*** June 2015 Mummies ***

Belfa- not your waters then!?! I bet you're gonna start those hospital bags now!? Haha! If it makes you feel any better, I haven't packed mine yet neither. I keep having mini panics about it but I know I have everything bought and baby clothes ready so just need to physically put it in bags! There always seems something else equally urgent to do!

Totally sorting the bag out...tomorrow :lol:. Hubby gave me in to trouble and tried to order me to go and do it now but I'm on the sofa! x
Yeah belfa do that bag lol.. I know too many people who haven't had it packed it time.
Just going through and trying to catch up on the gossip!
First thing I see is Lucyboo you have done some batch cooking. That's something I really cross at myself for not getting round to! Boo to me! Well done to you!!
Just a quick Yay to colettypie and heres hoping! My dd was breech and so had a section, so wanted a vbac this time but was panicking as baby was breech. Thank god she isnt now.....I hope!! She better not wriggle round! I was petrified of having to deal with an 18 month old and newborn after a section!
I have to kick myself and get my bags packed too, have you done yours now Belfa??? I didn't have my bags with me last time (long story) and it was a right pain!
I am feeling so down at the moment, my poor hubby is getting the silent treatment because if I engage with him too much I might punch him......he has done nothing wrong I must say. This is normal yeah? Just hormones etc right?
Baby had a couple of really quiet days but is back to her kung fu thank goodness! They do worry us don't they!
This thread really is kicking off!!

Merlin - Don't beat yourself up, batch cooking is all good but not the be all and end all. I still haven't started mine either. I just did a big shop at Iceland for lots of easy to cook stuff.

Bethy - Congrats on the bungalow news!! When do you get the keys?

Heres hoping - Also jealous you wangled a sweep so early. Keeping my fingers crossed that something is happening for you :) Keep us updated if possible.

Scotcher - Cant believe that your getting induced on Monday, both scary and exciting. Hope your BP is behaving and that your not too bored in hospital atm.

Had some painful twinges overnight, felt like really tight BH with pain going across the top of my bump in waves between 4am and 6am then died off. Got up and started bouncing on my ball this morning. Really wanting something to happen this week now.

OH keeps offering his services ;) in trying to get baby out - Have told him that unless it would CERTAINLY work then I doubt I will be taking him up in his offer. Feeling HUGE now!!

Pismo each day that passes it's getting more and more likely! I think it's more common for labour start in week 38 than week 37 so hopefully it's any day for you now!

Any 'symptoms' I've had have gone again now. Nothing interesting to report. Wouldn't mind holding off now until Tuesday as want to enjoy the BH weekend with DD and OH. Plus we've got a few bits to finish in the house and I still need to go to Ikea to buy my chair!
Be careful in Ikea Buggy - We've all heard the storied of waters going during visits!! :D

Don't worry too much Merlin about the cooking, I'm just keen to get back on the home cooked food as not had the energy. I know I won't want to cook much once LO here so glad we managed it. My mum did help by doing all the chopping and prep while I cooked it up. Really gone off the convenience stuff now. Kinda looking forward to following slimming world again, I lost 2 stone on it before.

Aww Pismo keep that bouncing going... We are starting off this weekend with a hot curry later.. I don't eat the really hot stuff often so you never know.

Buggy don't overdo it in ikea if you want baby to hang on...:lol:

Well just got hubby to do a good trim for me, looked so funny but he actually done a really good job, he can do a top up if nothing happened in a few days...:lol:
More weird dreams again last night and woke up at 4am and I had to eat.
I guess this thread is taking off now as most of us are done with work, more free time.
Thanks ladies, I have been advised of the dangers of Ikea! I really want to be there to try the chair though rather than OH just getting whatever he likes, we tend not to agree on these things!

I'm supposed to be working from home today so will have to sneak out later, trying to get all my work done this morning, I haven't got very much to do but one of my spreadsheets won't download :wall2:
I went for this in red buggy, it's actually really comfy.


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Hello ladies. Not much to report here unfortunately. Still having a little brown spotting from sweep. Had some stringy bloody stuff (sorry sounds so gross) this morning but not sure if its part of a bloody show or just from sweep still. No signs of a plug or mucous though....sigh. I know im being really silly and ridiculous but was really hoping for something to happen. Even though I just feel exhausted today and want to climb into bed, im going to attempt a good walk around the park later with dd, see if that helps. Been on the ball loads but it doesnt seem to be doing much. Plus im sick of the sight of it lol.

Hope the rest of yous have a nice day. Enjoy ikea Buggy, i love going there.x
Hey ladies, hope everyone is ok and enjoying a nice warm weekend :) had midwife today, baby has dropped some more, 3/5 now... But know that means nothing in terms of labour! Still not had any twinges or anything. Next midwife app is at 40+4. Had a tour of delivery suite and ward, made everything seem more real!!
It could be doing something HH, doesn't sound completely hopeless!

I had another blob of thick mucus with a bit of blood in it this morning. Been for a walk around town today as had a few bits to do and I couldn't do my work as the internet was playing up. Back now though and almost finished so will most likely be braving Ikea in a bit.

Don't think anything is happening though :(
I am being induced tonight girls so may likely to be the next June mummy. Moved from the ward to the induction room on consultant lead unit. How exciting and scary at the same time! X
Ohhh best of luck babyscotcher!! Can't wait to hear if ur next June mummy!

I was looking at that one in red Lucy, quite fancied it! Also liked the look of the rocking one which is quite similar but more expensive I can't decide!

My baby feels absolutely massive in my belly nowadays. Before it was like all bump but now all I can feel is his bum and legs when I move about, it's crazy! How am I gonna get him out is all I'm thinking haha!
Good luck babyscotcher!!! Will be thinking about you and fingers crossed for healthy delivery. Let us know how your wee baba is. And stay strong, I imagine you are feeling so nervous. But you will get your BP back to normal and be out of hospital before you know it.

Gosh Karen, your next appt is after due date!? Mines is the day before. How quickly is this going. I remember you saying you can't get sweep for ages - I could request one on my due date even if I didn't have midwife!

Here's hoping - fingers x'd things start moving. I heard it can take up to 36 hours to have an effect.

Buggy - how much plug do you have in there?? You seem to keep losing it haha! I haven't seen a drop of mine so far grrrr!!! Never wanted to see discharge so much in my life!

Had a nice wee day with sister and mum. Had some lunch out and then went back to my parents garden and sat taking in the rays :-)! That's the best weather in ages up here! And is forecast to break tomorrow already :-(! But I think this weather is prob better for us girls. Really hot and humid wouldn't be much fun at this stage. Now that I am home am having some cramps in my back but pretty sure it's nothing. Sitting on my ball trying to rock them away.

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Yeah my midwife seemed quite proud that they give you as long as possible to go naturally before sweeps etc... But not good for impatient mummies like me!!

Huge good luck babyscotcher!! Wow! Xx
Here's hoping... Hope things start moving for you soon.

Babyscotcher good luck to you too... Hope you are doing ok.

Karen.. Hopefully you won't make your next appointment.

Well we have done a few bits around the house today, trying to de clutter now, hubby got us a curry tonight, was really hot...baby liked it, lol. Now bouncing like mad on my ball. Had few twinges today too.
Good luck babyscotcher, very exciting!
Here's hoping my sil had a sweep and it was almost 36 hours on the dot that she gave birth to my lovely nephew 2 days ago! There is hope!
I am super jealous of IKEA shopping trips! Our nearest is an hour and a half away, and its a horrible drive involving the m25......no way I am doing that right now!
Question......birthing ball, I didn't get a chance to use mine last time, should I get another, is it really helpful, little clueless about this!
Good luck babyscotcher! How exciting :)

I'm back from Ikea, waters in tact, boo!

I think you do get a lot of plug..? I've only lost relatively small bits, just happened 3 or 4 times x
Ahh babyscotcher how exciting! Fingers crossed things progress quickly.

Merlin I just bought another today as my gym ball didn't have a pump so popped to tk max but they help baby get in to the right position so I would recommend it from my antenatal classes.

Had a traumatic day! Decided to get out in garden and our terrier found a bird nest with chicks. Called wildlife centre and they told us to take them in as mum would likely not come back. Did that, came home and DH started cutting dead hedging down whilst I cut the grass - I've never done that before in my life and thought it was a good idea at 35weeks! Anyway terrier caught the chick which had escaped from the nest the first time and broke its leg :(. Off back to the wildlife centre and it's likely to need put to sleep. Came home and I am so exhausted. All the drama and grass cutting!! Plus freaks next door asked to come over to discuss "the emails" even though I they stood for 30mins talking about random crap to DH and then they single me out!x

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