*** June 2015 Mummies ***

I've seen a few Babyscotcher, I've not really warmed to any of them!

Little bit of repressed excitement here in that I was having some regular tightenings last night, normally get quite a few in a day but I had 6 in 2 hours, about every 20 mins but they stopped when I went to bed (I think) then I had a 'glob' of mucus with a streak of blood in it this morning. Nothing really going on now though and I know how you're body can play tricks so I'm trying not to read too much into it!
Lol I want a glob of mucus and regular tightenings!!!! I've not had any show yet at all...Am very jealous buggy haha!

Slept really well - think after a bad night the night before worrying about my scan yday. I have a physio appt at 12 so might try and get her to help me do exercises to encourage baby along :-)!

Hope you are coping babyscotcher! Is crazy how your BP is going so up and down. Preeclampsia is mental. Looks like you will def be next to have your wee baba :-)!
Just a couple of tightenings so far today so nothing exciting I'm afraid! Will waddle to the shop in a bit!
Lol I want a glob of mucus and regular tightenings!!!! I've not had any show yet at all...Am very jealous buggy haha!

Slept really well - think after a bad night the night before worrying about my scan yday. I have a physio appt at 12 so might try and get her to help me do exercises to encourage baby along :-)!

Hope you are coping babyscotcher! Is crazy how your BP is going so up and down. Preeclampsia is mental. Looks like you will def be next to have your wee baba :-)!

WSS^ I want all of that. Keep getting BH and they seem to be tighter, but not at all painful.

OH has Fridays off so were just doing the usual housework-y things at the moment.

Seeing the Health Visitor today - She wanted to meet us before LO arrives, apparently that's what they do now.

Got some friends coming for supper tonight then we have a really relaxed weekend planned. DS starts his half term holidays today too. Hoping we get some nice baby free days with him before LO arrives.

Scotcher - How you feeling today? Is your BP behaving itself?

Hi everyone, hope you're all doing okay. It's so exciting coming towards the end now isn't it?!

We had some amazing news on Wednesday that we got the bungalow we were after! It won't be finished until w\c 22nd June so I'll be a week overdue then but it doesn't matter. As long as we know it's ours! Best thing ever (except little baby of course)

It's my "kinda" last day of work today, will go in for 3 mornings next week for a couple of hours and that's it. Really don't mind now, I think when I had my freak out next week it was because of the added stress of not knowing where we'd be living, but now that's sorted everything is rosy! So stupid how now everything feels amazing, I'm sure the stress of that bloody house was reflecting itself in everything! X
Fantastic news Bethyboo!! It must indeed be a weight off your mind x
Great news Bethyboo, I bought a bungalow last August and best thing we ever did, absolutely love it, great having nursery downstairs with us (although I keep just randomly going in there and mooching!) must be a great weight off your mind!! Xx
Congrats Bethy!

Pismo I know what you mean, I think mine are getting tighter. Had a few more this morning but I know it can go for days like this, hopefully it means that labour will start within the next week though, that would be good.

Only today, tomorrow and Thursday at work then I am freeeeeee! Would be nice to go in to labour prior to Thursday and not have to bother with that last day!
Can't help feel I'm setting myself up for disappointment though! I'll be gutted if I'm still pregnant in 3 weeks time!
Aw lovely news Bethy must be such a weight off your shoulders.

Just back from midwife, I'm 38 weeks on Monday and baby is still not engaged. He's head down but he's not ready to come out yet! Everyone thinks ill have him by the first week of June, no one listens to me when I keep saying I'm convinced I'm gonna go overdue and into the middle of June! Bit frustrating! He'll come when he's ready!! Hah!

Got tips for getting babies engaged anyone? Bouncing on the ball?
Bounce bounce bounce! That's what id be doing anyway lol!

Thanks everyone, better late than never lol!

Has everyone got everything ready to go, like all set up in your houses ready for baby? I'll be 37 weeks on Sunday and I've done washing and stuff, but nothing has been set up really as it needs to be done at my in laws. Wondering whether to set crib etc up this weekend? Or is there no need yet really? Xx
Yes, bouncing on the ball and circling your hips round or figure of 8. Apparently walking up the stairs sideways and walking along the curb/kerb? with one foot on the path and one foot on the road can help open up your pelvis.

The head being engaged doesn't mean that you'll go in to labour anytime soon though, DD's head was engaged for ages and she was 8 days late. This time round the mw reckons the head won't engage until I'm in labour because it's all stretched and more room down there for baby to move. So I wouldn't worry ;)
We've finally got the moses basket out and washed all the bits. I've got all the clothes we need for the first couple of weeks stuffed in to one of my drawers at the moment. Can't put baby's stuff in DD's room until she's moved (and her wardrobe is built) and we've not finished decorating yet! We're nearly there though, OH did some wallpapering last night and will hopefully finish it tonight. Going to give the carpet a wash, build the furniture, move her bed and all her things and then I'll finally have a home for the baby's things! I hope she is happy about moving rooms, but her new room is bigger and looking beautiful so fingers crossed!
I had a few tightening earlier today, had busy morning, ironing baby bits, done more washing and bit of pottering, it's the first day since I finished work I'm doing nothing. Feel really tired too, ready for a nap already. Just lazing on the sofa because I can.

Great news bethyboo. It's nice once you have your own place being able to do what you want. We have pretty much set everything up, only because I get frustrated if things aren't organised.

Bet you can't wait to get out of there now buggy.

Heybabya defo get bouncing, MW said do min of half hour a day. Since I've been bouncing my bump has really dropped too. Don't sit down leaning back too long either, try and have your knees below your hips and sit upright when you can.
I pulled out all the newborn stuff last night, clothes, Moses basket, blankets etc etc and washed the lot. There is tiny laundry everywhere! My washing machine has been on the blink for months and didn't trust it to properly wash the newborn stuff.

No excuse now, I WILL finish packing my hospital bag today.
I'm sure she will be excited about getting a bigger room!

I have so much at work I want to get through but have been sitting in a trance all day, I'm shattered. About to go out and get some treats to see if that will liven me up!

I have a lot to do in the house that is driving me mad but I'm saving it up for mat leave to keep me active. I've still not packed my hospital bag :shock: x
Oh minimum 30 mins a day?! I'm doing like 10 lol. Will start that tonight! I'm a bit scared of my ball at the mo, baby feels so low and on my cervix and it's not nice lol, I'm scared for it to go even lower!

Think I'll make up the crib this weekend then, I just really want to get the sheets on! Not sure why but it feels very important to me at the mo! We just got a little plastic set of drawers where we'll put nappies, cotton wool, blankets and clothes etc so we have have it all on hand in the living room as we're can't do nursery yet. Will organise everything into that this weekend then, argh I'm so excited!! Xx
You should still have a bit of time Belfa but I would get that bag packed ASAP just in case!
Hi girls, back from hosp appt...have had a total game changer. Scan showed baby is NOT breech and that its little bony arse is what the mw was feeling lol. Baby was head down but not engaged, just sat on brim. Was given a sweep (ouch) and told im "favourable" and 1-2cms! She said baby felt really low. Im in total shock, was convinced would be getting a section date today. Walks and ball bouncing today then :)

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