*** June 2015 Mummies ***

Is anyone else experiencing being tired ALL the time!? I appreciate I have an 18 month old to run around after too but I am seriously struggling to stay awake. I'm guessing my iron is low but after I gave birth to my first my iron was dangerously low and they offered me a transfusion and I didn't feel this bad! My son wakes at 5am everyday so I know that will have something to do with it but I napped from about 8 30 - 10 45 and now I'm ready to sleep again and have a very active little boy!
Ahh Lucy & Hereshoping, the difference between someone on their first pregnancy and someone on their second! haha

Hereshoping I'm like you today, feel low, quite irritable. DD is being okay but it's just constant, and I know it sounds awful but I just cant be arsed to do stuff with her all day long, it's draining when you're feeling big and uncomfortable. I'd just like a day to myself to do what I want, even if it's just watching tele but on my own without having to move unless I want to and watching whatever I want to watch!
Is anyone else experiencing being tired ALL the time!? I appreciate I have an 18 month old to run around after too but I am seriously struggling to stay awake. I'm guessing my iron is low but after I gave birth to my first my iron was dangerously low and they offered me a transfusion and I didn't feel this bad! My son wakes at 5am everyday so I know that will have something to do with it but I napped from about 8 30 - 10 45 and now I'm ready to sleep again and have a very active little boy!

I've just nodded off on the sofa with DD for a little while ;)
Ahh looks like I'm not the only one then! He doesn't play well on his own and I must admit I've used the TV much more than I'd usually like to just so I can lay down on the couch. I went on mat leave at 34 weeks pregnant with all these ideas that we would go out everyday and do lots of activities but I'm exhausted!
I like taking DD but she's known to throw a tantrum, I'm not supposed to pick her up so it can be a real struggle. Fortunately she is good at playing on her own, although she has become a bit more clingly lately. I feel really guilty if Im not doing stuff with her though
I feel really guilty too. Would love a little more energy now. Think I'll get the paint out and we can do messy play in the playroom. Need to get myself moving!
I tried painting with DD earlier, she only did it for 10 mins then it was 'done done, tidy up'. Took me longer to clear up the mess :wall2:

I baked cakes with her yesterday, I just got a packet mix because it was easy and they have pictures to decorate the cakes with. I would normally bake proper cakes but doesn't seem worth the effort with her. She's a bit young for it really but she enjoys mixing and getting her hands dirty. We made biscuits the other week and she liked playing with the biscuit dough. I find it a lot harder when it's raining and we can't go in the garden, she loves playing outside.
A client just dropped off some flowers for me at work... gulp... all feeling a bit real now :/

Saw midwife this morning, baby has started to engage! Yippee xx
Aww Buggy and Kelly its the same here. Ive been feeling so tired today and yest despite going for naps with my little girl. I feel so guilty too im not doing all the things i planned to with her like going for walks and park. The thought of doing that has me exhausted plus i cant run after her the same. I really feel bad im not enjoying these last few weeks of just her and that im just wishing it away hoping this baby comes soon. But im so tired, big sore and grumpy i cant help it. The weathers been pants here too, very showery x
We had a short time with the paint and then he slept after I cleaned him up! I managed to sort out the baby's clothes into drawers which was good. It is comforting knowing I'm not the only one. I'm the same Here's Hoping, I've been wishing these last few weeks away instead of enjoying the time with it being just him. Definitely doesn't help that the weathers been awful. Was hoping it would be nice this week as our garden is all sorted and I bought Micah some outdoor toys and not been able to use them yet! He's such an outdoorsy boy so I hate keeping him in. I think regardless of the weather tomorrow I'm going to make a big effort to at least take him out for an hour or so!
I think it'll be a bit better tomorrow. Hope so anyway. I need to take DD shopping for a few new clothes and a present for her from baby, I hope she's good!
I hope she's good for you too Buggy and that the weather is okay too. What are you thinking of getting her from the new baby? I have no idea what to get Micah.
Sorry girls. Been trying to catch up on some sleep and had visitors today. Blood pressure has been playing silly buggers so been put on medication to control it. Not had urine results back re. yhe protien as they lost yesterday's sample but bloods came back fine. They are 99% sure thats what it is tho and they will induce next week. Will be having a May baby after all by the looks of things.

Not sure if I would rather baby stays in for an extra week because then he/she is bigger and stronger or that they induce me a little earlier so I dont have to stay here so long. It is not too bad during the day but in the evenings and at night it is very lonely and I just want to be cuddled up with my OH. Wish he wasnt self employed and could spend more time with me. X
Sorry babyscotcher, best just to do what is best for baby though.

I'm going in, again, still worrying about this reduced movement, in the back of my mind it could be a problem with the placenta because of all the bleeding. Rather get it checked I guess!

Kelly I'm getting her a few bits and bobs, little toy, a 'big sister' t-shirt, maybe some chocolate buttons or something!
Buggy - Oh no!! Hope its all ok, better to be safe than sorry though. Keep us updated. On another note, we have gotten presents for DS from baby too, so far we have; big brother t-shirt, badge, new picture for bedroom, a DVD, a PS3 game and will get him some pick'n'mix :) Probably spent about £25 all in all.

Scotcher - Sorry to hear that your going to be in hospital until LO arrives now, hopefully LO will arrive safe and sound though, you're in the best place.

Well out of guilt we took dd out to park a quick walk and then done a food shop. My hips are killing me now but she enjoyed. Hope the weathers good with yous kelly and buggy so you can get out tomorrow.

Hope u get seen quickly buggy and all is ok with bubs. Would be worth it just to put your mind to rest. I also got a big sis tshirt as well out of Debenhams if your looking for one. Was lovely and sparkly.

Babyscotcher i hope your not too bored in there but least your in the best place getting looked after. You will have your baby next week...exciting stuff!! If baby is still transverse at my appointment on friday ive a feeling i could be booked in for section next week too at 39wks, they did that with my dd last time..so could possibly be joining you being a may mum x
Nice to get some ideas off you lot on what I can get Micah from the baby! Here's Hoping I'm glad she enjoyed it, hope you manage to rest tonight! Everything aches at this stage :( hopefully the weather will be okay tomorrow.

Hope you're okay Buggy - definitely best to get checked.

Babyscotcher - do you have anything to keep you busy? After Micah was born we had to stay in for the week and Micah was in special care so the nights got really lonely :( Try and rest as much as possible!

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