It's time for another vote on this, and the other thread has already got a poll on it!
The meet will be at Cannon Hill Park in Birmingham.
These are the day options we have:
pros: Park and nature centre won't be so busy, buses trains etc less crowded.
cons: some people work in the week
Cons...Park will be a lot busier
Trains/buses will also be crowded
pro...possibly more people will be able to make it?
Please vote which one you can make or the day you PREFER. If you REALLY don't mind, vote for "either"
Obviously it's up to everyone, but I figure the day will basically go like this:
Perhaps meet up around 11-12 for a chat and the picnic until say 2pm, split into seperate groups to walk around the park and nature centre, meeting back up for another group chat in the afternoon. I think seperate groups will be best as so many buggies in one place is bound to be a bit of a nghtmare!
I will provide maps, directions and bus information, perhaps the people arriving by train can meet first at the station and get the bus in together?
The meet will be at Cannon Hill Park in Birmingham.
These are the day options we have:
pros: Park and nature centre won't be so busy, buses trains etc less crowded.
cons: some people work in the week
Cons...Park will be a lot busier
Trains/buses will also be crowded
pro...possibly more people will be able to make it?
Please vote which one you can make or the day you PREFER. If you REALLY don't mind, vote for "either"
Obviously it's up to everyone, but I figure the day will basically go like this:
Perhaps meet up around 11-12 for a chat and the picnic until say 2pm, split into seperate groups to walk around the park and nature centre, meeting back up for another group chat in the afternoon. I think seperate groups will be best as so many buggies in one place is bound to be a bit of a nghtmare!
I will provide maps, directions and bus information, perhaps the people arriving by train can meet first at the station and get the bus in together?