Feeling a bit deflated today.
I was in hospital Sat night for reduced movement again. This means I had another scan today to check everything was OK. I'm 35+2 & she's breech.
The midwife today has said because I'm at ftm, chances are she won't turn in the next 7 days as they like baby to be turned for 36 weeks. Especially for ftm when your stomach muscles are tighter apparently.
I have to go back on Monday next week for a rescan to see if she's moved & if not to discuss options for going forward. This may include a version which I'm worried about & if unsuccessful we need to discuss the birth.
I don't know if i'd go through with a vaginal birth if breech due to what could go wrong but i'm i'm so disappointed with the thought of a c-section. She is my first & most likely only baby & I really want to go through labour.
If I opt for a vaginal & she's still breech, then a Dr has to be present & it just feels so much more medical.
I'm trying not to think about it too much until next week but it has made me feel down.
@EskimoGem you'll have to let us know the date. How exciting for you!!