Hi All,
I had another appointment with my M/W today.
LO has moved down further, so he's now 3/5ths engaged, yippee, I was hoping she would say that.
We had a laugh when she felt my tum, there was a trainee there too & she had a feel & my LO really doesn't like being pushed & poked and he was really wriggling about in there! & his heartbeat went through the roof afterwards, i think he was having a bit of a paddy (gets it from his fathers side!)
My urine sample is being sent off yet again coz i've got white blood cells and too much glucose in it & M/W thinks I may have another infection
, I don't what I do to get so many blooming infections, my immune systems must be shot to pieces
Oh, well! apart from that everything else is fine.
'Tis just a waiting game now!