*** June 2015 Mummies ***

Pismo my OH is on Fifa now we are home too :-) men eh?

Here's hoping my baby sometimes does that. Makes me say ouch as they seem to shove their wee head right up against my cervix and batter their wee legs about. No idea how this is not dislodging my plug or not breaking the waters! I get it when I lie on my side too. Must just give them a bit more room - allowing them to stretch out a bit more. But if you are worried give them a call. You never know - baby could be distressed. My baba does it regularly enough that i wouldn't consider it unusual! xx
That sounds like an amazing day out Charlie, I loved Blackpool when I was a kid!

My baby's movements are quite violent, my midwifed always amazed by it x
Its calmed down now thankfully so will just keep an eye on it. Im used to strong movements but that was actually abit scarey, it has completely freaked me out how strong they are. Never had pain like it from just movements. Was joking with hubby that im actually frightened of the baby now, their able to do some damage lol. Really hope it dislodges my plug or something fx!

Im so exhausted by that now, going off to bed. Night girls, hope yous all sleep well x
Hopefully baby won't be a wee gremlin ;).

Has anyone weighed themselves? I was brave and weighed myself in kg as I don't know what that is in stones so I don't know my actual weight ;). I've put on 12kg which hubby said is about 26lb? I think that's pretty good considering I eat like a pig!!x
Haha Belfa I have been doing kilos too cos is less familiar (and therefore scary) and have put on just over 8kg so far. Found my weight gain has been much more rapid past 2 months than the whole rest of the pregnancy. I lost weight at the start with change in appetite but is back with a vengeance now :-) lol!

Nice to see we all have violent babies then :-)! Good to know not just me!

Am off to bed too I think. Night girlies xx
Thought I would let you girls know that my gorgeous (i know i am biased) baby boy Lucian was born today at 12.41 weighing 5lb1oz via C section.

Induction started off great and progressed quickly but baby's heart rate kept dipping and my BP wasnt great either so they took me in for it.

He has had to go to neonatal for a couple of days to raise his body temp and he was breathing a bit fast but fine orher than that. X
Congratulations!! He's beautiful!!!! Xxx

Well I've just got in from visiting the queen Mary 2 ship! Watched some fireworks! Was lovely evening but my body is aching!!! Gonna make some food and try unwind before bed :)

Another busy day tomorrow!! Argh! Xx
HH my baby's kicks are also a bit crazy too sometimes, almost hurt where I have to ask hubby to take his hand away as baby pressing so hard.

Babyscotcher congratulations, he is gorgeous,

Well I officially had the worst sleep ever. By 1am was awake for the second time needing the loo, but had the worst backache ever, I was awake with it until gone 3am as it was so bad, plus another 3/4 trips to the loo in this time. Im feeling ruined today.:nap::nap::nap:
Wow congratd Babyscotcher! He is lovely!

Lucyboo :-( ugh. Can you get some naps in today?

Belfa - we are pregnancy twins it seems, i have also gained exactly 26lbs.
Awww amazing babyscotcher!!!! He is just gorgeous :-) congrats! Hope you are doing well, emergency sections can be tough for recovery. You take it easy.

Oh I slept good again (sorry Lucy - yours sounds really crap :-() , think my body is banking some good sleep before it can't anymore. However I have woken up to a huge increase in cm. I'm hoping is the beginning of my plug woohoo!
Congratulations Babyscotcher, amazing!! Hope you're feeling ok x
Rachyroo and colettypie, well I've done everything important today, now back home, nice bath to ease the backache and back chilling in bed. It was one of those nights where you could just cry, even offered to go sleep on sofa as I was disturbing hubby that much but he was really good. I have slept pretty well up until now, I guess it's our bodies gearing us up for labour.
I slept a bit better although still up for a pee every 2 hours!

Massive congrats Babyscothcher :)
Congratulations babyscotcher, he is beautiful. Hope you have a quick recovery ️xx

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