*** June 2015 Mummies ***

I'm 37+4 Rachyroo and I know what you mean about feeling left behind! Being due at the end of the month sucks! Don't worry too much about having no signs, it can all happen so quickly! When I had my first I'd had no signs at all until 38+3 when I was woken up at 4am by my waters going - baby was born 10 hours later!

I was thinking earlier that DD was born a few days after I'd had my hair done (having it coloured this afternoon) and on the day we were expecting an online food shop (got one coming on Monday)...and I've said a few times I thought baby might be born on 15/06/15...which is Monday.... Means nothing I know! I'll end up two weeks overdue now!
I feel left behind too. I'm only 40+1 but decided I can't sit around feeling fed up. Sounds a bit weird but wonder if our LO will make us wait until the 19th, we got engaged 19th July, moved in our house 19th March and married 19th April, lol. Hubby doesn't want bubba to come on the 13th lol. Feels mad that July people are sneaking in with their babies now. I'm also nervous about ordering our online shops too much in advance. Just completed one for tomorrow morning.
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Well I had midwife this morning for last time. Baby movement wasn't great yesterday and when I mentioned this I got sent up to hospital for a trace. Baby moving fine, my cervix was checked (for the first time this pregnancy! ) and it's forward, thin and favourable. I'm to go in tomorrow to just get induced though as they aren't wanting me pregnant any longer if he's starting to show signs of slowing down! Im just do desperate to have him here!
I'm nearly 39 weeks and am booked for induction on Wednesday. I'm 2cm dilated and have constant period pain. Unlike everyone else, I'm trying to keep my baby in - my brother is getting married tomorrow and I would be so sad to miss it. He is my only sibling and has lived abroad for the past five years. Stay in baby for one more day xx
Well I had midwife this morning for last time. Baby movement wasn't great yesterday and when I mentioned this I got sent up to hospital for a trace. Baby moving fine, my cervix was checked (for the first time this pregnancy! ) and it's forward, thin and favourable. I'm to go in tomorrow to just get induced though as they aren't wanting me pregnant any longer if he's starting to show signs of slowing down! Im just do desperate to have him here!

Ooh thats exciting good luck for tomorrow
Well I had midwife this morning for last time. Baby movement wasn't great yesterday and when I mentioned this I got sent up to hospital for a trace. Baby moving fine, my cervix was checked (for the first time this pregnancy! ) and it's forward, thin and favourable. I'm to go in tomorrow to just get induced though as they aren't wanting me pregnant any longer if he's starting to show signs of slowing down! Im just do desperate to have him here!

Good luck tomorrow. Hope all goes well.

Julie hope you make it through the wedding.

This little monkey keeps confusing me with movements, I know there isn't much space but they are different to how they have been, I know if I ring triage baby will go crazy again. Last time I got about 30 kicks in 5 mins on the trace.
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Thanks for the messages girls.

All I would say to those of you due any moment is that the contractions were totally manageable and you can all do it. I had some complications and looks like my body didn't progress well cos of infection. If that hadn't have happened then would have said birth would have been a totally different ball game and think I would have finished on the gas and air without any issue. Not saying it was a walk in the park!! But I was coping until my body decided to just stop working and needed the hormone drip at full max to get her out.

Still in hosp. Got a bit upset not getting home cos just want to take Anabelle back with daddy to our house. My infection is a lot better but she is still showing signs. So they are hoping her levels will come down overnight after another dose of antibiotics.

Hope some of you start getting some pains soon :-)! Xx
Hi all! Sorry it's taken so long to update! I had my beautiful baby boy on 9/6/15 2 weeks early weighing 9lb 10oz! (Thank god he came early!) here's Albie xx
Congratulations on all the new babies arriving! Was going quiet in here until another baby boom! Aww lovely albie he's gorgeous and yes good job he came early what a bruiser! :) x
Wow wannabe! He's amazing! What a weight!!

Congrats to everyone else who have had their little ones :) those still waiting your another day closer! Xx
Congratulations wannabe.

Right about an hour ago I was upstairs and wasn't doing anything ott and from nowhere was seeing flashing spots in my eyes, it's gone away now. Checked my BP as borrowed a machine and was generally ok, just don't know whether I should ring up or not. Been feeling generally poop today anyway. No other obvious symptoms. Anyone else ever had this??x
Ive only had this in relation to low bp and anemia. So not much help! But being at the stage you are, I would ring them. Your bp could be on the rise or it could be something else or nothing! Best be checked though x
I do tend to get low BP over high most of the time now you mention it, I've not had anything like that the whole pregnancy so funny it came on tonight,
I've had flashing dots the past few days, I was told if you get that or headaches to phone. Related to bp. For sake of sanity and baby just phone them, especially if you are a bit worried about movements too, you are never wasting anyone's time by just making sure everything is ok
Hi ladies, I took your advice and called triage who told me to go down, I was a bit dehydrated but they kept me on the trace over 2 hours as weren't happy with what was happening, baby was really erratic, next got the consultant to scan me who said the waters weren't a lot, anyway convinced them to let me come home but back at 8am to be induced tomorrow... Omg, feeling a bit nervous now but hoping to get some sleep tonight as can't see myself getting much the next few days. Xx
so glad to hear you went and got checked Lucy! Seems like your instinct was right! Good luck for tomorrow! We're on the home stretch! :D

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