**February Babies 2012**

Oooooh Lewa - the new moon might be a chance for all of us to have some Valentines babies!

Zoe - good luck for Weds! Fx crossed your LO has moved to the exit!

I have a stretch and sweep on Weds if Bear Cub hasn't turned up by then!
Pip has definately dropped the past few days. Will find out on Monday if he is engaged or not.

He has been having a boogie the past 4 hours cos we were at the pub and there was a band on. Pip loved it and is sti dancing away even tho I'm in bed!!
Wondering how young mummy and mrs KM are doing... Haven't seen either of them on here for a day or so...
Hoping no news is good news!

I'm feeling really sick tonight... Urghh... Not sure whether that is a sign or just that I ate too much cake at my afternoon tea yesterday afternoon!
Somebody shoot me my body seems to think 5 am is an apropriate time to wake up and I can't get back to sleep. Thought I was starting to lose my plug last night and was a bit crampy on and off yesterday but no just wishful thinking on my behalf. I'm sick ofwaiting now. Keep getting texts asking if she's here im like she's not due for 2 more weeks for gods sake and its all people who R onlyintrested in speaking to me because they want to come see her when she's born, as far as I am conserned if u wernt bothered before and during the pregnacy you will not be coming to see the baby!

How is everyone else today xx
I was awake at 5 too, think I managed to drift off for a bit again at 7. I keep telling ppl I will let them know when he comes but they still keep asking. If I don't see or reply to a text for a bit they get over excited and think it'd happening! It's nice people care but I don't need to keep being reminded that I'm waiting!
I'm the same mummy!

I've deleted people I don't wanna see, and when he is born I'm gonna say if they turn up without texting or ringing and me saying its ok, they won't be let in! They can stand at my front door but the r not comin in!

I've not had anyone ask me if he is here yet, preparing myself for it tho!!
No major news from me girls,had some pains yesterday and went to hospital to get checked and they decided to keep me in as a precaution as I live an hour away from the hospital and the weather was bad,but nothing :( still just 2cm dilated and they are a little concerned about the head not fully down if my waters were to go it could cause complications with the cord, lots of new babies all around me here! I want mine :( booked for an induction on wednesday although the midwifes don't think ill go that long I really hope not..xxx
Oh fingers crossed for u!! Let's hope ur lo decides to show their face!

I had really bad pain and pressure last night in my foof. it was so bad I couldn't move in bed :( hopin it's a good sign tho. Feeling a bit sicky today :(
I've not really had anyone asking if shes here yet. Also only really had one person (aside from family) talking about visiting -and it's a friend I don't see very often, but we do kinda try, so it's not totally random. Xxx
Good luck young mummy fingers crossed she drops by Wednesday. Xx
Ooooooh good luck young mummy - hope the LO gets here before he is evicted!

I get texts everyday from all our family - but at least they're people who have cared during the pregnancy and are still asking about me so I'm ok. I think I'm more worried about when cub turns up about him being passed round and round. I don't mind people holding him if I and him are amenable to it but I don't want him to be snatched off me or DH or for people to expect to hold him - does that make me sound terrible?
At least the end is in sight now young mummy.....

Nothing at all happening here, felt so uncomfortable and had period pains the other day but nothing at all yesterday!!!

Feels very low down and a lot of pressure which is not pleasant! I don't have a text buddy
i know what you mean verity I've got a few friends who i know are the sort of people who will want to wake the baby up to hold her and I know it sounds really selfish but she is my baby I will say who can hold her. I also don't want people who smoke to hold her but my dad is a heavy smoker and so are a few of OH friends so I can't really say no. We have a very good friends christening on the 18th March so OH has said we can go for a couple of hours which means it will be the first time that alot of people will have seen her and I feel like I want to strap her in her pram because I don't want everyone trying to pick her up especially if they have had a drink. I bet i sound so selfish :( xx
Mummy2b19 - u don't sound selfish at all! I would do the same thing!! I dont want my baby being passed from person to person and I dont want anyone who has had a drink or smell of cigarettes to hold him. I dont smoke, DH quit but is back on a couple a day (:() and I will be makin him change his clothes and brush his teeth before he holds Pip. And if I'm making baby's dad do it then everyone else will have to as well. I dont care if its petty, I don't want pip around smoke.
I watched a programme about alder hey hopsital in Liverpool and a lot of it was to do with glue ear and hearing loss. Apparently its loads worse if your parent is a smoker and lots of parents were smoking outside to minimise risks to their children, but apparently it stays on skin and breathe for ages after and that is still causing damage. So I don't think anyone is selfish for saying no to smokers holding their baby! You do whatever you feel most comfortable with
my OH has cut right down and he has decided that the day I go into labour will be the last cig he has. I smoked when I found I was pregnant I went cold turkey so I know he will stop. Went for a walk with one of his friends in summer and she was pushing her baby in a pram and sparked up I couldn't belive it, made me feel physically sick. I can tell you know she is not smoking anywhere near my child weather he is mates with her or not! X
Anyone seen Mrs KM around? I wonder if she's popping/ popped? So exciting!
Just thought I'd pop in and say hello!

I was meant to be a march mummy, but due to complications I was induced at 35+5 and gave birth to my beautiful boy Noah on 9th February!

Hope everyone's ok :)

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Hey Rachel - hope all is ok with you and your lo now.

Ladies - i am the same re visitors and not wanting to pass little one around because ppl expect a cuddle. Didnt think i would be bothered about it but as time getting closer I have said to OH don't want anyone around until i feel settled after the birth. And even then to start with don't want ppl just popping by. Hopefully they will understand.

How is everyone doing? Im getting bored now and just want lo out. Not bounced for a few days so think ill get on my ball for a bit :-) x
Hey Rachel - I added you to the first post as you are one of the Feb mummies now! Noah is such a gorgeous name - how are you both doing?

DH is so impatient for it now - I'm feeling fairly relaxed as cub will rock up when he's ready. So excited to meet him and then part of me can't quite believe that a baby that looks like a baby will be coming out of my belly - if that makes sense? I had a dream the other night I gave birth to four kittens!

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