*** January 2020 Mummies ***

Thanks lovely!
My feet have grown! If you have to walk on heels all day, one tip, take some comfy flat shoes or sandals along. I regretted not having comfy shoes with me the day of my grandmother's funeral. I had to walk a lot more than I thought, then when I finally sat down, they started swelling so much I was in agony!
Have fun there!

I had a very bad night due to the heat, barely slept 4 hours. I went to the bakery in the morning (by car, it's too far to walk) and I went in, had to wait quite a while since a woman in front of me was ordering loads. When I got what I needed, a long line was already behind me. I went out of the shop and didn't see my car in the parking spot where I left it!! I saw a lot of cars on the road and saw that my car was just there in the middle of the road blocking both ways!!! I had forgotten to put the handbrake on and had left it in neutral! I was so lucky no accidents happened but felt my face flush redder than a tomato. I apologized to the elderly couple who were about to walk into the bakery to ask whose car it was. They laughed and said it was okay but the other drivers further down the road were honking. I think you get away with a lot more being pregnant... :rofl:
Oh wow Kitana, you literally never fail to make me laugh out loud :rotfl:
I am seeing the funny side to it because no1 was hurt and no cars were damaged. xx
Hahahah, yes, the pregnancy card is great! I haven't really had to use it yet but I can tell most people around (shop assistants / waitresses / etc.) are treating me just a bit nicer than usual.

My belly looks bigger as it's sticking out way ahead of my boobs :D
View attachment 87471

Also today I had the first "taste" of round ligament pain - OMG, it was worse than I'd imagined. Only felt it when walking - it just started totally randomly. But once I sat down or wasn't moving, went away completely and now, an hour later, I can walk with only mild pain... Damn, I hope I don't have much more of that! Are you ladies having any pain or discomfort?
You look beautiful!

I also have random ligament pain when walking, my OH told me to "walk it off" :lol: but yes it can be quite debilitating!
Oh wow Kitana, you literally never fail to make me laugh out loud :rotfl:
I am seeing the funny side to it because no1 was hurt and no cars were damaged. xx
Haha, I'm so forgetful lately!
The OH wasn't happy about it, he's a police officer and reprimanded me on my "carelessness".:confused:
Next time he can go get his bread himself!
Scan went really well, it was such a long one over and hour but really detailed everything looking perfect and right on track I feel like I’m ready to start baby shopping now which Is exciting!!! I have an anterior placenta which means it’s in front of baby which is more than likely why I haven’t felt any movements so that put my mind at rest a bit she was definitely moving around loads!! I have had the odd sharp stabbing pain which I’m presuming is ligament pain but it doesn’t last for long. Xx 06F01CB5-2156-407B-9FD8-A66D4CC8DA0C.jpeg
9A722B67-8DDB-4F0B-A6BC-CDF0E1AC2162.png Been and ordered my pram I love it, gone for the silver cross wave in granite I’m lucky we got a good bundle deal and my dad has paid for it so feels like the first purchase for baby is sorted. Can’t wait it comes in end of November! It’s not off this website as out local baby depot was cheaper but you can see what’s included has anyone else started shopping yet? Xx
View attachment 87475 Been and ordered my pram I love it, gone for the silver cross wave in granite I’m lucky we got a good bundle deal and my dad has paid for it so feels like the first purchase for baby is sorted. Can’t wait it comes in end of November! It’s not off this website as out local baby depot was cheaper but you can see what’s included has anyone else started shopping yet? Xx
We got the pushchair/pram and car seat with isofix base. It’s at my oh’s parents. That’s all though. Waiting for 20 week scan before we shop x
Lovely profile scan @Outofsync, nice to hear all is well with the baby!

I already have a pushchair/carrier/isofix base from Maxi-Cosi which transforms as my dd gets older. I will get a boogie board with a seat for her though, so I won't have to get an extra push chair.
I am going to get a car seat for both kids for when they got older than 4, I'll put it on the list since they are quite expensive.
The one thing I'm hunting for now is her birth outfit! I don't want to put her in the same outfit as her sister. I'll keep those forever!:love:
You look beautiful!

I also have random ligament pain when walking, my OH told me to "walk it off" :lol: but yes it can be quite debilitating!
I was taking it easy for the rest of the day and it gradually went away. Yay!

Scan went really well, it was such a long one over and hour but really detailed everything looking perfect and right on track I feel like I’m ready to start baby shopping now which Is exciting!!! I have an anterior placenta which means it’s in front of baby which is more than likely why I haven’t felt any movements so that put my mind at rest a bit she was definitely moving around loads!! I have had the odd sharp stabbing pain which I’m presuming is ligament pain but it doesn’t last for long. Xx View attachment 87473
Awww, she is looking so snug and cute :)

View attachment 87475 Been and ordered my pram I love it, gone for the silver cross wave in granite I’m lucky we got a good bundle deal and my dad has paid for it so feels like the first purchase for baby is sorted. Can’t wait it comes in end of November! It’s not off this website as out local baby depot was cheaper but you can see what’s included has anyone else started shopping yet? Xx
Yeah, I've been shopping bit by bit :) I now have 3 x swaddle blankets, 10 x newborn onesies, 1 x rocking recliner that I plan to use as my nursing chair but for now it's my meditation / book-reading & favorite spot in the house... I've also bought like 30 x reusable diapers with inserts - OH is a consultant in the field of sustainability so we always wanted to go reusable and a couple of my mama friends have told me these were very practical for them. And I couldn't resits getting a couple of cute dangle decorations with bright-colored animals while we were on holiday in Vietnam. They look like this:d90c7867-e7e8-4876-9f77-97bd970877c4.jpg
Had a private wellbeing and gender scan last night as not felt movements in a while. Turns out I have an anterior placenta so they think the baby was lying behind it and when the baby moves over is when I can feel the movements.

Also i’m team PINK. It’s a girl xx
Had a private wellbeing and gender scan last night as not felt movements in a while. Turns out I have an anterior placenta so they think the baby was lying behind it and when the baby moves over is when I can feel the movements.

Also i’m team PINK. It’s a girl xx

I was worried I hadn’t felt any movements at all and they confirmed I had anterior placenta and baby is snuggled right behind it congratulations on another team pink!! Xx
I was worried I hadn’t felt any movements at all and they confirmed I had anterior placenta and baby is snuggled right behind it congratulations on another team pink!! Xx
Thankyou. I am slightly confused by it saying as I have felt a lot of movements from quite early on. X
I sometimes feel the baby movements in totally opposite places so perhaps if she was in one spot, it was easier to feel and when she was making movements in another spot, that was where the placenta was covering it up?
Had my special cardiac scan and my 20-22 week scan this morning.

Baby was super lazy and didn't care that they kept poking about to try and make it move. Ended up having to jump around to help it along Haha
All is perfectly fine, placenta has moved up aswell, which I'm super happy with.

And, I'm having another :blue:
Now the name choosing will start Haha

@vampysgirl, at least you will be able to prepare everything beforehand!
Was the cardiac scan for you or for the baby?x
@vampysgirl, at least you will be able to prepare everything beforehand!
Was the cardiac scan for you or for the baby?x
Was for the baby.
Because my son Adam, who I sadly lost at 23+5 had a deformed aorta, so they do these cardiac scans during my pregnancies now just to make sure it's all good

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