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*** January 2020 Mummies ***

Are any of you ladies experiencing shortness of breath? I was tying my shoes earlier and really felt like my lungs were being squished! Even just walking a couple of flights of stairs got me panting! Feel so out of shape!x
I definitely feel that I get tired quicker but as long as I slow down the pace and breathe deeply it seems to be OK. I was really feeling like I don't have enough "space" to breathe about 6 weeks ago and that's when I started regular morning stretching / very easy prenatal yoga. I feel that the side stretches are the best - I read that these create more space between your ribs so your lungs can expand more sideways, give you easier breathing while they are being squished from the belly from the bottom.

Like this (can do the same while sitting on a chair):
I had my glucose test today and wasn't sure on what to do foodwise... My appointment was at 16:00 and couldn't very well fast until then! So I ate low carb and not too much whole day long. After the sugar BOMB drink, I felt a bit nauseous but it was probably normal.
I had my urine checked and the midwife noticed I had a bit of ketones in my urine. Now I don't know whether it was due to my low carb diet, not eating enough or drinking too little but I really hope it's not due to gestational diabetes!
I will have my blood results tomorrow and am very anxious about it...

With the baby, everything was fine, she was very active again and I didn't get to see her profile as she was facing my spine. I asked for another scan in 3 weeks because the next one is in 6! I can't wait that long! Lol

Does anyone's OH seem not very interested in the pregnancy? My OH hasn't been to a scan since the 12 week one and feel a bit sad he's so detached. I don't even think he knows how far along I am. I'm having a bit of an emotional day today... Just venting a bit here..
I had my glucose test today and wasn't sure on what to do foodwise... My appointment was at 16:00 and couldn't very well fast until then! So I ate low carb and not too much whole day long. After the sugar BOMB drink, I felt a bit nauseous but it was probably normal.
I had my urine checked and the midwife noticed I had a bit of ketones in my urine. Now I don't know whether it was due to my low carb diet, not eating enough or drinking too little but I really hope it's not due to gestational diabetes!
I will have my blood results tomorrow and am very anxious about it...

With the baby, everything was fine, she was very active again and I didn't get to see her profile as she was facing my spine. I asked for another scan in 3 weeks because the next one is in 6! I can't wait that long! Lol

Does anyone's OH seem not very interested in the pregnancy? My OH hasn't been to a scan since the 12 week one and feel a bit sad he's so detached. I don't even think he knows how far along I am. I'm having a bit of an emotional day today... Just venting a bit here..

You're lucky with your scans. I won't see bubs till 10th of december again.

Can't believe they done your gtt so late in the day. Mine is on the 9th of October at 9 30am not allowed to eat from 10pm the night before. Absolutely dreading it though as I always feel so Ill with the fastening
Hi ladies just in case your worried if you do get a positive result. Been to the diabetes clinic yesterday morning and got official results pre drink was 4.4 so within the levels but afterwards shot up to 9.2 and the acceptable level is 7.8. Receive a testing kit and have to prick finger pre meal and test levels and should be below 5.5 have meal and test again one hour afterwards and levels should be below 7.8. Started yesterday and all my levels are well within the range so I think my body just didn’t like the real sugary drink I don’t have loads of sweet sugary stuff in my diet so think it just thought what’s this. It’s actually quite reassuring to test as know I’m in safe levels if that make senses. I also get extra scans at 28,31,34 and 37 weeks which I’m more than happy with for extra reassurance so although I was disappointed with the result I actually feel ok about it now the pricking the finger stings but nowhere near the level of ivf injections so think it prepared me! Xx
Thanks for the info @Outofsync!
I got my results this morning and I failed the 1 hour glucose test with a 178... felt very bad about that. I have an appointment tomorrow morning for the 2 hour test and have started to fast as I can't have food or drinks anymore 8 hours before the test.
I find it very odd because the only factor for getting GD is my age, I'm 35. I'm not obese, I have low blood pressure, I've still only gained 14lbs, I sometimes do eat sugary snacks but I don't overdo it.. ugh.
The oh and I had a row because he told me I didn't take care of myself and I ate badly but I really don't think my diet is that bad! I have read that the first test is a screening and that it doesn't confirm gestational diabetes yet.

I'm hoping to pass the test tomorrow! Keeping my fingers crossed!x
Good luck with the test today @Kitana
I'm dreading mine in a couple of weeks. Not that I ever had diabetes in any of my past pregnancies... but my age ( I'll be 36 end of october ) is against me. Plus unlike yourself, I am overweight and in recent weeks I've been really bad with what I've been eating.
Just have to wait and see
I’m 38, have Polycystic ovaries, bmi was 29.8, and did ivf. All risk factors. I made my husband come with me and I specifically asked is it anything I have done or eaten and the answer was no, your pregnancy hormones just are affecting the insulin in your body. It can happen to anyone young, old, thin or overweight we had a group session and there was a good mix of people as I had a feeling my husband was not going to blame me but get on at me about diet. My diet isn’t that bad I’ve been done slimming world still but had odd treats and when I test all my levels have been within the limits I’ve put 12 lb on but still going to the gym and actually feel great don’t beat yourself up ladies it’s one of those things that can just happen xx
I’m 38, have Polycystic ovaries, bmi was 29.8, and did ivf. All risk factors. I made my husband come with me and I specifically asked is it anything I have done or eaten and the answer was no, your pregnancy hormones just are affecting the insulin in your body. It can happen to anyone young, old, thin or overweight we had a group session and there was a good mix of people as I had a feeling my husband was not going to blame me but get on at me about diet. My diet isn’t that bad I’ve been done slimming world still but had odd treats and when I test all my levels have been within the limits I’ve put 12 lb on but still going to the gym and actually feel great don’t beat yourself up ladies it’s one of those things that can just happen xx

I think it's just one of those things that will play on your mind for a bit. Really should relax.
Just wondering why I still have to wait till the 9th till I get mine. If I'm that high risk like they say, surely it would've made more sense doing the test earlier or?
Had the test done this morning. They don't do the 3 hour test here anymore, so only had the 2 hour one.
I arrived and had my blood tested, then immediately drank the sugary drink (75g of sugar my god!) and waited for an hour before being tested again. About 20 minutes after the second time the midwife took my blood, I was sitting in the waiting room, chatting with the midwife and all of a sudden I started to feel a bit nauseous. It got so bad, I interrupted her and said I wasn't feel well, but she hadn't heard me, I then waited for an opening in her monologue but I felt I was going to faint, so I told her again, and still she hadn't heard me! I waited again but then cold sweat started to break out and I said it louder that last time and she quickly yanked me from my seat and put me in a comfy chair and lifted my legs. I was close to fainting but managed to stay conscious. It was horrible! She took my blood pressure and it was a bit on the lower side but still okay.
I really hope this isn't a sign of GD! The third test was over quickly but 4 and half hours after drinking that sugar bomb, I still feel a bit lightheaded.
I will have the results tonight so will post an update later!x
Had the test done this morning. They don't do the 3 hour test here anymore, so only had the 2 hour one.
I arrived and had my blood tested, then immediately drank the sugary drink (75g of sugar my god!) and waited for an hour before being tested again. About 20 minutes after the second time the midwife took my blood, I was sitting in the waiting room, chatting with the midwife and all of a sudden I started to feel a bit nauseous. It got so bad, I interrupted her and said I wasn't feel well, but she hadn't heard me, I then waited for an opening in her monologue but I felt I was going to faint, so I told her again, and still she hadn't heard me! I waited again but then cold sweat started to break out and I said it louder that last time and she quickly yanked me from my seat and put me in a comfy chair and lifted my legs. I was close to fainting but managed to stay conscious. It was horrible! She took my blood pressure and it was a bit on the lower side but still okay.
I really hope this isn't a sign of GD! The third test was over quickly but 4 and half hours after drinking that sugar bomb, I still feel a bit lightheaded.
I will have the results tonight so will post an update later!x

Oh no that’s not good hope your feeling better it’s super sugary xx
I'm so annoyed! If I had done my glucose test 2 months ago, I would have passed but they changed the limits here and now I have pregnancy diabetes. I'm so angry! My first blood test was at 72mg/dl and it had to be between between 60mg/dl and a 100. Then the second one had to be under 180 and I had 183 (2 months ago the cut off was under 200), the last test had to be between less than 140mg/dl and I had 93... so now I have pregnancy diabetes. I don't know if you can get a do-over because it might just have been a matter of minutes. I am being referred to an edocrinologist to be stabbed 7 times a day for absolutely nothing. Ugh. Am so angry right now!!!
I'm so annoyed! If I had done my glucose test 2 months ago, I would have passed but they changed the limits here and now I have pregnancy diabetes. I'm so angry! My first blood test was at 72mg/dl and it had to be between between 60mg/dl and a 100. Then the second one had to be under 180 and I had 183 (2 months ago the cut off was under 200), the last test had to be between less than 140mg/dl and I had 93... so now I have pregnancy diabetes. I don't know if you can get a do-over because it might just have been a matter of minutes. I am being referred to an edocrinologist to be stabbed 7 times a day for absolutely nothing. Ugh. Am so angry right now!!!

I feel your frustration but rather save then sorry. They must have their reasons why they put the numbers down a bit. You're 3rd result shows you were in the norm, so I'm guessing they'll test a little more and you'll be fine. Don't get too annoyed about it. I know, easier said then done.
I'm dreading my test but what will be, will be :hug:hugs to you
I'm so annoyed! If I had done my glucose test 2 months ago, I would have passed but they changed the limits here and now I have pregnancy diabetes. I'm so angry! My first blood test was at 72mg/dl and it had to be between between 60mg/dl and a 100. Then the second one had to be under 180 and I had 183 (2 months ago the cut off was under 200), the last test had to be between less than 140mg/dl and I had 93... so now I have pregnancy diabetes. I don't know if you can get a do-over because it might just have been a matter of minutes. I am being referred to an edocrinologist to be stabbed 7 times a day for absolutely nothing. Ugh. Am so angry right now!!!

I’m sorry hun. Im stabbing six times a day and all within normal levels so far they said it might be right the way through but better to be safe and at least you know you’re within safe levels so gives you some reassurance it’s not too bad just stings!! Xx
Aw bless you kitana. Totally understand your frustration but it’s best to be checked over and kept an eye on. Nothing you have done. I had a 25 yr old friend who was stick thin and had GD it’s all to do with the hormones interfering with how your body works. I honestly think a massively sugary drink would make anyone ill. I’m dreading doing mine x
I'm so annoyed! If I had done my glucose test 2 months ago, I would have passed but they changed the limits here and now I have pregnancy diabetes. I'm so angry! My first blood test was at 72mg/dl and it had to be between between 60mg/dl and a 100. Then the second one had to be under 180 and I had 183 (2 months ago the cut off was under 200), the last test had to be between less than 140mg/dl and I had 93... so now I have pregnancy diabetes. I don't know if you can get a do-over because it might just have been a matter of minutes. I am being referred to an edocrinologist to be stabbed 7 times a day for absolutely nothing. Ugh. Am so angry right now!!!

Awwwww, that really is a shame! 2 out of your 3 results were well within normal and only 1 was the tiniest bit too high :( Maybe you could ask to be re-tested? I totally understand how you feel -> if you DON'T have sugary bombs in your diet, why does it matter that your body was the tiniest bit off in processing a sugary bomb?!

I also had some blood tests this week but just CBC... My hemoglobin is a bit lower than ideal (9.9 and recommended for pregnancy is over 10.5) so the midwife referred me to see the doctor next week and to eat more iron-rich foods... so now I'm having extra buckwheat (it has as much iron content as lamb!) and more leafy greens and my OH is treating me to an organic beef steak for dinner. We'll see how it goes but I basically plan to really try and get more iron naturally through my diet then re-test in 2 weeks. Also I will have to see what the doctor says but I hope I don't have to take supplements because those always make me constipated...
Thanks for the support ladies, the diabetic nurse called me earlier and she also seemed quite annoyed for me. Usually when she sees patients with diabetes, their results are well in the 300 to 400s. My 3mg is quite laughable. But I have to go see a dietician on Monday and she will tell me to write down what I eat, so I have already started so I don't have to come back for another assessment a week later. I asked her whether it could have been stress related, not sleeping well, eating too little and she said yes. I had just had a bad week with DD, getting only 4 to 5 hours of interrupted sleep, I couldn't nap during the day since I had so much to do with the building of our house, I was a zombie in the evening. Then the day before DD was admitted to hospital, I only had one hour of sleep. The next day 6 hours and the day after 4:30. I had the test 2 days later and I think I should have waited another week. I'm only starting to recover now.
She told me they might even just give me some advice and let it go.x
Thanks for the support ladies, the diabetic nurse called me earlier and she also seemed quite annoyed for me. Usually when she sees patients with diabetes, their results are well in the 300 to 400s. My 3mg is quite laughable. But I have to go see a dietician on Monday and she will tell me to write down what I eat, so I have already started so I don't have to come back for another assessment a week later. I asked her whether it could have been stress related, not sleeping well, eating too little and she said yes. I had just had a bad week with DD, getting only 4 to 5 hours of interrupted sleep, I couldn't nap during the day since I had so much to do with the building of our house, I was a zombie in the evening. Then the day before DD was admitted to hospital, I only had one hour of sleep. The next day 6 hours and the day after 4:30. I had the test 2 days later and I think I should have waited another week. I'm only starting to recover now.
She told me they might even just give me some advice and let it go.x
That does sound promising though. Are least she agreed with you. Just take it in your stride. You seriously have a lot going on at the moment. If they are clever, they'll just retest and that's it.

I'm starting to struggle with my bump now. It's so hard and massive. Constantly get asked how much longer I have to go and then the surprised faces that it's still till january. I swear I'm breeding an elephant baby by the way I look already lol
Had a bit of a frightening day. I went to the loo around 2.30pm and when I wiped their was a good amount of brown rusty coloured discharge it wasn’t bright red but definetely wasn’t just brown either. I had a massive panic attack and husband ended up calling the hospital antenatal dept and we went in. Had blood pressure done, and heard her heartbeat. All seemed well with baby and bleeding had stopped did and internal to check cervix and all closed but was some old blood visible. Took a swap as maybe have an infection and been sent home but on bed rest rest of today and tomorrow haven’t had any bleeding since but I was really frightened. She is moving loads tonight which is reassuring had lots of ketones in my urine as been having low carb due to the gestational diabetes and was told to have a tea with carbs feeling down and that no matter what I do it doesn’t seem to be good enough xx

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