*** June 2015 Mummies ***

I'm bouncing away on my ball! I had seriously sore back ache earlier. Actually thought things were happening. I took some paracetamol and hubby got me hot water bottle and it has slowed down.

Haha yes buggy I think there is loads in there. I just want to see some too! Haven't had a drop! Your cervix must be doing something for you to be seeing it!

Oh belfa what an afternoon :-(! That is horrible for you. But traumatic on all fronts! The pregnancy can hormones won't have helped you much either :-(! Did you guys not only move there recently too? How crazy it all is. I would start a journal and keep note of everything that happens. Just in case ever comes to anything! xx
Sitting here very disappointed, nothing happening tonight at all :( had a good walk and done a lot of bouncing but feeling fine. Had a little back ache earlier but think it was from the gym ball. That will be 36hrs up soon so im assuming its not done enough...aw well.

Babyscotcher..good luck! Keep us updated if you can x
Sorry HH, do you know when you'll get another?

I'm starting wonder if it is plug or just normal discharge but it's very thicky/stringy with some blood in it..confusing!
So quiet today!! Hope everyone is okay today? Maybe lots of bouncing on birthing balls is happening!

Am 35 weeks so a bit behind you all but have been so excited to see all your updates. Keeping fingers crossed for babyscotcher today :-)

Belfa - last week of work for us this week, how exciting!!
I have realised how useless I have become! Desperately tried to do some gardening, spent half the time running after dd the other half not wanting to move. Everything is so tiring!! She is asleep again now, might give it another go, after I have had a little sit down and contemplated of course
And me Rachyroo! I'm only working Thursday and it's my last day :)

Oh dear Merlin, I think we're all feeling it now. I had to have a nap this afternoon, mind you I didn't sleep very well last night. I'm getting really hot in the night plus I need three wee's and my hips hurt so I have to keep swapping sides!

It is quiet here today! I've hardly used my ball but done a fair bit of walking/moving around, hopefully that has the same sort of effect. I can really use my ball with DD around as she just wants to bounce on it! Still having a lot of tightenings.

Just realised it's our wedding anniversary on Tuesday and we've got my parents babysitting, we're going out for a curry. We don't get to go out on our own much so hoping to hold off on anything major happening until Wednesday, after that I'll be very keen to get things moving! Got my sweep a week Tuesday, will still try and move it forward a bit if possible.
Buggy I know what you mean about getting hot, woke up this morning soaked in sweat (gross I know)! Also had to get up for three toilet trips! Down to single figures now, 9 days til due date!
So it is Rachy, how exciting!! I still sort of feel tempted to work an extra week but at the same time I need to back away from my projects and let others take over, I've become very protective which is silly.

I didn't sleep well last night either, the gardening really took it out of me and so getting up to the loo and turning over was a real mission.

Found the mysterious free changing bag in boots today. The guy on the check out also had no idea how I actually got it as I don't have a voucher or anything so he just gave me it. No excuse not to do my hospital bag now as I was going to use that for baby's hospital things since I don't have my changing bag yet x
Yay Buggy, cant believe you are still working!

Me too Belfa, feel I could go on longer but think its best to finish and take some time to rest.

Last night was utterly weird for me - I slept through from 11pm - 7am without waking once for the loo...this hasnt happened the entire pregnancy. At first I was SO happy because Id slept well, but then when I got back in bed I realised baby wasn't moving at all. I tried all my tricks, I was prodding and poking - cue full blown panic. Got up, downed a pint of ribena and sat on my ball for a bit. Then went back to bed and he went totally mental and has been wriggling around all day as normal. Think he must've just been in a funny position or something during the night?!
Hope your doing ok Scotcher!!

Belfa - I found the free changing bag from boots doesn't really hold much in terms of stuff for the hospital for baby. I haven't found 'the one' for a changing bag yet so will use it for now and see what our needs are once LO is here. If BF doesn't go to plan and I end up bottle feeding I think we'll need to get a bigger one.

Rachy - Glad LO started moving around. I have woken a few times to that kind of panic. Even now I think to myself 'has LO been moving enough or have I just been too busy to notice etc'.

I hope you all get a better nights sleep tonight! Lord knows we need as much energy as possible at the moment.

Ah it's picked up on here now, was so quiet this morning... I'm worn out now. We had our niece and nephew for the afternoon who are 5 and 10, just took them along the seafront and local pier then back to ours for hotdogs and sweets. I was waddling behind them all big time really slow and I was being poked in the foof. Had few tightening a this morning at one point was every 10 mins but gone again.

Wow 9 days Karen, I really can't believe it's almost June, we are 18 days.

I didn't have a great sleep either, my cat does this crazy thing bang on 4am where she whines and runs up the stairs then all goes quiet... Odd cat lol. Her food timer goes off at 4 so no idea if she is trying to talk to it, haha.

Belfa I'm sure once you finish work you will enjoy it, i have only stopped 1 day so far, I've planned nothing for June, going day by day.

Rachyroo glad baby back to normal self, they do know how to worry us. If I have that in the morning I always ask hubby as sometimes when I'm asleep he reaches across and hugs my bump when and baby will kick him.

Babyscotcher hope we have some news soon.

Pismo I know what you mean about needing energy, yesterday and Friday I was ready for a nap by 11am. I make myself rest now unless I have no choice like today,

Hope everyone had a nice weekend so far xx
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It's amazing how tired you get just walking isn't it? When I was in the shopping centre earlier I had to sit down a few times as I just got so hot and tired.

I sometimes sleep right through without needing the loo but then I regret it when I stand up and need to go like 5 times in 30mins lol.

I have taken a notion that I want to paint our downstairs loo. All our walls in the house are white and it's very minimalist whereas I'm a bold colours person so it's annoying me. Figured I could do what I liked with the loo. Do you think it would be too much for me to paint on mat leave?x
I've found it hard to sit still! Even though I'm exhausted! OH took me to Blackpool yesterday, went to madam tussauds, on the Ferris wheel on the pier and up the tower! Had some fish and chips and came home :) was lovely! Haven't stopped again today, shopping, lunch and then long walk with the dogs! I'm having an hour sit down now then we are off into town to see the fireworks on Liverpool front for the 3 queens arriving :) they arrive tomorrow so will be off to watch them in the morning, then taking my nan for lunch to say thanks for our beautiful pram :) busy busy!

I'm 37 weeks today :) fully cooked! 17 days until section! Xx
Hia all :-)

Charlie I have no idea how you are still able to achieve so much. I struggled walking from the car to the cinema today :shock: lol!! Life is too hard now! Pelvis pain has ramped up with baby being engaged.

Had a nice day with hubby. We did early dinner and cinema. Was kinda crazy cos we were saying that who knows the next time we will be able to go to the cinema again!! Eeeek.

Haven't had any of the cramps in my back I was having last night. Kinda disappointed. Thought things were maybe starting. I slept pretty good last night too. Finding I am making it to around 4/5 now before needing my first pee run. I think cos baby has less room to kick so is waking me up less. My baby seems to have settled in their perm position for now. Head in pelvis and on their side facing my right. So back is on my left. Been googling and think this is a good position as the aim is for the contractions to turn them slightly more straight as they go down the birth canal. God knows how they fit but woman have been doing this for a long time and it seems to work for them, right!?

Yeah hoping babyscotcher is okay, her induction will be in full swing if she actually doesn't have baby already!

Here's hoping - hope you are doing okay and not disappointed about the sweep not working. Game isn't over yet! You could still go any day! xx
Yay to being fully cooked Charlie.

Wow 9 days Karen that's crazy. You could well be a late May mummy still, not far off at all!

I'm so bored there's nothing on TV but I don't have the energy to do anything.
Charlie - I don't have a clue where you find the energy for all of that. But good on you for keeping busy, the time seems to be dragging lately and would love more to do to keep me busy.

Buggy - I know how you feel. Finding it really hard to commit to doing anything recently. I don't want to read, I don't want to crochet, watch TV or anything that requires focus. Finding myself walking aimlessly around the house for something to do that interests me.

I'm ok most of the day, DD keeps me busy plus housework and decorating. Went shopping yesterday and out doing some food shopping today. By this time though I'm tired and achey, tempted to go bed really but it's a bit early!
It is isn't it (really early that is) Although I have had days when I went straight to bed after putting DS down at 7.30ish :)

OH is currently playing FIFA whilst I try and find something to do.

Is anyone else hips really sore lately? Finding it difficult to even sit down for longer periods as they ache so much...
Hi girls. Have had a busy day but had been quiet on the baby front. Had crampy pains this morning but they never amounted to anything.

Was lying on sofa there and for the 40 mins or so baby has been going mental! Im used to it going through wee active spells but this has been crazy tonight. My bump was going mad even oh was shocked. It felt quite violent at times with the babys head pressing down hard low, was taking my breath away and was v painful. Had no tightenings either. It was going through spells of this with little rests in between. It has totally freaked me out, it was like getting a battering from the inside. I never experienced this before nor in my last pregnancy. Not sure what to think, it seems to have stopped since ive got on ball, was debating ringing the hosp as ive never had such increased or violent (for want of a better word) movements before. Has anyone heard of this or experienced it before? Its exhausted me now lol
HH - this baby's movements are often violent! It can often go really mental and I find it paunful at times. Could be to do with positioning or something, not sure. It wasn't this bad with DD.

Pismo my hips hurt a lot but mostly in the night when I'm lying in bed!

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