September babies

Im due tomorrow(8th)!!! Not many signs yet, i hope i go into labour on friday!! x
have you had a show or anything?
No i thought my waters were leaking but they not, i really want to go on friday!( just more convenient with having 3 other kids ones just started school) What about you any thing yet? i feel really heavy down below it's bloody uncomfy! x

no nothing just bk from the midwife and the head isnt engaged fully yet bloddy typical. fingers crossed for you hopefully you go some time soon xx
Ah hope the head engages soon!!! Hey we might go at the same time you never no! Good luck with it all anyway, and i'll be keeping an eye out for your "labour watch" x
How did your sweep go Lucy???

Anyone heard from Mummynmummy2be - she was due on 1st as well?
Sweep went ok!! Very painful though ouchie!!

If nothing happens she is coming again Friday and then if still nothing - I have been booked in to be induced on the 13th!! Really hope it doesn't come to that!!

Baby is being very stubborn ):
i aint getting on very well either baby head isnt engaged yet and im 40 weeks on friday gutted. midwife tried to give me a sweep but was unsuccessful because my cervix was to high and closed. Im booked in for another sweep for next friday so fingers crossed things start to happen before then.

been bouncing on my ball all night stopped for tea and a little rest but i aint giving up. I will be going for a walk everyday until next friday aswell.
cant wait for this thread to update that someone is actually in labour lol
Hi ladies!!

Woke up at midnight - was violently sick! Was horrible!! Then I was wretchin (sorry tmi) I leaked quite a lot of water! I think was my waters.... I'm going to my hosp today at 11am for them to check & give me another sweep!! I have a dull ache in my tummy! But not sure if it's anything!!! I hope they can still do the sweep & things start moving!!

How's things adele?? Things moving along??
oh lucy sounds like things are getting moving for you!! :love: good luck today hun! please come home with a baby! :D
Ooh Lucy- sounds good (apart from the being sick part!) - fingers crossed for you! X
Just got back & my waters did not break! Most upset :(

Also told baby is back to back - not really sure what that means? I was told to get on all 4's to help baby......any tips ladies?

Had another sweep! OH MY GOD! It was painful & had a tightening straight after.... Bet it's nothing though! Keep getting my hopes up for nothing!! Really hope this sweep works! Booked to have another sweep on Sunday - otherwise is an induction for me on Monday ):
god thats a shame lucy u must be going mad i know i am lol. Baby back to back means his back is on ur back same as me which am really gutted about. Nothing happening yet went for a long walk yesterday about 2 mile today am doing the same and been on my ball for the past 3 days all day and all night am determinded to get this little baby out one way or another lol. I got the midwife next friday for a sweep as she couldnt give me one this time as baby wasnt engaged and my cervix was high and closed:(.

hope something happens for you over the weekend and you dont need to be induced. xx
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