*** June 2015 Mummies ***

Oh wow Hereshoping, that's great news! Can't believe you got a sweep already, jealous! I don't think it'll be too long for you now then :)
Omg here's hoping no way!! Me and you have had a very similar week then!! I'm so pleased for you! Haha what are the chances of us both being told we have breech babies and then finding them both head down. Tho she couldn't find my baby's head cos was so far in my pelvis haha! Playing hide and seek already!

First June mum to get a sweep too! Super exciting.

Bethy - congrats on the house!

And heybabya - yup get bouncing on that ball. I am doing a couple of hours a day. Also am doing exercises on all 4's and sticking bum in the air. That apparently helps get them in the right position for engaging.

Those of you still in work - not long to go :-) :-)!!
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Omg here's hoping no way!! Me and you have had a very similar week then!! I'm so pleased for you! Haha what are the chances of us both being told we have breech babies and then finding them both head down. Tho she couldn't find my baby's head cos was so far in my pelvis haha! Playing hide and seek already!

First June mum to get a sweep too! Super exciting

I know isnt that so funny. When we were in the waiting room i was telling my oh what happened you, never thought id be told the same. Im still in shock, had adjusted my mindset to having a section but looks like im still in the running.

Cant believe i got a sweep! Going to be a paranoid wreck now watching every twinge. Hopefully it'll kick something off this weekend all being well. Have had some spotting since and some crampy pains but think thats to be expected. Busy now cleaning and finish organising the house just in case.

Hows everyone else feeling??x
Lots of tightenings here HH but I think they're just BH, trying not to get my hopes up!!
Is it too late to change our minds?? A girl I know has just had a 5 day labour... Torture!!
Yay Bethy, that is great news on the bungalow. Lots of excitement all at once.

Things seem to be slowly moving for some of you girls so fingers crossed.

BP was much better until it went up again at lunchtime but they have some good meds that bring it down pretty quickly. Seen a Dr about my chest too so hopefully can get rid of that before baby arrives. Fed up of coughing all night and loosing my voice. Definately being induced on Monday so 3 days and counting. Not long now... finally getting a little bit excited. X
Sorry you're not doing too well babyscotcher but at least you get to meet baby soon, it's exciting. Plus, although it may not always feel like it, you're in the best place x
Wow how crazy is this thread now! Sweeps and inductions happening!

Ahh babyscotcher you will soon have your baba in your arms and be back home!!

Buggy sounds like it won't be too much longer for you too with your tightenings :)

My tightenings are also a lot stronger but only when I'm active. Had some tightenings with pain yesterday and ended up timing them, they were every 9 mins but once I rested they stopped. Mum said she was like this for 3 weeks when she was near the end.

18 days until my section now! Time is flying!!
My hospital bags are packed and waiting, babies crib/huge Moses basket is next to my bed ready and nursery is virtually done! So we are ready for baby but getting bathroom sorted next week, new flooring :) just want everything perfect!

I've just been and got Father's Day presents sorted as it's about a week after my section so won't be able to leave it. Excited for our first Father's Day ever!! :) xx
Aw that's nice that you know baby will be here for Father's Day!

I can't believe things are staring to (hopefully) happen for some of you! MUST get my ball sorted this weekend!!x
Here's hoping, that's amazing news. Who would have thought both of you.

Babyscotcher aww hope your cough isn't giving you too much grief, good they are keeping on top of the BP though. Not long for you.

Charlie I've also started working on the Father's Day pressies, worst case I'm way over they can be new daddy presents. What did you get? I'm doing hubby a goody bag, got a tankard style mug as hubby loves his huge mugs of tea, a keyring and socks so far, looking for a tshirt which I have t started yet, gonna put a big bottle of beer, some of his favourite sweets. It's so exciting.

Belfa get yourself bouncing haha x
I got the same, key ring, mug, socks, best daddy certificate haha! Sweets with best daddy on. Ordered him a leather Hugo boss wallet too as an extra special surprise with it being his first ever Father's Day :) also got him some smellies! :) so exciting!! Xx
I just had the WORST fanny daggers EVER! It was verging on labour pain. Thank goodness it only went on for a couple of minutes!

Any action yet HeresHoping?
Nothing exciting here. Been having some bleeding from sweep but thats it. Get random fanny daggers and back pain too but nothing regular or exciting :( Feel exhausted though so going to have a bath and then bed. Lets hope some thing kicks off later! And for you too x
Sorry for the gross comment but I went for a pee then decided to change my panty liner so went to my handbag in the hall and when I pulled my knickers back down I had a mini gush of discharge! I was briefly concerned I'd wee'd myself but it's definitely discharge, just quite alarming the way it came out.

Hope buggy and here's hoping progress soon x
Defo going OTT this year charlie. :lol:

Wonder whether we will get our next June baby this bank holiday weekend...

I'm really uncomfortable tonight, I ache all over and feeling restless tonight. Back aches, legs ache, even my feet.
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Belfa- not your waters then!?! I bet you're gonna start those hospital bags now!? Haha! If it makes you feel any better, I haven't packed mine yet neither. I keep having mini panics about it but I know I have everything bought and baby clothes ready so just need to physically put it in bags! There always seems something else equally urgent to do!
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Oh belfa im sure you panicked alright lol. Increased watery discharge is a good sign though!

Out of bath and onto ball. Whats that saying...a watched pot never boils? Have a feeling that'll be me lol

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