Get together.

*wanders in*

hi all.....okay I know I've only just joined this forum, but I was sorta kinda wondering if I could join in too?
I figured that if you guys aren't meeting until August, then I've got enough time to get to know you all better on here before then, right?
*hides behind door incase somebody smacks the newbie* lol
of course you will be welcome!! what a silly question 8) :wink: ...

cassi x
i cant make it. i am back to work on 3 july and my next time off is about 25 august :( :( :(
Xena said:
*wanders in*

hi all.....okay I know I've only just joined this forum, but I was sorta kinda wondering if I could join in too?
I figured that if you guys aren't meeting until August, then I've got enough time to get to know you all better on here before then, right?
*hides behind door incase somebody smacks the newbie* lol

Xena, if you are part of this forum then you are invited to the meet up. It is for everyone here, and I look forward to meeting you xx

davina :( :( :( I wanted to meet you as well *pull a sickie :shhh: :shhh: *
Davina could you make it if it was a weekend?

The voting looks better for a that better for other people too?

How about


Is there anyone who definitley can't make this?
Hi a weekend would be great.

i cant pull a sickie really as i cover for people when they are on holiday and everyone has already booked the summer holiday whilst ive been on maternity. pees me off a bit as i'm the only one with young children :(
sorry to but in and it may have already been mentioned before but with my dodgy dial up its gonna take me ages to read through all 6 pages :lol:

but what about arranging meets in different counties to start off with? it may make it easier for those with more than 1 child, short of funds, dont drive to come along?

so for example arrange one in essex, one in the midlands, one in sussex etc etc.....

and then maybe do a big one once a year where everyone meets up?

just a suggestion dont bite me if you dont like the idea LMAO :lol:
If its still cannon hill park in birmingham then i will have no excuse not to come! Its just down the road :D

Shame i won't have my baby to show off yet just a big bump!

Looking forward to meeting some faces off here!
yer that would be cool sarah :D

was just thinkin it might be a bit easier for some of us

i know the one thats been arranged in august i definatly wouldnt be able to get to would have just had bubba #3 n with beth n kurt on trains would be a bloody nightmare :lol: plus on top of that im off to stoke on trent at the end of august to visit wobbles n thats gonna be hard enuf n im only takin the 2 bubbas :lol:
lol kool i dont drive so would have to be somewhere i can get to via train lol
ya not the only one hun so i no how u feel :lol: just thort it might be a nice idea for those that aint that central :)
I'm free when ever (or can be)

Girls if you fancy a meet up where ever you live just post a msg on here like i did, you might get some who will travel too :) on that note i'm gonna see if the girls in S Wales fancy meeting at some point, anyone for a day in Barry? :) of course i'll still be coming to the birmingham one as thats gonna hopefully be my new home in the coming months :)
:clap: :dance:

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