*** June 2015 Mummies ***

Oh no Colletteypie! These babies are being naughty aren't they! Hope all is okay tomorrow. Whatever the situation they'll give you a couple of options I'm sure and explain things a bit more. You're not far off 39 weeks though so you're baby could be here very soon!
Belfa, they covered a fair bit.. The benefits, positions, went into detail about what our options are re other pain relief while in pool, massage techniques, relaxation etc... Glad we made the effort. And walking around the delivery area had a waft of toast meaning a baby had just been born. Cute.
Your stretch marks look real sore, have you been given any sort of intensive cream you can use on them to ease the itch?

Hope you are ok babyscotcher, thing is you are in the best place. My niece who is now 4 was a pre eclampsia baby, they had a couple of issues at the start with her weight, I think the only thing was they wished they had pushed for her to stay in special care for longer as she wasn't gaining weight fast enough. So if you aren't happy with anything tell them.

I know what you ladies mean about loneliness, I know the first few weeks will be ok, I might have to make an effort looking into baby groups etc, I want to get LO swimming from around 3 months too. Some of my mummy friends have started saying we should meet up once LO here, you might be surprised, I guess things are different once we are mummies.

Colettypie that's a bummer if your baby has flipped, my friend was booked in for planned caesarean at 39 weeks.

Back home chilling now after a lovely catch up with my bestie, can't believe I'll be a mummy next time I see her. Wow and I'm fully cooked tomorrow.
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How naughty Coletteypie, I hope they haven't flipped. I find my MW struggles to tell my baby's position so I hope it's just been a case of that.

That sounds great Lucy, I want to take our baby to swimming classes too. Had planned on going to turtle tots (think that's a UK wide franchise?) but then someone told me about a class at our local country club so will look at that too as I think parts of TT might be becoming more commercialised.

I think some ladies have said it feels like they've been kicked in the froof? What is this? It's been getting worse over the past few days and I was forever out at lunch today as it was stopping me walking well? x
Yes Belfa! Liked a bruised feeling, it's not very nice, I think it must be a pressure thing..?
Hopefully it means baby is making good way down there! Kind of feels like if you go over a big bump in the road on your bike and the seat hits your bits? x
Wow, this thread really is taking off all of a sudden!

Belfa - I am the same at the moment, feels like I've been kicked in the foof from the outside.

Been in to visit work friends today and it make me realise how much I miss work already :/ looking at baby groups to ensure I make some friends when we move house, much like the rest of you.

Colettey - Hopefully its just a case of your midwife not knowing a butt from a head :D but keep us updated tomorrow!!

I hope those of you stuck in hospital/worried about LO are doing ok - Its not long until we have them in our arms and then a whole new set of issues will worry us.

Just popped into May for a bit of a nose and SOOOOO many of them are delivering around the 38-39wks mark... If anybody needs me i'll be the lady going crazy on her birthing ball for the next 7 days in the hope that I follow in their footsteps.

Got a viewing on the house tomorrow (potential new tenant) so I'm off to furiously clean things too :D

Good luck Pismo! I did a lot of walking today and had a bit of a bounce while DD was asleep too.
I'm off to be monitored :( baby has slowed down movement wise yesterday and today I'm getting an odd kick but nothing more. Even after lucozade I've still had nothing. They are not even answering at the hospital so gonna take a chance and just turn up there. Sure it's gonna be a long wait but I need peace of mind xx
Better to put your mind at rest Charlie - Good luck and keep us updated if and when you can.

Well ladies, since making a come back to pf and joining this thread I have struggled to keep up with who's who and what's what! I hope everyone is well, I see that many of you have noticed reduced movements. I have spent the last two days wondering whether I should go in for monitoring. Movements had definitely slowed, but over the last hour have picked up a bit so I am feeling a lot happier!
A quick intro to myself.......I am 39, been married to my wonderful husband for 2 1/2 years and when this little one is born dd Willow will be 18 months old. Both were planned pregnancies, being an oldie didn't have time to waste so didn't hang around ttc no3. I have an 18 year old daughter, she doesn't live at home anymore and just last week told me she is pregnant. What a shock that was......I am still dealing with the fact I am going to be grandma and we are pregnant at the same time......weird!!!!!!! I will try to keep up with you all as best I can xxxx oh and thank you for being so welcoming x
Hope everything ok charlie, keep us all posted.

Belfa there's a private school near us that has a really good pool so going to check out their lessons rather than the council run pool, (it gets too busy)
I also feel like I'm being kicked sometimes then feel like I'm about to pee myself.

Pismo, I'm also a crazy lady bouncing on my ball... Although not had time tonight as so tired and can't get off the loo..:?bthr lady at our water birth workshop said spend half an hour every night minimum.

Merlin bet that's a bit of a shock, your new baby will be an auntie or uncle at just a few months old..but at least they will grow up together.
I home and fine :) baby had a mad 5 mins on the monitor so they were happy with that. I am having contractions though, lasting ones, they look like rolling hills on the graph and in more of a pattern. Not strong enough for me to panic tho :)

They gave me a scan too, just to check on babies growth because of my half a womb. He's fine, on the smaller side but all ok. He's about 5lb9 so in 3 weeks he's gained about 1lb bless him xx
Glad all is okay Charlie, you've done great getting this far all things considered.

Wow Merlin congratulations! x
Glad to hear all is well Charlie. ooooft not been a fun few days for us June mums!!

I too have been sitting like crazy on my ball today since I got home. Also been on all 4's, bum in air - the lot!! Seeing if baby will go to right position! Pretty sure if my baby is breech by this stage it won't actuallly help but no harm trying.
Glad all is okay Charlie, you've done great getting this far all things considered.

Wow Merlin congratulations! x

I know! Can't believe he's still in there!! He's doing me proud, my little bubs! 20 days to go!! Xx
Good news Charlie!

I suppose our babies are slowing down a bit because they're starting to get a bit cramped.
Glad all is well charlie.

Wow baby is fully cooked today... Could really be any time. Bump has really dropped now too. X

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