*** June 2015 Mummies ***

:oooo: oh nooooo Belfa :-(!!! That looks uncomfy. My ankles/hands are up and down. Hope they get better for you! Gosh you are having a fun week huh?

Hmmm yeah heybabya - maybe worth investing in a new bra but not a feeding one.

Rubbish for all of you having trouble with your bosses :-(! My boss was weird about my pregnancy but I work for a huge PLC so ultimately was protected by a giant HR dept with lots of rules!

Still nothing from HH then... Exciting!
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Sorry to disappoint girls...theres nothing at this end. Babys still in my belly lol. Have just been busy with a poorly toddler :( Starting to think this sweep hasnt worked either. Didnt have as much bleeding this time but felt exhausted last night. Found it hard getting to sleep cos my thighs were aching. Today have had some cramping on off but nothing interesting. Getting fed up with the false hope of a sweep, would just love a few contractions to get things moving. In tomorrow morning again for sweep no. 3, for all the good they are lol!!

Was there somebody getting or asking for a sweep today, cant remember who?

Anyone getting interesting symptoms yet? x
Bethy that is the last thing you need right now, your entitled to walk away now and get yourself organised for your babies arrival. I havw been lucky enough to walk away from work and not give it a second thought but My work has policy's in place for maternity leave.

Belfa your ankles look Uncomfy, I hope it settles down. I was like this in my first pregnancy with my son, I couldn't get shoes on in the end and had to wear flip flops and even my uggs where suffocating my feet. This time round my feet have been fine, having a girl wonder if this makes any difference? I'm a lot more smaller and neater all around this time.
Was me asking for the sweep - I got one. But apparently cervix was still pretty high up so not expecting it to work at all. Slightly disappointed. Baby has also shifted in position so midwife found it hard to find heartbeat at first, wasn't too worried as LO was wriggling around like crazy

Bethy - your boss sounds like a tool! Would also be tempted to hand in my notice at the end of mat leave, especially (if I remember correctly) your only getting statutory maternity pay and therefore not liable to pay it back. Are you the first one who has had mat leave as your boss just doesn't seem to have a clue.

Karen - same in my job but if only getting stat mat pay then you don't have to pay it back if not returning.

HH - sorry to hear your sweep isn't working, I was always under the impression that they work 100% of the time but maybe that's just wishful thinking.

Aw pismo, knew someone was joining in the sweep fun today lol. Are u dilated at all? I thought sweeps really got things going too but from my own experience and reading up on it its not guaranteed. Could take 1, a few or just not work at all from what ive read. When are you seeing the mw again? Hopefully Itll get things moving for u!

Belfa just seen your pic, i had swelling like that in my last pregnancy so can sympathise. Flip flops became my footwear of choice lol x
HH - LOL I was ZERO cm :D This baby is trying my last nerve already!! I have a consultant appointment next Tuesday (due to VBAC) so will hopefully get another one then. I just had such high expectations and now I feel like this baby is going to be born 14 days late via c-sec because induction and labour failed :(

Awww Pismo we are due date twins - and you are having your sweep way ahead of me. I don't get mine till a week today sob sob :-(!

Oh no here's hoping I was really praying you were in contraction pain by now(in a good way of course ;-))! See how it goes. Don't write it off yet. You are 2cm after all. Maybe the midwife could pop your waters by accident in no3 tomorrow!!

I have having no symptoms. Nada. Zero. Already getting texts asking me if I've had baby yet. Not even due till next Thursday!!! Grrrrrrr
It was my 4th sweep that worked with DD so I don't think they do work straight away. Maybe if you've been through labour before you've got a bit more hope. HH just because those two haven't worked doesn't mean the next one won't! My cervix always seems to be very high, they always struggled to reach with DD even at the end when I was 1-2cm dilated.

The consultants secretary can't find my file now :wall2: apparently she can't get hold of the consultant until tomorrow afternoon so still waiting. Looks unlikely I'll get one Friday now but hopefully Monday at least!
You have to go back if you are being paid more than the statutory! Or if there is something in your contract. I'm only getting the statutory so I don't have to go back if I don't want to/can afford not to! xx
Oh no Bethy that sounds awful. I've had loads of trouble with my boss lately and I'm going to hand my notice in at the end of my maternity leave. Some people just don't get what new mums and babies need!

Don't you have to pay maternity leave back if you don't go back to work? I was considering looking for another school for next Easter but found out I have to go back for at least 12 weeks (more if part time)

Only if you get company maternity pay, I don't, I only get SMP so I can decide what I want to do. He's been a real shit to me though so I'd rather go elsewhere plus make a fresh start and hopefully find a local job and make friends where I live now.
Aw Pismo, hopefully there will be some progress by your next appointment. Im hoping for a vbac too, seeing consultant on tues too on my due date but hope baby makes an appearance before then. Have to ask about when they are likely to induce, but i do know i only get one shot at it then its section time!

Coletteypie keep praying, i welcome the pain lol. Hopefully you'll get some good news at your next appt if you haven't gone before then.

Buggy thats so frustrating, some of these departments are so disorganised. Hopefully you'll get speaking to someone tomorrow and have one fri.

Hope so! Can't believe some of you have passed the 39 week mark already, it's going so quick. We'll be having a few babies arriving soon I'm sure. Hopefully one of them will be mine lol
Who knew that someone whipping a finger round your cervix would be so desirable!! Hope things start ticking along for you guys though this thread will get very quiet!!

I have a question about baby monitors, obviously baby won't be left in a room to sleep initially so, if I have a monitor with a sensor mat, will the mat be of any use initially? Do I have to undo a clip or something if you take baby out to feed? x
Sorry Belfa, never bothered with a mat. Think it'd make me worry more! Can always ask in a shop that sells them if no-one knows?
Oh dear belfa, they are proper cankles, you need a nice bucket of ice to dunk your feet in.

Bethyboo tell your boss to do one, you need this time to get ready, he is really trying his luck.

Busy on here again today, anyway I survived my lunch with the girls. Was a long one with lots of baby cuddles. Just home as traffic was picking up. Now I have no commitments out of my home town so can relax a bit more. Got my 38 week appointment tomorrow so hoping baby had moved down even better. Had few twinges today and a couple of small period pain twinges that went away but will keep an eye on them.

Hope everyone has enjoyed the sunshine today.
Nothing to report here, slept until 2pm after a week of being out and about every day!! Just scrubbed all kitchen cupboards and binned nearly everything haha!

No sun here! Rain and wind all day! Xx
Full steam into nesting mode Charlie? :D

Belfa - I did feel a little weird asking the midwife to do it. Not every day you ask another woman to get up close and personal with your cervix. It merely felt like a smear test though so not painful as such.

All I have commitment wise before now and baby arriving is a speed awareness course (naughty me) and getting the keys to our new house on Friday. DS went to his Dads this afternoon until Sunday :( feels so weird when he isn't here, sort of hoping that the baby wont arrive until he gets back as otherwise part of the family is missing.
Yes, we are a small company and this is the first maternity leave he's ever done, is it obvious lol?? So no there's no hr department or anyone else to go to. He's had kids including one set of twins so you'd think he'd understand! Meh, so peed off about working this week now, he's not said thanks for the help of anything. Kept me on half an hour extra too, was meant to meet MIL to help me with a holiday let I clean and by the time I'd got there she'd finished it, felt so bad. I'm only getting SMP so may well bugger of at the end! Can't wait to be free! X
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I'm in the same situation Bethy with being in a small company, I basically am the HR and Finance departments! My boss doesn't have any kids though...
I'm in the same situation Bethy with being in a small company, I basically am the HR and Finance departments! My boss doesn't have any kids though...

Haha yes, finance and hr is all me too! X

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