*** June 2015 Mummies ***

OMG two more I hadn't spotted! Congrats also to HH and Eve! Such a lovely day :D Enjoy your babies you lucky four! Xx
Just back from Indian myself Lucy. Got the hottest curry in the place. Hubby had four glasses of water haha. Bouncing on ball now. curry hasn't even phased baby this is going to be a loooong couple of weeks I'm sensing!
Well I've had a long day! Was sent to the other hospital in Liverpool to be checked by a Dr. They are worried about the headaches but allowed me to come home as my bp dropped. So today I have been my Drs, and 2 hospitals! Just had tea with my sister and my headache is back but so bad. Ankles and feet also quite swollen :( I've just lay down now so if it doesn't go down I'll have to get myself back in! Just want to try enjoy my last few days of pregnancy and I just feel so awful :( xx
Oh no charlie, just try and rest up as much as you can.

Heybabya hope the curry was good? There was a bit of kicking from bubba after the chilli sauce but eased off again,

Buggy how's little Toby doing?

Hope belfa and little Alexander are doing ok too.

Wonder who will be next? We need some pink ones too. X
Oh no Charlie, yeah deffo take it easy and keep an eye on it

Yeah was lovely Lucy, I was just hoping for a miracle after eating it. Keep going to the loo to check for plug lol but all I have is bad heartburn pah
Oh no charlie, just try and rest up as much as you can.

Heybabya hope the curry was good? There was a bit of kicking from bubba after the chilli sauce but eased off again,

Buggy how's little Toby doing?

Hope belfa and little Alexander are doing ok too.

Wonder who will be next? We need some pink ones too. X

I've got a pink one cooking, pick me pick meeee lol.
Lol, Karen if only it was that easy! I just hate not knowing when its going to happen.

I'm exactly the same, hoping for plug lol.

And I'm feeling the same, it could happen in 5 mins or 5 days... Aargh!!!!!
Lol, Karen if only it was that easy! I just hate not knowing when its going to happen.


I found it quite exciting before, knowing it could be anytime... Untily due date came and went and now it's just plan frustrating! Keep being told to make the most of relaxation time- but I've had weeks of it now and ready for baby time! :) x
Yea I'm ready to not be in pain anymore...my hips hurt and I have a OH who wants to moan about the pain he's in!! Haha gonna kill him :) we dtd Though, hopefully it'll help, if not...it was fun :)
Hi ladies, I will update the front page when I get on my PC!

Not sure if I've congratulated HH! Congratulations!!

Charlie sounds like your body's gearing up for sure which is good.

Still in hospital though I hope to get out tomorrow. Not getting a lot of support in here. Alex hadn't fed since the syringe he got when born. I thought he had been but a MW confirmed he's not suckling correctly so now I have sore boobs and he hadn't had anything in 24hrs and was screaming the place down so I demanded formula. Well, what a difference! Happy and contented with regular feeds and dirty nappies now!! I'm going to keep trying expressing by hand until my milk comes in but my boobs are agony so I'm keen to stick to bottles and give him a combination of breast milk and formula if possible.

I was judged initially by the midwives until they saw how much happier he was.

Yes it's the RAH I'm in - would live to seen inside the southern though!! Labour staff were great and I actually had a CMU midwife as they were so busy but ward staff are too busy with higher risk patients so I've been left to my own devices xx
A big congratulations to buggy, Belfa and Here's Hoping!!

Belfa the most important thing is that baby happy, you have to do whatever is right for you and your baby! Its a shame that they don't have the time to give you the support you should be receiving, my short stay was very similar, we were fine but they were just taking my word for it that baby was feeding okay. No one checked anything! And I hardly saw any midwives!
Hope you get home soon xx
Thanks Merlin. I just got given my painkillers and the MW asked about his feeding so I said if given him another bottle and he's much better now but that is also tried hand expressing. There's no "that's great your working out a routine" etc, just a look!! I'll swap her my purple nipple if she likes lol x
Aw belfa your doing great, I understand what you mean though a bit of guidance or even a bit of comfort from them to say your doing the right thing is all that's needed at a time like this. keep doing what your doing though.

I done a lot of cleaning yesterday and ironing bedding ect (not that you can even tell) and now today I can hardly walk. Pelvis is so sore, it really doesn't help that my legs are huge!! I loved my legs pre pregnancy but honestly my thighs are triple the size and i feel it puts so much strain on me. I really hope I can get back to normal asap x
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Thanks :) .

I was sure my calves were the same width as my thighs the other day, I decided not to look down again lol x
Yeah belfa you are doing well, at the end of the day you need to do what's right to keep your little man happy. There's nothing wrong with combi feeding if you can do it, my niece gets formula at bedtime as she wasn't gaining enough weight. Is alex still in SCBU or is he with you now? x
Totally agree with the others Belfa - trust your mothering instincts. That is awful that they just allowed him to go that hungry. Honestly... Way more important he has something to feed even if it is the devil formula!!! They are so blindsided when it comes to that! Terrible support to you. Hope your boobs are doing okay- sounds really sore :-(! And I hope you get to take Alexander home today. I take it his heart murmur is okay then?

Hope buggy and HH doing well with their little bundles too.

Hmm I have chilled out a bit about my due date. Think cos I know I'm not seeing midwife till Monday now I've accepted it won't happen this weekend. So my expectations are being managed lol. I'm still certain baby isn't engaging tho, but will panic about that on Monday when I cant get a sweep again!!
We're. On. Came home last night. He fed a lot in the night but he is a big boy and don't think my milk has really come in yet. Would have given him formula if I'd had it! Seem to have pushed through now though and he's not been feeding as much and seems content. Nipples are quite sort. But not as bad as with dd! He's latching much better but she has partial tongue tie so I think that was why. I combi fed.her and went to just formula from 3 months
Just back from midwife - this baby does not want to go in my pelvis. Hopefully all just happens at once.

Got handed a leaflet explaining induction though, may be on the cards for me!

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