*** June 2015 Mummies ***

Oh also, has everyone settled on their baby names? We've been having cold feet that we came to ours a bit too easily x

Not at all! We have a few girls names, but depends on what "she" looks like when born, and one possible boys name, but we're still not sure/can't decide on spelling.... Ugh. I honestly thought we'd just come across a name while I was pregnant and we'd know it was the one. I'm finding girls names easier though, we can at least discuss that and band some about, but boys is impossible. We haven't even spoken about names in weeks, given up I think lol! Xx
Oh I am, although I can relax on Friday... I think. Just want to get most things done this week, have 1 lunch planned next week with the girls then going day by day.

Do you like curry buggy? I'm going to attempt a madras hot tikka massalla and hubby loves vindaloo so might manage a few mouthfuls of that. Hopefully try get things moving lol.

I have a nice ikea chair, was £55 with cushion and is so comfy, btw ikea is a good idea if you want baby to come, I know 2 people who's waters broke the day they went there.

I do like curry, I tired it a couple of times with DD, spicier than I'd normally have (went for hot ones over medium) but nothing. Tried sex, walking, bouncing on the ball, eating pineapple core.. it was the sweep that worked in the end. Hoping as I've been through labour twice now it'll start off easier/sooner but you just never know!

That's funny about Ikea! I'd want some free stuff if that happens to me! We might go next weekend...
We're not settled on a name, not entirely sure if we're having a boy or a girl and we have a few names in the maybe pile but won't decide until we see baby.

I've been pooping more too. I think it must be a pressure/space thing like with the bladder!
We have a boys name and girls name picked out as dont know what we are having but are pretty set on them. Know lots of people who havent decided until baby is born tho.

Looks like i am in hospital for the duration now and also might end up with a May baby as they might induce me at just over 37 weeks. I am very much not ready for that. X
Have you had an update then Babyscotcher? What have they said?
Wishing you the best Scotcher - Keep us updated!!

Sort of settled on names here, we have a girls name (although I expect that to change when we see baby) and a list of boys names we like. Was getting really worried about names until reading this and seeing that there are others that haven't settled on names yet.

Buggy - My aunty went into labour in IKEA too, maybe worth a visit :)

Going to be madly bouncing on my ball today, baby barely moved last night and was getting so worried that I was tempted to ring the hospital. Would you have rung? They were moving, but only slightly and no where near as often. Its picked up now but just wondering if its lack of space. Barely slept :(

That's funny Pismo, I had the exact same thing! This baby is normally really really active but hardly moved last night, I felt it move a bit which reassured me but I was still concerned as it's a lot less than normal. Seems to have picked up a little bit now though. I was tempted to ring but I was tired and didn't fancy an hour round trip to the hospital!
It really got me worried, sounds exactly like you too. Moving, but no where near like normal - was worried that if I rang they'd just be like 'but baby is still moving so whats the problem?'. Hoping its just a lack of space, will keep an eye on it all day. Just want baby here now.

Glad i'm not the only one worrying though, why do things always start playing up towards the end?!

Lol ikea babies - funny.

Had a terrible night too. Up 3 times to pee. Kept having cramps in my lower tummy that were quite sharp. And felt so much pressure in my lower back/bum from where baby's head must be. Eurgggh. I hope this doesn't last another 3 weeks.

Oh no babyscotcher - so is it def preeclampsia then?? Funny you have no other symptoms, that's crazy. You will be surprised at how quickly you will adapt and cope. A few of the May mums were hospitalised at this stage and managed really well. But I can only imagine u are going out of your mind. So no going back to work to finish stuff off then!?

We struggled with our names too. Only in the past week or so have we really settled on a final few. Was tough work.
Peeing 3 times a night is regular for me now!

Yes Pismo, does sound the same. I think with my history of bleeding there could potentially be a problem with the placenta so I think they'd want me to go in. I've got DD though and OH is at work, he had to leave last week so I could go to the hospital and he's already working from home Mondays and Fridays so I don't want him to push his luck too much, we need his salary.

On that note I really need to make some extra cash! I've got loads of DD's clothes to sell but don't want to part with them until after the baby comes just in case it's a girl! I can't be bothered to do a nearly new sale either. I did try and put some nice coats of hers on ebay but they didn't even sell. Such a pain!
Morning ladies. Am i the only one who wakes up disappointed if theres no waters or plug?? lol Dont know what position babys in at mo, you'd think after all this time id be able to tell. I really want to start feeling pains and pressure, think these last few weeks will drag and im just gona be a moan.

Babyscotcher, what have the hosp said? Did your tests show something?

In regard to names we have struggled. Girl names are proving difficult. Names i like are already taken by friends and family so cant use them. So we havent really agreed on a girl name which makes me nervous!

For a boy name i want to use my dads name which is also my brothers name. Its quite an unusual name so isnt overly popular plus i think it sounds good with our surname. Hubby likes it too, thinks its a strong name but hes a bit put off that its my dad and brothers name. He thinks that there will be too many in family. Maybe i dont see that as i obviously dont call my dad by his first name, hes just dad or grandad to us. What do you girls think, would it be too much?? x
No I don't think so Hereshoping, like you say you're dad will be 'grandad' anyway

I'm disappointed all the time not to be in labour lol, patience is not my strong point
Pismo and Buggy, I was exactly the same Sunday night, we live 50 mins from the hospital but it def wasn't feeling right. When I called the midwife asked where we live and she said because it was such a long way to give it another hour and call back. It was still quiet then so we went. It was a long way but so worth the reassurance. If the movement has picked up again maybe just keep an eye :) xx
Movements have definitely picjked up during the day thus far - Which is strange as I thought babies slept during the day due to white noise and movement of mummy.

Feeling really emotional now, I just want to have this baby. Not normally a crier but I could quite easily bawl my eyes out right now :(

Getting lots on Braxton hicks and just want to turn them into full on contractions...

Ahh Pismo, not long for you now at all.

My notes from when I went in say 0cm dilated and 0/10 contractions, and I won't lie, I was quite disappointed. So stupid lol, no idea what I was expecting haha! xx
It does sound like you're getting close ladies! Don't take my word for that mind you as I'm no expert :lol:.

I know I keep banging on about my stretch marks but this morning I woke up and I now have a couple above my belly button so goodness what I'm going to look like at 40weeks! We discovered last night that, once you wade through the forrest on my froof (sorry ladies :blush:) I have them down there as well!! How is that even possible!

Anyway I took a picture this morning and showed my mum as she's forever going on about how her were bad and she recoiled in horror! x
LOL Belfa. I had quite a few come up in late pregnancy with DD but she was a big'un but I suppose they're to be expected. They do fade and become less noticeable in time.

Pismo I feel the same as you don't worry! I'm so fed up, I've not enjoyed this pregnancy at all and it's been stressful with all the bleeding too. Can't wait for it to be over! I'm hoping I've only got 2 weeks or less to go, at least you've got 5 days on me!
On a more cheery note I've only got 4 more days of work left until I finish next week woohoo!
Thanks Buggy, ive got my heart set on the name but dont want it to look silly.

Im feeling shitty today. Have no cramps or pains but just feel really moody and irritable. Everything is getting on my nerves, my wee girl is into everything and up to mischief. Shes teasing the life out of the dog, swear its like having two children. Im sick of constantly cleaning the house, its a constant trail of destruction which is also getting on my nerves. Im fed up feeling like a beach ball, standing doing dishes or cooking my bump hurts against the counter but cant avoid it, just gets in the way constant. I duno if im getting little tightenings but i notice im holding my breath every now and again. I just want baby here, husband off and start getting back to normality. Urghh there rant over lol
Babyscotcher, hope you are ok and you don't have to wait too long.

We have settled 100% on our girls name! boys name we have a list we like but not decided exactly.

With the ikea babies must be the stress of it, haha..

Spent first day of maternity popping into town, had my brows done as they were really bad, lol. Then popped to mothercare and got really uncomfortable cramps, slowed me right down as I had to rub it to make it ease a bit. I thought something was happening as it was really weird.
Started my Father's Day shopping as very likely baby will be here by then unless I am massively overdue. Going to do a goody bag of best daddy bits etc, just trying to find a cool tshirt I can get him.

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