*** June 2015 Mummies ***

Wow congrats buggy and Belfa. The boom has started. Thought things were a bit quiet today. Well done, gorgeous pic Belfa xx
no more queue jumping people :) haha its my turn next right? :) only kidding, I'll still be pregnant next week .
Oh Wow! June babies are definately arriving!! Tasha I'm sure you'll be soon to finish off may mummies! Being due the last day it was always inevitable you could go either way! So frustrating I bet! :) glad to hear all is well - congratulations to all the mummies that had babies today! keep poking my nose in even though im not due until August! :/ x
Oh wow I've only not been on for an hour or so!!

Congrats buggy and Belfa!!! These June babies are not hanging around are they!! Xx
Wowsers Belfa I wasn't expecting that! Congratulations.

Nothing from heres hoping? Hope she's had her baby now!

obviously I meant to say 9lbs not 9th! Can't believe how quick he came out.

He's been an Angel but the baby in the next bay is keeping me awake!
I'm not too bothered about being overdue...I am bothered about the hip pain that I can't get rid of tonight because I'm unable to click my own back! It's seriously hurting and I can't get in any comfortable position. Calling chiropractor tomorrow and hoping for an appointment!
I suffered with hip pain tasha. Especially in the night. It's horrible! Your baby will be here before you know it though x
Lol, you are indeed Belfa!! But he's such a cutie.

I know you lost your plug earlier but was it really unexpected? They always say that's not an indication.

Regardless - Happy Birthday Alexander! Welcome to the world


Yes I woke up with it all in my bits then lost some more in a pad. Did some housework, had my niece and nephew over and then sat down to wait for my friend coming round at 1.30 as we were going for lunch. I felt a pop but thought it could have been my back. Went upstairs to fix my make up and stood up and waters gushed then 10mins later period cramps started.

I was 4cm by the time I was examined at around 4pm and then things just took off!

Thank you all for your congrats!

Wee monkey likes boob but doesn't like latching. He's got a lot of mucous too from his speedy entry so I don't think that's helping x
Did you know there's a link to a busy labour ward and the full moon? Explains why 3 babies were born yesterday as the full moon was Tuesday :)
Woah, June is starting off fast, let's hope it carries on that way! Congrats Belfa & Buggy! :cheer:
I've had the worst acid reflux in the past 24 hours, nothing will get rid of it. It woke me up so many times during the night, it makes me feel like I'm going to throw up and I've got a headache from coughing so much. I hope it goes away after giving birth because it's not something I could deal with on regular basis. I've been awake since 4.30am and couldn't get back to sleep so as the weather is nice today, I'm going to try and get as much washing and cleaning done as possible and hope that it gets things going, fingers crossed.
Sorry for late post!

Baby boy born yesterday at 2.30pm weighing 8lbs 12oz. Things went v quickly after waters broke and on drip. Happened all so fast had no chance for an epidural despite me begging lol. Got through with gas and air and just grazes.

Hes doing really well, loves the boob and cuddles.

Congratulations Buggy and Belfa, birth date buddies! Belfa i cant believe you sneaked in there...big surprise!

Will catch up with all when i get settled, good luck to all xx
Omg! What have I missed!!?

Congrats to Eve, HH, Buggy and BELFA!!! My due date buddy, I cant believe it! Alexander is gorgeous, so so happy for you but am I allowed to also be a teeeensy bit jealous?!
Ahhhhh so many June babies already! How exciting! Must've been the full moon on Tuesday night! Congratulations to all of you! So envious that some of you are cuddling your babies right now.... Really just want to meet my little bundle now and find out what it is! Xx
Congrats hh! We have little girls born very close and little boys born on the same day!
Omg I'm offline for a few hours sleep and look what happens...!!!!

Huge congrats to Buggy, Here's hoping & BELFA!!!! I can't believe it! Well done all 3 of you - lots of hard work. Gorg photo of Alexander too - can't wait to see the other two cuties! Belfa - FTM and a 4 hour labour??! That's just not fair! All your discharge leaks now making sense.

Well... Happy due date to me and Pismo. No more skipping please :-)!

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