*** June 2015 Mummies ***

I hope you are all ok girls. I've had a really uncomfortable day for some reason. Tummy ache on and off but more like griping than contracting. Heartburn so severe - it's so horrid ��
Me too Julie. Tummy keeps aching on and off. Not for very long or too sharp - but enough to make me notice. And my walking has become waddling :-( boohoo.

Really hoping I can sleep tonight after such a bad night last night. Need some proper rest.

Got 38 week midwife appt tomorrow. Hoping to hear baby is engaged!
Well I'm feeling sorry for myself tonight! Had a horrible night last night, loads of pressure in my back, all down my legs. Could not sleep was horrible! I've had a lazy day today and now I'm feeling sorry for myself. Think I'm starting to realise I only have 3 more weeks max of being pregnant! My little boy will be here 3 weeks tomorrow! I'm freaking out a little bit tonight! Xx
Wow ladies! Sorry you're all having such a lousy time. At least you know you've not got much longer to go - I'll be here forever lol.

Babyscotcher is it your BP or urine that's making them want to induce? Do you have a tablet that you can get some movies on?

Buggy I hope all goes okay at the hospital x
I've been pretty uncomfortable today, since my twinges this morning, I didn't like those at all.

Hope you aren't all suffering too much although the end is in sight.

Had my water birth workshop tonight, was good though it went on an hour longer than planned, got tour of delivery suites too. Feel geared up now as could pretty much be anytime.
Thanks for the support girls. Really does mean a lot. Am not bored ao much as lonely. I really hate being apart from OH which is funny really as I work away a couple of nights month though that is in a nice hotel rather than a hospital. Been getting a bit emotional when he goes home and at night. Doubting whether I am ready. Physcially I know I have everything organised but not sure I am mentally ready yet as was still looking forward to some time just me and OH. He is being amazing though... wouldnt swap him for the world.

Belfa- both meaning they want to diagnose pre eclampsia tho I still havent had my urine results back properly so had to do another sample this afternoon.

Buggy- Hope you get some peace of mind and baby has a good wiggle for you.

Not long for anyone now girls although I definately did not expect to be one of the first... still time for someone or a couple of you early June mummies to get in first. X
Hospital was ok, as usual baby moved a lot more once I was there! Heart rate was really up and down but they said it was perfect so can't complain. They thought baby was back to back though which is a bit of a worry.

Had a bad nights sleep really, hips hurt so much, I have to keep alternating sides then when they're too bad I have to sleep sitting up a bit!

Hope everyone else is feeling ok today x
Colettey - Good luck for your midwifes appointment later today!

Charlie - Hope you have a better day today, I think most of us are starting to really feel the effects of late pregnancy now.

Scotcher - When I was in hospital after having my son it was awful, I too would get really upset when my visitors had to leave. Baby blues didn't help the matter either. Hope you manage to get your urine test results back today, you must just want a definite 'yes it is pre E' or 'it is not pre E'.

My OH cousin had her baby last night, she was due on the 8th June (so she was around 37wks), and her DD weighs 4lb4!! Such a tiny little dot. Is it wrong to be slightly sad that she had her baby first? I feel awful for feeling like that too :( I'm a bad person aren't I?

Glad to hear all is well with baby Buggy, theres nothing like a trip to the hosp to get babies wriggling again. What did they say about them being back to back, are they likely to move?

Looks like everyone's suffering a bit at the moment!

Id a crap nights sleep last night, just couldnt switch off. When i did sleep it was one of those light dozes with silly dreams, just rubbish! Knackered today and of course DD decides to get up at 6am zzzzz! Cant wait to nap time. Babys doing plenty of wriggles today plus having a few cramps, not getting hopes up though as probably feel like this for weeks.....sigh x
No you're not Pismo! We just want our babies, it's only natural x

Hereshoping they said I need to try and get baby to move round so said lots of leaning forward and sitting up straight. I'm a real sloucher unfortunately!

Baby does normally move a lot though and no-one else has ever said that so hopefully it was only a temporary position!

I asked DD if she wants to go shopping today and get some new clothes but she keeps saying no. Hopefully she'll be ok when we're out. I've got a few bits I need to get.
Buggy glad hospital went well, they always seem to move once we are at hospital don't they!!

Pismo my first niece was about that size when she was born at 36 weeks, I know what you mean about your sister having baby first, I felt a bit like that over my brothers new baby as they were 2 weeks ahead if us but didn't tell anyone until ages after we told our parents.

I didn't sleep great, think I was tired as the workshop overrun by an hour, well my hairdresser had to cancel as hurt her back she has slotted me I tues but that all depends how things go here now as fully cooked tomorrow.

Hope everyone doing ok today xx
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Buggy I'm sure it will change in a few years time when she'll be dragging you to the shops for new clothes ;). Glad all was okay at the hospital. I'm sure my baby is spinning round constantly so is probably back to back at points too.

Lucy what did they cover at the water birth class?

Hope you get your results today babyscotcher x
Oh I slept the best I have in ages (sorry girls). After my 3 toilet breaks the night before I managed to get to 5.30 before getting up!! Couldn't believe it. Must have needed the sleep. However I think baby has popped out my pelvis cos didn't get any cramps or pains. So is a double edged sword - I want baby to be engaged, but is so uncomfy once they do!

Thanks Pismo. I'm hoping I might get booked for my S&S in 2 weeks... Eeek. 2 weeks tomorrow for us!!

My friend who was due 2 weeks before me has had her baby this morning. I am soooo envious too Pismo so know what you mean. She was bang on due date tho, never thought I would go first. A healthy 7lb11! 4lbs4 is seriously tiny - did she have pre-eclampsia?? Hope wee baba is well!

Awww Belfa I thought of you this morning. This isn't as creepy as its gonna sound - was in the shower using my bump shower gel and felt weird marks at the lower section if my bump. Checked with mirror and got 2 nasty stretch marks :-( sob sob. They are pretty gross. Lol they are located at what you would refer to as the top of the Forrest trail (!? Can't remember the funny phrase you used) but still makes me think am gonna have an explosion of them now. I think is cos baby is right above/in pelvis so that area has suddenly been stretched. Knew I wouldn't get away with them!!

Hope you are holding up strong babyscotcher. You keep your chin up. Jessiecat in the May thread was in hospital for 3 weeks before section and coped amazing - you can do it till next week. I know you are missing out on the nice things with OH you wanted to enjoy but you guys will get that time, you will just have your wee bundle of joy to enjoy as well. I really hope tests come back negative tho and you maybe do get discharged!! xx
Think I just have a difficult baby. Blood pressure went really high again earlier but seems to have come down a bit again now. Dont think i will last to 37 weeks by the sound of things but we shall see. Baby is measuring quite small so just hoping that he or she stays in for a few more days if possible to give it more time to grow.

Wish my body would just do the right thing. Is so frustrating as I have been so good, kept my weight gain down and looked after myself. They keep telling me how great my blood sugars have been too. Very frustrating.

Hope you girls are all doing good.

Belfa- I have quite a road map of tiger stripes too though they dont bother me too much as I have quite a few from puberty anyway and they dont show up much when they are silver. X
You think of me in the shower :shock:! Haha jk ;). It's a bugger how they just sneak out of no where. At the moment they're bothering me because they're so raw and itchy and I've seen awful pictures online of saggy post pregnancy bumps that are really wrinkled from stretch marks and that's what I'm more worried about but will be happy once the discomfort of them is gone and the saggy skin goes (it does go, right?!) - silvery lines sound perfectly pleasant, like a unicorn ;). My DH has been googling them as he's obviously shocked by them which I can handle but he keeps saying "how much weight have you put on?" i.e. if you didn't help yourself to food all the time this wouldn't have happened or "we need to get you doing sit ups to tighten it all back up" - he doesn't mean it badly, it's just what Dr Google is telling him and his mum is a gym bunny so she won't be helping in the background either.

Ah babyscotcher I would be the same with loneliness. I'm actually starting to worry about mat leave as the girls in work are my company for most of my days.

I posted my stretch marks in another thread and may as well share them here!


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It's frustrating how the stretch marks pop up so late on, I think most people think they've got away with it then bam!

DD was very good out shopping, got her lots of new clothes and a new pairs of shoes as she's gone up a size, again. Costs me a fortune. Would be handy if the next baby is a girl, that way I might be able to re-use some of the shoes, they don't last long at all.

Did a lot of walking around town though, was getting some cramps and fanny daggers towards the end so I'm glad to be sitting down.
I'm my experience your tummy will be a bit saggy/flabby after but you can change that with diet and exercise. You'll likely find you don't give a stuff when baby is here though, not at the beginning at least!
Oh no I have to go for presentation scan tomorrow cos they think my baby has flipped to breech :-(. Has been head down the whole pregnancy!!!!! I am a bit stressed out. Will they keep me in if breech?
Coletteypie my girl was breech, always had been at every scan. I was offered an ecv to try and turn her which i declined. I then had an elective section at 39wks. She was never going to turn so decision was sort of made for me. They wont keep u in i dont think, as much as it is not ideal for birth, there isnt the same risks as transverse as you can still deliver a breech baby so you wont be kept in for monitoring. They may offer u an ecv or a section date. Section will potentially be around the 39 wks mark. Is this your first baby? These naughty babys!!

Belfa those stretch marks look so uncomfortable. I use biooil which works for me. I remember from my last pregnancy they caught up with me very late the little buggers. They will soon fade, just in time for u to get pregnant again and start all over again (as in my case) lol
Yup first baby. I just don't know how they managed to turn without me noticing. Midwife couldn't find baby's head at the bottom of my bump - said she would normally be able to feel back of the head even if fully engaged. So she suspects what I had thought was baby's bum at the top of my bump is actually their head. Drama drama.

If sectioned at 39 weeks that would be next week :shock: I'd be a May mumma!!!

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