*** June 2015 Mummies ***

Charlie, he's absolutely gorgeous! Huge congratulations to you and OH!

My mood has taken a complete nose-dive this evening. Feel really teary and depressed that when I look back at what I've done in the day (and everyday) it's nothing at all. Can't nest or get anything ready as we're temporarily with in laws. Am so ready to move out and into our new house, will be a week Monday. Last week flew by but this one is dragging so bad and I just hate wasting my days doing nothing :( xx
Congratulations Charlie, what a little beaut.

Bethyboo. Try not to feel too low. We all seem to have had teary days the past week... get for a walk in that nice weather. Xx
I saw midwife today - I've had non stop period pain and back ache for three days. She examined me and said I'm 2cm dilated and she can feel baby's head and it has hair!!!!!!!! I'm home, not contracting and just chilling out.
Congratulations to those with their beautiful babies and good luck those in labour xxx
Congratulations Charlie. Gorgeous boy and lovely name.

Good luck to all those in early labour. Hope you get to meet your babies soon. X
Congrats Charlie and all the ladies who have babies so far :) x
Congrats both shove had their lovely babies. Beautiful name, Syndilou!

I am so excited for you Charlie! So eager to see your little man as we had the same due date - can't believe what you're about to have is wriggling away in my belly too!

I'm trying to find stuff to keep me occupied but it's so difficult when 90% of what I own is in storage! I crocheted a couple of blankets a while ago and need to workout what to do with my loose ends, plus rescue the other one which has started to unravel (sob - it's so pretty!). Might start a new one once they're sorted :) Am also in the middle of a book which I'm keen to finish, feel like ill never be able to if baby comes first! Nice relaxing day for me! Xx

Thank you :) took me a while to convince hubby but he's happy with it now! I forgt to put on my post she weighed 6lbs 13oz :) and here's a pic of my beautiful baby girls :)

Aww congrats Syndilou and Charlie, such gorgeous babies.

Amazing weight Charlie with your half womb, you have done amazing!!!
Ahhh all these gorgeous babies! Wish mine would hurry up! Congratulations charlie :) xxx
I'm sneaking from the August thread. Congratulations on your gorgeous babies xx
Quick note to the girls who are having planned or end up have emergency c sections.

I recovered really well and was up and about doing lots pretty quickly because of my little boy being in SCBU. When I came home 3 days after section I felt fine and have never felt like I had major surgery. HOWEVER... just over 2 weeks on from my section I have had to go to the doctors as my previously well healing wound has got slightly infected.

So just a reminder that no matter how well you feel it is still important to take it easy and look after your belly. X
Quick note to the girls who are having planned or end up have emergency c sections.

I recovered really well and was up and about doing lots pretty quickly because of my little boy being in SCBU. When I came home 3 days after section I felt fine and have never felt like I had major surgery. HOWEVER... just over 2 weeks on from my section I have had to go to the doctors as my previously well healing wound has got slightly infected.

So just a reminder that no matter how well you feel it is still important to take it easy and look after your belly. X

Thanks for advice, I've been up and about nearly 2 hours now and feeling fab! Just feel like I've done a few too many sit ups. Feel like I've been left to fend for myself though here! Will be relaxing when OH gets here tomorrow though. Only 10 hours to go until he returns.

I was the same charlie. Felt like I was being lazy sat around. Not helped by having no baby on the ward with me. Did a bit too much tho obviously as fine for 2 weeks at which point you would think it was mainly healed but is definitely sore now.

Enjoy those first moments Charlie... you deserve them. X
Thanks babyscotcher! He's keeping me up and on my feet tonight!

At 8pm we were told we could move to our own room and OH could stay for a charge. So we were so happy. He went home to see to our dogs and get some clothes and when he got back they had given the room away and they sent him straight home. I was left with no buzzer or anything and a crying baby that I couldn't get to as hadn't been up yet. OH had to call the ward twice to get them to come give me a buzzer. Feel great now that I'm not relying on anyone but me. Will be happy when Oh gets here in 7 hours! :)

Any more babies coming!? We defo have to have some today!! Xx
Well I'm wide awake DUe date is here and no obvious signs. Starving though and just feel like bubba head butting their way out. Just hoping I get my sweep later to hopefully kick something off.

Annoying you didn't get the room charlie, especially if you were willing to pay the charge. Guessing it's feeling a long night waiting for oh. Least you got your gorgeous lil man for company,

Hope things have restarted for Karen.

Gorgeous pic syndilou.
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It's often stop start at the beginning but hopefully things will progress soon
coletteypie has gone very quiet. ..
Happy due date Lucy!

I'm still getting zilch. Midwife tomorrow, was hoping I wouldn't have to go :/
Happy due date lucy!

Charlie - well done, he is gorgeous. Such a fab weight too. Hope your stay in hospital isn't too long.

Colettypie - come back and update us!! Hope you're all ok.

Karen - did things start up again? Have you had your LO?

Still having mild contractions here :( feel like it's never ending which is the most frustrating thing. I just want to have this baby, I will quite gladly be in as much pain as it nneeds to take.


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