*** June 2015 Mummies ***

Bit of advice... My notes say to ring delivery suite if I get headache that doesn't go with paracetamol... Well I've got one and it isn't going but... This is normal for me. Before pregnancy Id get bad heads that last 3 days and paracetamol don't touch them. The pain is in the same place so no need to ring delivery right?
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Are your hands or feet swollen or anything Karen? I would trust your instinct. If it feels normal in terms of had it previously then maybe see how it goes. Do you have a lloyds near you? Could pop in for BP check. I've only had headaches with this pregnancy along side high BP which is when I had to go in and get checked.

Let us know how you feel later xx
Well officially had the laziest day ever but feeling so much better, been in bed since 10:30 got up to bring lunch back to bed, watch bit of catch up tv on ipad, fell asleep a couple of hours now back bouncing on my ball waiting for hubby to come home.

Karen, do what you feel is right. There is no harm calling up if you are unsure. Hope it eases soon for you x
Hey ladies, is everyone enjoying their bank hol? We've had a lazy day, have a sick girl so we've just watched disney movies, painted and played in the garden. Even kicked a ball about in the hope my waters would go or something lol No such luck. After last nights baby rave, theres been nothing going on with me today. Sweep was obviously unsuccessful :(

Coletteypie ive noticed some more discharge too, got more colour to it and thicker so hopefully it means something. No sign of plug yet though...

Karen ring up and see what they say for reassurance x
Huge Congrats BabyScotcher - He is such a cutie!! Hope your not feeling too rough and that you recover well.

Karen - If it is normal for you then I wouldn't be too worried, however if you have even the slightest doubt then give them a ring and see what they suggest. They may put your mind at ease over the phone!

Decided to go to Ikea today to tempt fate a little - It didn't work. Baby is still very much in there. Took a nice long walk with DS around the park too and still nothing. Have my 38wks (at 39wks) appointment on Wednesday and I'm going to beg for a sweep :) No harm in asking!

Thanks, head still pounding, will see how I feel in the morning I think and give them a quick ring then just to be sure. I don't have any other symptoms and BP was fine on Saturday so will just try and drink lots of water tonight, thank you :) xx
Hope you feel better Karen, headaches are awful at the best of times but especially if you can't take anything!!

I had a wee (literally) incident at the cinema tonight and so have been instructed to put a maternity pad on and monitor my leaking! I think it's pee but hubby doesn't so I'm currently packing my hospital bag!x
HH sorry your sweep didn't work for you, when do you next see MW?

Pismo, bummer ikea didn't do the trick.

Oh no Belfa, hope it's just a peeing incident. Keep us posted. Defo get that bag packed though.
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Oh no belfa! Yup defo get that bag packed and fingers x'd. Honestly - you would be surprised at how suddenly the bladder thing becomes an issue. Especially if baby has dropped down a bit onto your bladder. I've been wearing pads for weeks now! I tell myself it's a mix of increased cm and pee but I think mostly pee :shock: !! Not cool. But I do notice it worse when baby gives my bladder a kick.

Yeah Karen see how it is tomorrow morning. And just trust how you feel about it. If you don't feel right give them a call.
HH sorry your sweep didn't work for you, when do you next see MW?

Pismo, bummer ikea didn't do the trick.

Oh no Belfa, hope it's just a peeing incident. Keep us posted. Defo get that bag packed though.

Thanks Lucy, i wasnt expecting fridays sweep and had it done by the consultant. Have to ring my mw tomorrow to get another appointment so hoping to see her this week. Im going to ask if I can get another sweep from her, hoping its a yes. Last time i seen her she thought baby was breech and would need a section so im sure shes not expecting to hear from me lol.

Anyone else booked in for sweeps yet?

Hope your feeling better Karen. Belfa, i just wear a pad constant now just in case. The glamour of pregnancy lol
Are you ladies wearing maternity thickness or sanitary thickness pads during the day?

Triage asked me to come in since the pad was wet, ah well it's a practise run for the main event lol x
Im wearing my maternity ones so their a little thicker. Good luck, keep us posted x
Think I'll have to start that. It was just excessive discharge in the end, how nice! I was on the trace for over an hour in the end as baby was wild and they weren't sure why. I tried to explain that he's always like that! Turns out I was having loads of braxton hicks too so goes to show you can def have them but not feel them x
Ah glad to hear everything's okay Belfa, I've had a few instances of standing up and things were much wetter than I'd have liked lol!

How are you getting on, Karen?

My first day off today and OH has just left for work - I feel so bad for him!! And anxious for some reason, guess Im just finding it weird not being at work, especially because I still feel okay. I'm going in for a couple of hours each day the rest of the week to make sure everything's ticking over okay, but other than that I'm all done!

Gonna have a shower then take the dog down the beach :) xx
Congratulations Babyscotcher he is gorgeous! I'm only just reading all this weekends comments as we have been so busy. Hope you are both doing well!
Glad to hear all ok Belfa, I wear the panty liner ones, they seem to just about do the trick for now. Boots do extra thin maternity ones, were on 3for 2 mix and match.

Another average sleep, was wide awake at 4am but least no awful back pain this time. x
Ah glad to hear everything's okay Belfa, I've had a few instances of standing up and things were much wetter than I'd have liked lol!

How are you getting on, Karen?

My first day off today and OH has just left for work - I feel so bad for him!! And anxious for some reason, guess Im just finding it weird not being at work, especially because I still feel okay. I'm going in for a couple of hours each day the rest of the week to make sure everything's ticking over okay, but other than that I'm all done!

Gonna have a shower then take the dog down the beach :) xx

Head was so bad in the night, not much better now :( rang delivery, they said they'd normally get me in for monitoring but as I normally suffer from headaches and because I've just had BP done on Saturday they'll leave it up to me, I'll see how I feel in a couple of days I think. Paracetamol is useless, doesn't do anything, thanks for asking :) xx
Glad to hear all is ok Belfa, u need a couple more weeks of cooking before any of that sort of excitement! Sounds like your body is gearing up though which is promising!

Karen hope your headache eases. If your still not sure its worth getting it checked out.

Off phone from mw, she says she can see me today for sweep no. 2!! Didnt think id see her so soon but im not complaining. Is anyone else having sweeps done this week? I need a sweep buddy lol x
HH mine is booked for next Tuesday but I'm trying to get it moved to Friday!

Good luck, hope you get it, and it works!
I'm hopefully having one on wed!!! But I have a feeling baby isn't fully engaging so might not get one :-(! Very jealous HH, hope this one works!

Belfa - I'm just using panty liners really. I can't believe how much discharge ur having. I guess is your bodies way of regulating it all down there. It wasn't your plug? What a fun trip to the hospital for you!! Was that the Paisley one? Have a friend who gave birth there a few weeks ago and had a good experience with them.

Karen that sucks about your headache. Any vision disturbances/swelling call them right back!

Lucy I'm making your Mac cheese this week :-)!!


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