*** June 2015 Mummies ***

Just caught up a bit with everything. Congratulations to everyone who have their babies especially my due date buddy Tashawink. These boys do like to keep us waiting but are so worth it. Can't remember if I posted but we named our son Charlie John and have added a photo of him with my one of my other sons. Good luck to everyone still waiting!

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Aw congrats eve - lovely picture!

Dr checked me and I am 2 cm so I'm getting transferred to labour ward to get my waters broken soon as they have space for me!
Exciting Heybabya. Still waiting to be seen by mw this morning. I'm worried my propess has slipped out as the string seems longer (sorry tmi lol) good luck, hopefully I won't be far behind you.

Gorgeous pic eve. Congrats x
How are you getting on ladies?

Can't believe I'm still here :( will be 12days overdue by the time they induce me on Tuesday!)

Was certain this baby would come sooner.

Has anyone been induced by having their waters broken and syntocinon drip only? How was it? Can't have gels or pessaries due to previous section and worried I may be at a disadvantage because of it.

Am feeling left out lol am not even due until Friday but very jealous of all those with their little ones!
Wow pismo, can't believe you are still waiting...

This induction stuff is slow. Getting second propess in 2 hours so hopefully will kickstart things a bit more, getting some tightenings and pressure already 21 hours in. Hubby finding things quite hard, he hates hospitals and would prefer me to go through all of this at home. Its hard getting him to understand ehy its better im here. They have already sent people home as so short staffed they can't start her induction.the poor lady next to me been waiting to go to delivery to get her waters broken most of the day. So need to stay in as 2 ladies ahead of me. Hopefully make some proper progress by tomo x

Heybabya any news? X
Sorry pistol! I was 8 days over with do and it was horrible so I know how you must be feeling. Let's hope your lo turns up ASAP but at least you know they'll be here by Wednesday x
Hi all - what an exciting time! I'm having a sweep tomorrow afternoon and if that doesn't work - induction booked for Wednesday! I'm very nervous indeed now! Xxx
How are you getting on ladies?

Can't believe I'm still here :( will be 12days overdue by the time they induce me on Tuesday!)

Was certain this baby would come sooner.

Has anyone been induced by having their waters broken and syntocinon drip only? How was it? Can't have gels or pessaries due to previous section and worried I may be at a disadvantage because of it.


Hi pismo. I was vbac but they gave me 1 pessary which just gave me cramps and small tightenings. Nothing really got happening until they broke my waters and started drip. The drip really brought the contractions on, all in all a 4hr labour. I think you'll be fine if they break your waters and start drip, hopefully wont draw out your induction any longer than nescessary. you'll get to meet your litte one in no time. Good luck!

Good luck to all still waiting :) x
eeeeek my waters have just gone.... .. thank god I managed to volt out of bed before we needed to get a new mattress!!! (sorry if tmi) but quickest I've moved for a few weeks! lol x
Morning ladies, now 34 hours into the induction. Got few niggles happening, loads of tightenings and intense period type cramps with back ache. Will go back on monitor in a min. Hoping when up and ready ill manage a walk and try and get things stronger. My mum doing the shift with me as sending hubby to work, don't want him wasting his leave while still waiting. He can be here in ten from when he gets the call. Hoping today is the day.

Faymay good luck.
its so exciting isnt it Lucy & good luck to you too!!♥♧♥
I haven't yet had any contractions or pains yet, hubi is also getting sent off to work. Got mw appt at 1:30 for bp check so think will still get there (recon at least its a check on baby whilst we wait it out)
Good luck girls. It seems everyone is getting into gear for labour xx
My internet has been down for days so just catching up. Congrats to those who are lucky enough to be holding their babies and the best of luck to those who are just getting started! It's my due date today, had lots of false labour yesterday evening and quite a bloody show too so I'm hoping my baby doesn't take too much longer. Sweep already booked for Thursday but fingers crossed that she'll make an appearance before then! :D
I'm having a sweep the afternoon - 39 weeks today with baby five. I'm very tearful and frightened - just hope it's not to painful! Xx
Good luck June mummies :) fingers crossed the labours get going and the sweeps are successful and not too painful x

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