*** June 2015 Mummies ***

Home time in 2.5 hours :) as soon as baby is 24 hours old they send you home now! I feel great other than some trapped wind! Xx
Very lucky Charlie! Enjoy it :)

Hope the Karen and Coletteypie are doing okay!x
Congrats Charlie, he is beautiful!! Getting me excited for my section tomorrow :D had my pre op this morning and to be at hospital at the crack of dawn tomorrow. So nervous/excited.

Hope the other ladies who where having contractions are alright and labour has stepped up
a gear.
Well back from midwife and looks like illbe joining the overdue club, she attempted my sweep but my cervix was too far back, everything else good, baby well and truly engaged, so really hope something happens in the next few days, no idea how quick the cervix can move into place. I'm seeing her again next Thursday where I'll get another sweep and will book me to be induced (which I'm hoping I won't reach) right, need to get this baby moving lol.

Wow charlie, great you are going home already.
Hi ladies

I know im a bit late in the day but could I join yous please?

A bit about me, im on my 3rd im due 14th June baby girl already have 2 a girl age 11 and a boy age 3.

No signs of this 1 yet, she is engaged thats it. Had period type pains all day today no respite they are constant and wen i walk/stand up I can hardly move as its sharp pains into bladder/privates....unsure if these aches and stuff remind me of labour or the days prior.

I havent read all this thread but i will try and read a bit just now. Is anyone who was due on 14th still pregnant?

Hi ladies

I know im a bit late in the day but could I join yous please?

A bit about me, im on my 3rd im due 14th June baby girl already have 2 a girl age 11 and a boy age 3.

No signs of this 1 yet, she is engaged thats it. Had period type pains all day today no respite they are constant and wen i walk/stand up I can hardly move as its sharp pains into bladder/privates....unsure if these aches and stuff remind me of labour or the days prior.

I havent read all this thread but i will try and read a bit just now. Is anyone who was due on 14th still pregnant?


Welcome! I'm due Sunday too and am still pregnant lol. Don't think I'm having any signs really, have lost a bit more plug today but it only seems to happen when I've had a busy day, rather than of it's own accord. Do get period pain occasionally but I don't think my labour is imminent unfortunately!

Its good to hear from someone in the same boat as myself. What is the plans with regards to mw appts? I have a sweep booked for tues but thats only because i had to harrass her to get it she didnt want to do it until the week later. So that on tues then the following week induced if no movement. Feels like forever away...im almost immobile just now which is making it drag!!
I'm also seeing midwife on Tuesday, she said she'll do a sweep then if I want one. I'm undecided at the mo, I'll only be 2 days overdue and I'd really like to go into labour by myself. Have spoken to my midwife about refusing induction too, to be monitored every few days instead, but will see how I feel. Might be climbing the walls in a couple of weeks if baby still isn't here haha! Aww sorry you're not feeling great, I'm still doing okay really which is why at the moment I don't mind hanging on for now :)

Really don't know what to do about the sweep! Feel like I should give my body a bit more of a chance, but am so keen to meet my bubba! Xx
I'm alive!!!!!!! Wasn't sure I was gonna be at one point. Very very long labour. I didn't get my belfa 4 hour labour. No way man.

I have a baby girl! Born yday evening at 6pm, 7lbs 11o - called Anabelle :-)! I love her to pieces. Will try and post a pic soon. Am in hospital due to way labour went and infection. Will update later girls with deets xx
Congratulations Colettypie! Hope it wasn't too traumatic! X
Yay!! Congrats colettypie! So glad you have had your LO (although slightly jealous that mines still.cooking). Sounds like it was a long.long labour. She has a gorgeous name though and such a good weight.

Hope you are able to get some much needed rest...

I'm alive!!!!!!! Wasn't sure I was gonna be at one point. Very very long labour. I didn't get my belfa 4 hour labour. No way man.

I have a baby girl! Born yday evening at 6pm, 7lbs 11o - called Anabelle :-)! I love her to pieces. Will try and post a pic soon. Am in hospital due to way labour went and infection. Will update later girls with deets xx

Aww thats lovely!!

I'm also seeing midwife on Tuesday, she said she'll do a sweep then if I want one. I'm undecided at the mo, I'll only be 2 days overdue and I'd really like to go into labour by myself. Have spoken to my midwife about refusing induction too, to be monitored every few days instead, but will see how I feel. Might be climbing the walls in a couple of weeks if baby still isn't here haha! Aww sorry you're not feeling great, I'm still doing okay really which is why at the moment I don't mind hanging on for now :)

Really don't know what to do about the sweep! Feel like I should give my body a bit more of a chance, but am so keen to meet my bubba!


Is this your first? Have u had a sweep before?

I know what u mean about sweep and induction. I had sweep with No2 but when she did it I was already dilated (one thing that its good for is to see if your progressing) and I had a full induction with No.1 but that was for health reasons rather than being late. One way to look at it is that a sweep is not much at all, it can set u off but might not...its not all that different to having sex i suppose. And with induction u would be better going for it if ur late as various bits inside u can stop working properly, placenta ect. Im looking forward to sweep but would rather not get induced
I'm alive!!!!!!! Wasn't sure I was gonna be at one point. Very very long labour. I didn't get my belfa 4 hour labour. No way man.

I have a baby girl! Born yday evening at 6pm, 7lbs 11o - called Anabelle :-)! I love her to pieces. Will try and post a pic soon. Am in hospital due to way labour went and infection. Will update later girls with deets xx

Congrats hun :) xx
Congrats Colettey! So glad to hear from you! Will look forward to a pic of your little lady :D xx
I'm also seeing midwife on Tuesday, she said she'll do a sweep then if I want one. I'm undecided at the mo, I'll only be 2 days overdue and I'd really like to go into labour by myself. Have spoken to my midwife about refusing induction too, to be monitored every few days instead, but will see how I feel. Might be climbing the walls in a couple of weeks if baby still isn't here haha! Aww sorry you're not feeling great, I'm still doing okay really which is why at the moment I don't mind hanging on for now :)

Really don't know what to do about the sweep! Feel like I should give my body a bit more of a chance, but am so keen to meet my bubba!


Is this your first? Have u had a sweep before?

I know what u mean about sweep and induction. I had sweep with No2 but when she did it I was already dilated (one thing that its good for is to see if your progressing) and I had a full induction with No.1 but that was for health reasons rather than being late. One way to look at it is that a sweep is not much at all, it can set u off but might not...its not all that different to having sex i suppose. And with induction u would be better going for it if ur late as various bits inside u can stop working properly, placenta ect. Im looking forward to sweep but would rather not get induced

Ah cool, thanks, will def have a good think about the sweep. I guess it will only be successful if baby is on their way out anyway. Midwife said as long as everything is still ticking along nicely and there are no probs with baby's hb and placenta etc I can hold off induction, but yeh if there are any problems then id go for it, just hoping not to have to! Xx
Yay congratulations Coletteypie!! Oh dear sorry I couldn't pass my vibes on for a short labour, she's worth it though ;) x
Hi little miss,

Bethyboo, I really didn't want an induction, still not keen, can't bare the thought of needing an epidural (scares me) and not getting my water birth but after the fact MW couldn't even give me the sweep due to cervix still being posterior I'm now thinking differently. I've obviously got a chance that things may kick off naturally this week, then if I can have another sweep next thurs great if my cervix is in the right place. But all I want is little one in my arms now. I'm not stressing about it now though.

Congrats colettypie, hope you are both doing ok, glad you popped on though.

Belfa please send some of those vibes my way.

Hope everyone doing ok on this very hot day, suffering with puffiness the first day since I've been pregnant lol. Suppose I can't complain too much. X
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Still hanging in here...

Been such lovely weather today that I almost forgot that I should have a baby by now :)

Contractions still quite mild but coming every 7ish minutes at the moment. If they start coming more regularly (3 in 10 mins) but I still don't feel much pain should I ring the hospital? Or would they put me off as not in much pain?

Welcome to the thread Littlemiss83!! Hopefully you wont spend much time in this one before your LO arrives.

Hi little miss,

Bethyboo, I really didn't want an induction, still not keen, can't bare the thought of needing an epidural (scares me) and not getting my water birth but after the fact MW couldn't even give me the sweep due to cervix still being posterior I'm now thinking differently. I've obviously got a chance that things may kick off naturally this week, then if I can have another sweep next thurs great if my cervix is in the right place. But all I want is little one in my arms now. I'm not stressing about it now though.

Congrats colettypie, hope you are both doing ok, glad you popped on though.

Belfa please send some of those vibes my way.

Hope everyone doing ok on this very hot day, suffering with puffiness the first day since I've been pregnant lol. Suppose I can't complain too much. X

I really want my water birth too, but if I do go over 42 weeks they said I won't be able to have one full stop and will have to birth on the labour ward instead of midwife lead unit. Not ideal, but still better than induction for me.... although will see if I feel the same in a week haha! Xx

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