This thread really is kicking off!!
Merlin - Don't beat yourself up, batch cooking is all good but not the be all and end all. I still haven't started mine either. I just did a big shop at Iceland for lots of easy to cook stuff.
Bethy - Congrats on the bungalow news!! When do you get the keys?
Heres hoping - Also jealous you wangled a sweep so early. Keeping my fingers crossed that something is happening for you

Keep us updated if possible.
Scotcher - Cant believe that your getting induced on Monday, both scary and exciting. Hope your BP is behaving and that your not too bored in hospital atm.
Had some painful twinges overnight, felt like really tight BH with pain going across the top of my bump in waves between 4am and 6am then died off. Got up and started bouncing on my ball this morning. Really wanting something to happen this week now.
OH keeps offering his services

in trying to get baby out - Have told him that unless it would CERTAINLY work then I doubt I will be taking him up in his offer. Feeling HUGE now!!