Happy due date for yday Lucy - I hope you get LO soon!
Rooting for you Pismo! Hope you have your LO by now.
Ooft well after a luxurious 2.5 sleep since Monday night think am energised enough to type up what happened to me

! Still not sure how I am coping with the lack of sleep.
So contractions started tues morning like Karen did. Went in for assessment by 6pm to be told only 3cm. So sent home to progress. My contractions were strong but irregular. Thank god I had a tens machine. I don't even know if it worked but was just a distraction.
Phoned hospital by midnight as was struggling. They told me to hold off bit longer. By 3am I was panicking so they let me come in and was 5cm!!! Hooray - I actually cried when was told this! So was taken to labour ward where I met my new best friend gas and air - it was a life saver. Just helped me through so much better.
Got to 7cm by about 10am but again my contractions were so irregular - going from 2/3 mins apart to 8/10 mins. So they got me on a hormone drip to help me along. I was nervous at this point cos feared I wouldn't cope but I kept going. Didn't progress much in a few hours - only got to 8cm. Then they broke my waters and I got to 10cm. All on gas and air and was doing okay. Then the urge to push hit - ouchy. BUT my contractions totally slowed right down. So they had to turn up drip to full dose. I went bananas with pain, I don't even remember parts of that bit and screamed for epidural. They luckily got the docs in fast cos I was on the edge of a mental breakdown - 34 hours of labour by this point! But the epidural was put in mili meters too far into my spine and it became a spinal that nearly stopped my lungs... Then panic stations happened. Suddenly room filled with more docs than I could count - I was numb from nipples down!! Which in itself was bliss - but mega dangerous. Talk of c section, forceps blah blah (all this while I am at 10cm). So they went for forceps - I had to be talked through how to push but was tricky given my complete lack of sensation. Didn't take too much longer and she was out. But I started losing lots of blood, BP through roof, temp sky high, breathing erratic. It was grim. Had a lot of docs working on me for a while and managed to stabilise. Was taken to observation and kept having lots of tests, they thought I had an infection and maybe that's why my contractions had slowed so much. Eventually taken to labour ward in the middle of the night where I started to get sensations below my nips once again!!
Still here and we are both on antibiotics but doing well. Hoping to get home tomorrow! Had an episiotomy cos of the foreceps(didn't feel a thing cos of the botched epi), but am doing not too bad. Yesterday was hard - getting up and down. But by last night was a million times better and again feeling much less sore today. Phew....
Congrats Karen! So pleased for you - did you deliver on 10th as well then?
And congrats to Charlie! xx