*** June 2015 Mummies ***

Congrats HH!!

How many of us are left haha can't be many after that baby boom!

Happy due date colettey and pismo!!

I'm off the midwife this morning for my last appointment while pregnant! Then I have my pre op at 12!! It's all happening! 6 days until section :-\ scared!!

My migraine finally went after 24 hours of having it! Thank god! Xx
Happy due date Collettey and Pismo. Am rooting for you and Karenb!

Bless you Collettey, I am not even 37 weeks yet and sooo envious of Belfa's lovely baby cuddles, what kind of irrational hormonal state will i be in by my due date?

I need to take a leaf out of Tashawinks lovely calm, patient book! Tasha am super impressed with your attitude btw, can only hope I am like you if I go over!
Congrats HH. Wow 4 babies in a day. This is exciting, and belfa you were thinking you would be July. Good job you packed that bag.

Well I'm on the 7 day countdown, made hubby DTD last night. Trying everything lol.. Bubba been moving like mad, guess it's getting cramped in there now.
Happy due date Collettey and Pismo. Am rooting for you and Karenb!

Bless you Collettey, I am not even 37 weeks yet and sooo envious of Belfa's lovely baby cuddles, what kind of irrational hormonal state will i be in by my due date?

I need to take a leaf out of Tashawinks lovely calm, patient book! Tasha am super impressed with your attitude btw, can only hope I am like you if I go over!

Thanks Rach- but absolutely NOTHING is happening here!! Two days overdue and still feel like it's a long way off!!
Congratulations HH :-)

Buggy - funny you should say that, I was thinking me, you and HH all had our girls within a few days of each other in Aug 13, now you and HH have both had boys on the same day...wonder if I'll be getting a blue bundle soon (we're team yellow) ;-) I should be careful what I wish for - I'm not due until the end of the month and I'm not ready yet!!
Omg congrats to buggy, belfa and HH. Was not expecting to log on and see all of this activity. Hope Yous are all well ladies and enjoying your cuddles. Whaw who's next x
Happy due date Colettypie!

Must admit to a small frustrated cry last night, in don't think my baby is anywhere near coming out. Also DTD last night, felt really bad for OH as I haven't wanted him anywhere near me for the last two months. He was such a sport :)

Buggy, HH and Belfa - are you all still in hospital? Hope your all doing well. Very much a blue month so far :) we need a few girls to even out the score.

Any tips on ripening the cervix ladies?

Belfa did you have Alexander in the SGH? I can't remember if you where closer to Paisley? Just wondering what the new hospital is like? Thanks x
No bubblegum - unless there was a last min change Belfa was planning to be at Paisley.

Oh Pismo same here. I felt rubbish yday after my midwife appt... Huge moping afternoon spent in bed feeling sorry for myself. Feeling a bit better today - think cos I've accepted baby is v unlikely to arrive this week. Im just trying to work out the action plan if baba doesn't engage!

Hmm Pismo think dtd is your best option for ripening - so well done :lol: no point in me even attempting that if baba isn't in the right place!
Thanks Coletteypie, wasn't sure. You really never know what could happen, look how fast some of these babies are coming, everything could change for you very quickly. My section is 1 week tomorrow, I would love for it all to happen a bit earlier but I'm not as organised as id like to be. It's like my to do list is never ending x
Happy due date colettypie and Pismo

Well I'm feeling rather stressed now, hubby had my car the last2 days, he must have parked undera tree cos it was caked in bird crap. Literally caked in the stuff. I had car cleaned and waxed only 3 days ago so spotless to bring bubba home. I've tried cleaning off the worst of it but couldn't find my car cleaning stuff In The garage as it's so full of rubbish. Guess it's another thing that can bring on labour, I must have looked a sight, heavily pregnant woman washing a car... Lol.... Rant over...
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Well I've had midwife this morning, all fine. Baby has had a growth spurt and looking more chunky!
BP fine after the headaches yesterday. Came in for my pre op and headache came back. BP up, not hugely but it is high for me. Got to have it monitored for an hour now, just waiting to go in. Nothing in urine test so they are not massively concerned! Fingers crossed it will be ok xx
Hope all is okay Charlie! Fingers x'd just a wee blip! BP is a funny old thing!

Lol Lucy I am the same about the car right now. Keep getting it washed. Must be an extension of the nesting feeling eh!? xx
Congrats to you all
Can't believe how many babies have arrived in such a short time
My due date is still set as 30th June but she isn't going anywhere yet lol
Hope all the rest of you ladies are coping x
Congratulations HH! Wonder who will be next! I'm due next Friday but hot having any signs at all :(
I need to take a leaf out of Tashawinks lovely calm, patient book! Tasha am super impressed with your attitude btw, can only hope I am like you if I go over!

I wasn't like this with my first! I was ready for him to come at 30weeks (not that I actually wanted him out but had had enough of pregnancy by then) I did really want a leap year baby though so wanted him 10days early...he was 8days over. So with him going over has helped me this time. And I don't have time to think about being pregnant/over due. Especially when the weather is gorgeous!!!
Colettypie, think I got it all out of my system lol.. Defo nesting. Just had a lamb shish kebab for tea with chilli sauce, I'm on fire haha...I think this is hotter than a vindaloo. Just had to have 2 ice lollies to cool my mouth.

Charlie glad baby had growth spurt, hope your headache eases and your all geared up for next week.
Buggy well done! And Belfa omg how did that happen???!! I'm so pleased for you both, and so so jealous! Huge congrats! Two lovely little boys! xxxx

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