*** June 2015 Mummies ***

Thanks ladies, they want me there at ten now, originally got up at six as thought they wanted me in at 8 but said to come in at 10, had about 3 hours sleep.

Good luck heybabya too xx
Thanks! Same here, went to sleep at 3am, woke up at 7! I'm not due in until 2 pm xx
Urgh, I feel your pain, half hour before we were about to leave they called and have now asked me to go in at 5pm. Been for a walk along the beach to blow out the cobwebs, now attempting a nap on the sofa x
Awk jeezo! Hopefully you can get some sleep before you go in then! I'm starting to feel a bit anxious!
Thanks, I don't expect to sleep much in hospital, packed the earplugs ready. Me too, real nervous. Look forward to hearing how you are doing x
Off to the hospital to.be monitored. Nothing wrong.just keeping an eye on little one.

Contractions still regular and getting more painful (still only 4 out of 10 though). This has been going on since Tuesday night :/ hoping they do an internal and I have dilated further.

Am I the longest one overdue now? Feeling very left behind!!

Good luck lucy :)

Hi ladies

Good luck to everyone induced today lucy how annoying with times i take it they had emergencies.

Good luck pismo

Tomorrow is my DD and nothing to report had a cpl of uncomfortable BH last night but didnt amount to anything oooh had wetness come from nipples not had any milk this pregnancy yet so duno if that means anything.

Looking forward to some good news from u guys tonight
Btw is the list on page 1 up to date with who is still due ect? If not could we do a new one?
Good luck to those having inductions, hopefully you wont have too long to wait to meet your babies!!x
Arrrrgh. Just back from the hospital.

Still only 1-2cm dilated :'( Midwife described my mild contractions as 'tightening's' which makes me feel like an idiot for classing them as contractions since Tuesday.

LO is still very happy in there - Just veeeeery laid back. Midwife gave me a vigorous sweep and now having period like cramps but nothing else.

Still booked in for my induction on Tuesday (61hours from now) and I fully expect to make it there... This baby just doesn't seem bothered about escaping.

Lucy - Hope your induction is going well. Come back and update us when you can.

Thanks ladies, well I'm settled in. Sitting on the trace to check out baby who has been very naughty and moved into a back to back position. It's only been picked up now. Hubby gonna order us some pizza soon as had a salad as everything else gone but pretty average.

Hope you are doing ok pismo and Heybabya. X
Just had some strong painkillers to help me get some sleep as I'm in agony. Had second pessary in about ten minutes ago.

In a ward with six ppl, two of which seem to be on the phone to the whole of Scotland. They've stopped with the phones but now one is moaning in pain and the other is snoring. I've been offered a sleeping pill and I think I'll take it lol.

Hope ur getting on ok Lucy!
Thanks ladies,Hope you are doing ok Heybabya. Was 4 on my ward, now 3, poss down to 2 by the time I get up. Had a crying baby and loads of talking for a bit, think someone decided to go for a walk. Hubby went home about 10.30 he may as well get some rest in his own bed. Got ear plugs and eye mask are lifesaver. I'm also opposite a and e entrance lol for a sat night. Prefer window though. Bit twingey. Pessary didn't go in until about 7.45pm. Gonna try get bit more zzzzzs now. Hope everyone else ok xx
Same my hub got sent home at 9 pm and he's to come back at 10am. I'm on monitor just now and my pain has gone :/ finally getting this infamous show everyone has mentioned though lol

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