*** January 2020 Mummies ***

Oooh happy birthday!! Or not so happy?!? I am also creeping towards forty and am not looking forward to it either!
Hope you got to celebrate none the less!x
Aw thankyou. We are going out for a family meal on Saturday as my oh is on nights this week. So can celebrate then. I’m over it now. I’m going to try embrace being fabulous at 40 lol. Xx
Happy Birthday Lovely
40 is the new 21 anyway Haha
I turned 36 in tuesday and honestly, I couldn't care less. Age is just a number :dance:

How you doing anyway?
Happy Birthday Lovely
40 is the new 21 anyway Haha
I turned 36 in tuesday and honestly, I couldn't care less. Age is just a number :dance:

How you doing anyway?
Aw thankyou. I’m doing good. Plodding along getting things organised. Xx
Sorry been absent, just been busy sorting everything out!
Hope you had a lovely birthday @Lollypop79!
I’m 38 and feeling it!!
Had growth scan today and they are super happy with how I’ve been controlling diabetes at 28 weeks she was on the 52nd percentile and weighed 2lb 11oz today at 31 weeks she weighs 3lb 7oz and on the 41st percentile so she is growing and average weight but not at a massive rate! This was all said in front of my husband and they really praised me and said I was doing a great job Which felt nice to be acknowledged as it hasn’t been the easiest or fun having limited diet. She is still breech bum down with legs and head above so hopefully she will turn. Next scan in three weeks and see consultant then so hopefully make a decision about either inducing at 37 weeks or going to 40 weeks. It seems mad that potentially only 6 weeks til she is here!!!
Had first antenatal class on Monday night it was informative and interesting and well worth going got another two to go but feeling more prepared all her wardrobes are getting fitted this week so going to wash all her things and pack hospital bag at weekend. The room was red hot and I fainted which was embarrassing but everyone on the class was feeling the same it was ridiculously hot they found the thermostat to turn heating down at the end so hopefully next week it won’t be as bad I’m taking some snacks and ice water and handheld fan just in case! XX

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