*** June 2015 Mummies ***

Good luck HH!

I drank raspberry leaf tea, ate pineapple, had sex, spicy curries, the lot with DD, she was still 8 days late so I'm not bothering with any of that this time!
Good luck HH!

I drank raspberry leaf tea, ate pineapple, had sex, spicy curries, the lot with DD, she was still 8 days late so I'm not bothering with any of that this time!

I feel the same buggy - Nothing I do is making this baby come out any sooner. So not even going to make the effort :)

Feeling awful today, got barely any sleep and just feel 'meh'. Got midwifes later and I really hope she gives me a sweep. It would make my week.

Hope is everyone else feeling today? Any signs of impending babies?

Quick question - Nursing bras?

Have you already bought some? Is there any that you would recommend? Most are ugly and expensive! Do I need special 'sleeping' nursing bras? Or do I risk leaking over night - I don't know what to do...

Quick question - Nursing bras?

Have you already bought some? Is there any that you would recommend? Most are ugly and expensive! Do I need special 'sleeping' nursing bras? Or do I risk leaking over night - I don't know what to do...


I was just going to post this! What size should I be getting? Absolute mission for me to get to a shop to be measured, and the last time I was measured this pregnacy I was the same size apparently, even though my bras were digging in so bad and killing me. Just increase the cup size by one? I'm only a c cup now x
I've got a couple from when I had DD. Not buying any new ones until I know it's going okay as they are expensive. I can't remember where I got them from now, it was either Mothercare or M&S. I didn't have any special ones for sleeping, I didn't use to wear one. My supply wasn't very good though so I didn't have much of a leakage problem!
Hmmm I am feeling the same - quite meh today. Sensing no progress and didn't have best sleep. For first time in a while I felt so achy.

Pismo at my breastfeeding workshop a bra lady talked us through things we would need when baby got here to prevent stretching in boobs and also for convenience when feeding. She came out to my house and I got 2 vest tops for night time (that have a popper, but still provide support when feeding plus have a gap to keep pads in case of leakage). And I got 2 nursing bras - around £20ish each (Emma Jane brand). I'm wearing them already - super comfy. And got space at the top for when my milk comes in. Her website is this (that's the nursing tops):


I was wearing a mothercare bra (not any cheaper than the new ones I bought) and she pointed out how badly fitted it was on me - and she was right. Was digging in at the sides but I just assumed that was normal. The new bras fit like a glove. Also - I have gone up 2 cup sizes! Which I would never have known. That website is Glasgow based tho think you can order online but I would assume there is an Emma Jane stockist near you if you want a proper fitting!! xx
Its just a mine field out there, the more I look into it the less prepared I feel. Will try and pop to an M&S or mothercare (although not keen on there) to be measured. I know ASOS sell Emma Jane nursing bras so will see about ordering online if all else fails.

Thanks ladies.

The lady told me the key is to avoid bras with bits of plastic in the sides (stitched into the support bits) - that stick into you. As this blocks the milk ducts and what causes infections and pain when breast feeding! She said m&s and mothercare were known for it...! So just take care with what you choose!

Hmmm no word from Heres Hoping this morning...maybe sweep no 2 was successful!!!
Oh she's really good Belfa :)! You are in good hands. I felt really comfortable with her. She was telling me horror stories about high street bras - I seriously didn't realise what harm you can do to your boobs! And she didn't pressure me into buying. I was going to get 3 bras and she was like why don't you just get 2 and see how you get on etc.

When do you finish work?? Is Fri your last day??

Heybabya is from Glasgow too i'm sure?? You should check her out if you get the time :)!
I think it definitely helps to have a fitting.

Hopefully you're right about HH, hope things are underway for her. Can't believe it's June next week!

I've not heard from the consultants secretary about my sweep, despite chasing her this morning. I'm so impatient it's hard waiting and I'd like it done Friday ideally so I'm conscious there isn't a lot of time to arrange it.

Just made some gingerbread man dough with DD, she's decided to watch TV now so I guess we'll roll, cut and bake them after lunch. At least it's given me a chance to tidy up all the mess!
Omg my boss is unreal!

This should have been my first week off, but as you know my boss asked me to come in to do a few hours. Turned up today and he asked when I'm coming in next week! I've always said to him I def won't be working in June. I said I'm not, I'm ready to finish now, he said it's a busy week next week yada yada yada.... I said sorry I'm not. He then said what about our July meeting (will be on 3rd). I said if baby comes on time, and I probably won't, it will be like 2 weeks old! So no! He said I didn't realise you wanted a clean break!! Huh? I'm having a bloody baby! Now he said he's going to pay me in full for this week (I'm only working 6 hours) so I'll owe him time for times like that July meeting. I was like NOOOOO! Leave me alone! Urgh way to entice someone to hand in their notice at the end of maternity leave! X
Ooh, Belfa. That doesn't look comfortable. I'd be wearing flip flops of I were you :)

Oh she's really good Belfa :)! You are in good hands. I felt really comfortable with her. She was telling me horror stories about high street bras - I seriously didn't realise what harm you can do to your boobs! And she didn't pressure me into buying. I was going to get 3 bras and she was like why don't you just get 2 and see how you get on etc.

When do you finish work?? Is Fri your last day??

Heybabya is from Glasgow too i'm sure?? You should check her out if you get the time :)!

Yeah I am! Tempted as I've been wearing terrible bras and know I should really be getting measured, I've just been buying bigger sizes every couple months. But I'm bottle feeding from the get go so not sure if there is any point in getting a nursing bra or if I should just stick to my john lewis bras til I dry up hah.
My ankles have only started that in the past 24hrs, thought I was going to escape it but obviously not, just another clue that I'm ready for stopping work on Friday ;).

Bethy that's totally ridiculous! Is it a small company and is he the owner? Have they ever had anyone go on mat leave before? Is there someone who deals with the HR stuff you can get to tell him to back off?

heybabya might be worth speaking to that lady about bras and bottle feeding but I agree that it might not be so necessary for you. I know your ribcage goes back down around 37weeks and then it's really cup size you have to contend with. Mine haven't grown at all and I learned from her that if you already have big boobs you find your cup size doesn't really increase x
Oh no Bethy that sounds awful. I've had loads of trouble with my boss lately and I'm going to hand my notice in at the end of my maternity leave. Some people just don't get what new mums and babies need!
Oh no Bethy that sounds awful. I've had loads of trouble with my boss lately and I'm going to hand my notice in at the end of my maternity leave. Some people just don't get what new mums and babies need!

Don't you have to pay maternity leave back if you don't go back to work? I was considering looking for another school for next Easter but found out I have to go back for at least 12 weeks (more if part time)

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