night, I had 5 wees in 7 hours!! Nightmare! Haha!

I was planning on doing nothing today but my mums had a call from hospital about my grandad and they need to speak to her so looks like some bad news. I'm going with her for moral support, hospital is miles away and her car is broke so couldn't have her coming home on her own upset on the train! Fingers crossed it's nothing too serious but normally is when your called in isn't it. Just want my grandad to hang on until my little boy arrives! 2 weeks tomorrow! We have given Hayden my grandads name as a middle name to keep him going as its his first great grandchild too! Just can't wait to see the day he gets to hold him for the first time :) xx
Hi all, I hope you are all ok? I've felt a bit strange for the past few days. I feel so uncomfortable when I walk - not from SPD or that kind of pain, it's as if my cervix feels sore? I've got stabbing, shooting pains and a dull constant back ache. Anyone else? X.

Yes I get quite a lot of this!
I will thanks Coletteypie. Can't believe you're all having sweeps before due dates?? Why are they doing them? Feel like I'm going to be pregnant forever lol! X

I'm only getting it because of the bleeding they don't want me to go over just in case
Hello lovely ladies - I just wanted to pop in and wish you all the best of luck for the upcoming month or so when you all start having your babies! :)

I would have been due with you all on the 10th of June and can't get it out of my mind but this pregnancy is going much better so much thankfully! Made it to the 12 week scan and all is okay! So feeling positive!

Hard seeing June mummies when I should have been included but things obviously weren't quite right last time!

I can't wait to see all your gorgeous babies! <3

That's kind, thank you. Hope all goes well for you too! x
Wow I pop out for a couple of hours and the posts have gone crazy again lol. Managed to get my hair done at least, hairdresser had to cancel last week as hurt her back, was so nice having someone wash my hair for me let alone cut and blow dry it for me.
I'm really struggling with my appetite today, bit into a choc chip brioche as fancied something cakey and thought I was going to be sick. Tummy bit sensitive again too. Bubba just needs to hang on a couple more days at least so can basically come anytime after Thursday as got lunch with the girls tomorrow and their LO's.

Karen it's a bummer you are still suffering with your head. If it doesn't ease by end of day maybe give them a call again.

Colettypie enjoy the mac n cheese, I loaded up extra cheese though, hehe.. Prob put a whole pack of Red Leicester but made bigger batch anyway, I'm looking forward to having mine.

Wow loads of you having sweeps at the moment, it's tempting to ask on thurs when I see MW. I really do not want to go over.

Hi Weeza, I remember you too, aww glad you made your 12 week scan and things are going well.

Charlie hope things aren't too bad with your grandad, remind him it's not long until your little man, give him a boost.
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Awww lovely to see you doing so well Weeza. Enjoy your pregnancy :)

I just watched the bump to breastfeeding dvd from the NHS. Anyone else seen it? Is it normal to cry :shock:?? All the wee new borns just made me a bit emotional!

Went out a wee walk and having lots of nice aches now! Fun fun :)

Belfa was so weird seeing baby last week at 38 weeks - they are huge!! Is a totally different experience seeing them at this point. I kept diverting my eyes tho to make sure i didn't find out if boy or girl accidentally. Still can't believe you are soaking pads through with discharge. That is just bonkers - what is going on down there?!

Hope all goes well Charlie, not a nice time for your wee family :(. Hope he manages to hang on a few more weeks for you! xx
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Aw Charlie I hope all is okay, I wish they wouldn't call like that without giving some context either. I'm sure your wee boy will give him the spirit to keep going!

Lucy this is a really odd thing to say but I thought of you at the weekend as I invested in a lady trimmer :lol:. Of course last night I so wished I'd used it!!

Coletteypie I have that DVD but can't find it from the house move. Suspect it's in a box in our spare room so I'll dig it out next week hopefully as I want to watch it. I know you don't want to hear this lol but the pad I had on this morning actually disintegrated. I will monitor it over the next couple of days. Good point about them being huge, that must be so surreal.

Going to update the front page with Babyscotchers baby - I'll leave his name off for now but if anyone has any strong feelings about what's put on the front page when their baby comes let me know :) x
Hi all, just popping across from may to say hello, as have a funny feeling I will be joining you all in June!

Hope everyone is having an easy pregnancy
When are you due Flossi? I hope you don't have wait too long but if you do go in June you'll be in good company ;) x
Aw Charlie I hope all is okay, I wish they wouldn't call like that without giving some context either. I'm sure your wee boy will give him the spirit to keep going!

Lucy this is a really odd thing to say but I thought of you at the weekend as I invested in a lady trimmer :lol:. Of course last night I so wished I'd used it!!

Coletteypie I have that DVD but can't find it from the house move. Suspect it's in a box in our spare room so I'll dig it out next week hopefully as I want to watch it. I know you don't want to hear this lol but the pad I had on this morning actually disintegrated. I will monitor it over the next couple of days. Good point about them being huge, that must be so surreal.

Going to update the front page with Babyscotchers baby - I'll leave his name off for now but if anyone has any strong feelings about what's put on the front page when their baby comes let me know :) x

Jeez, the things us pregnant ladies have to put up with :( Think I have a mild case of thrust here... Really itchy but no other symptoms. My foof feels like its on fire!! Sorry if TMI.

Really hoping something starts soon. Starting to get fed up and everyone I know in RL who got pregnant around the same time (but due a few days after me) have given birth - Feel like I could cry!!

Will dig out my breastfeeding DVD, hadn't given it a second thought since it was given to me at 28wk appointment.

Hi all, just popping across from may to say hello, as have a funny feeling I will be joining you all in June!

Hope everyone is having an easy pregnancy

Flosi - Welcome, you have a few more days of May left yet! Will keep my fingers crossed for you. When is your due date?


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