Good luck HH!
I drank raspberry leaf tea, ate pineapple, had sex, spicy curries, the lot with DD, she was still 8 days late so I'm not bothering with any of that this time!
Quick question - Nursing bras?
Have you already bought some? Is there any that you would recommend? Most are ugly and expensive! Do I need special 'sleeping' nursing bras? Or do I risk leaking over night - I don't know what to do...
Oh she's really good Belfa! You are in good hands. I felt really comfortable with her. She was telling me horror stories about high street bras - I seriously didn't realise what harm you can do to your boobs! And she didn't pressure me into buying. I was going to get 3 bras and she was like why don't you just get 2 and see how you get on etc.
When do you finish work?? Is Fri your last day??
Heybabya is from Glasgow too i'm sure?? You should check her out if you get the time!
Oh no Bethy that sounds awful. I've had loads of trouble with my boss lately and I'm going to hand my notice in at the end of my maternity leave. Some people just don't get what new mums and babies need!