*** June 2015 Mummies ***

Crazy ball woman here too, im so over the novelty of it now. Nothing to report here, still pregnant and grumpy. Got a mw appointment later so eager to hear what position she think this raschals in.

Also have decided on our girl name which im rather relieved at. Was feeling a bit nervous about not having a name picked, had visions of her being 'baby girl' for a few days. Hows everyone today?
I'm grumpy today!

Trying to move my sweep a day early as OH is home and would rather DD didn't have to watch! Not really getting anywhere though...

Welcome to fully cooked club Lucy!
Yay at being fully cooked Lucy!

Glad everything was A.OK in the end Charlie.

I keep tricking myself into thinking I am feeling the beginnings of labour - But I'm not and I just had wind, or I have hunger pains or my bladder is full.

Each day is dragging...

Any update babyscotcher?

Working from home today and had a lunch time nap as I felt I couldn't go on without one. It was glorious! Anyway I went upstairs to get my notes for my MW appointment and caught my neighbour snooping around our land and stables looking at things etc. So, thanks to modern technology I filmed the whole thing mwahaha I feel like a spy!! Bet my blood pressures sky high at my appointment again now lol x
Back from seeing my mw. Baby has now went from transverse to breech :( should of guessed as my heartburn has been desperate recently. Have my consultant appointment tomorrow so will get a scan to confirm, but its looking likely I'll need another section. Whats the chances of having two breech babies!!
Oh no here's hoping... That's a real bummer, my friend had 2 breech babies too.

Haha belfa the spy!!

Thanks buggy and Pismo, what a way to celebrate being fully cooked by doing my batch cooking, I have 8 burgers, 4 tubs of chilli, 3 tubs of spag Bol, 5 mac n cheese, lol. I'm knackered. My mum helped me though.
Oh you are good Lucy, I've not got round to it and I don't think I will! Will probably have to be ready meals and maybe pasta dinners for a while. At least it's summer and we tend to eat lighter this time of year. Jacket potatoes and salad is always a good one!

So bored at work now, handed most of my work over so have very little to do!
Oh no here's hoping! That is so rubbish... Are they going to scan you to confirm?

Just back from my hospital scan - baby isn't breech after all! Am so relieved (sorry here's hoping :-(). Baby's head is so far engaged in my pelvis and that is why midwife couldn't feel it. So she was thinking the bum was the head. Which makes sense cos have found myself dead uncomfy that past few days - and my bump has dropped a good bit. Feeling so much pressure in my bum!! So hopefully I don't go 2 weeks over!

Tho the idea of having a section next week was appealing - knowing your date would be nice! So here's hoping there are definite upsides to having a planned section. And not having the whole 48 hour contraction nonsense!!
Yes Heres Hoping I agree with Coletteypie, at least it takes a lot of the guess work out of it for you! I know you were looking forward to your VBAC though :(

Good news for you Coletteypie, sounds like baby is doing the right things! I'm getting a lot of really low pressure too, including in my bum. I think if baby was/is back to back it must be changing positions in there quite a bit. I was putting my backache down to being a sign but could just be if baby is back to back. So confusing!
Well buggy, hot off the press my baby is not back to back and I am having pressure in my bum and back ache - (which was stressing me out as I was assuming baby was back to back too) and mine is head down facing left. Which after a wee Google is apparently one of the best positions for labour apparently!! Kinda surprised. Have thought the whole pregnancy that I have a wee trouble maker but maybe not :-)!
Will get a scan tomorrow so will know more then. Im feeling a bit disappointed to be honest, was really hoping for a vbac. As much as a planned section means i can organise, i had wanted the experience and excitement of going myself and all that goes with it. Nothing i can do about it now so just have to wait and see
Hope I'm the same as you then coletteypie!

So sorry hereshoping :( totally understand why you're disappointed but like you say you just have to go with the flow x
Thanks girls.
Forgot to say glad to hear you've a well behaved baby Coletteypie, must be such a relief for you!

Hope your backache and pains turn into something Buggy and Coletteypie...in the nicest possible way of course lol
Heres Hoping - Sorry to hear that LO has flipped themselves into breech. I can totally understand the missed excitement of feeling labour start/contractions as I had a section last time and quite looking forwards to the experience of normal labour (pretty sure I wont during though!). Its ok to be upset that your plans wont be going your way. Remind the LO when they are 18 :)

Coletty - Fab news! Heads and bums are strangely similar :D Our babies are in identical positions too - so glad to hear that's the ideal!!

Belfa - Your neighbours are ridiculous. I would be fuming and would have found it very hard to not rush out screaming all manner of naughty words at them. I'm super angry for you. Grrr!!

No signs of imminent labour here, keep waking up each morning hoping the bed is wet with my waters. LOL the things we wish for at this stage!

Won't be long until we start seeing some action ladies, it's almost June!
Oh they're just so sad they're funny!

Here's Hoping what are the chances of that?! Maybe the shape of your womb makes them go into that position?

Glad everything's looking good Coletteypie. My BP has come down significantly from my last two appointments so I'm pleased with that and baby's still measuring bang on scale. No engagement for me yet though I keep forgetting I'm a good few weeks behind the rest of you! x
Haha yes here's hoping - I know you wish the pain on us in the best possible way ;-)! I really hope your scan turns out like mine :-(! My midwife thought I was breech and instead baby is head down - it's not impossible.... But I know you will want to be realistic and manage your expectations.

Haha pismo we have matching due dates and baby positions - I think you will go first seeing as this is your second!!

Oooh good to hear your BP belfa. Tho no idea how it has come down considering your crazy neighbours. Honestly, you start collecting evidence like that and you could call the police and get a blooming restraining order! And don't worry about engagement. My baby wasn't engaged until last week. Defo wasn't at 36 weeks. Is only a recent thing. You have time to catch up on that. Plus it's not that comfy, so don't wish for it too early!
Everyone seems to be having a better day today which is good. My BP seems to be stabalising a bit but only with lots of medication. Sounds like induction will be either Monday or Tuesday next week when I hit 37 weeks providing I dont have any major spikes in my bp. As much as I want baby to be as big and healthy as possible I hope they dont leave it any longer than that as I am really getting fed up today. Ward is quite full and noisy at the minute and although the midwives are great (some better than others) the Drs are frustrating and tell me a different thing each time.

Dont know if anyone else has seen any consultants but they all seem to be up their own backsides. X
Lol scotcher - I have the pleasure of working with a fair few of them and you are right, the majority of them are up their own arses and don't know how to speak to people :) there are some lovely ones though!!

Hope they stick to the plan, its awful when you get your hopes up, or settle on a plan for it to be changed at last minute.

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It's funny how much cooking can tire you, as I'd done the batch cook couldn't face doing tea but really fancied a strawberry shake, hubby popped to the local burger joint and their milkshake machine was broke so maccyD's it was... Bubba is having a real wriggle tonight, tummy going in crazy positions. Also sure my bump has dropped even more, it's really obvious now.

Colettypie I bet that's a huge relief.

Aww Hereshoping, it must be really disappointing when you were gearing up for your vbac.

Glad your bf has come down belfa. Get bouncing soon, get that baby nice and engaged.

Babyscotcher hope they don't make you wait too long. Glad your BP stabilising anyway.

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