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Checking in thread for late March/early April mums

Good luck for tomoz ree hunni hope everything goes as you plan. Tell your DH to get in contact with a t.v company and get this reality t.v show up and running you could make a fortune hun just dont forget about me when your rolling in all that money....lol

take care xxx
Thanks guys I will letcha know what happens tomorrow!!

weestar- it's funny that you say that because he always looking for new ideas to send over to the Discovery channel. We actually own our own company, we have our own Kirby franchise and for those of you who don't know what they are they are very expensive vac. cleaners we sell them for about $1800.00 but they are only sold in homes you can't buy them in stores and they've been around for 90yrs so they do measure up to what they cost but anyway The Discovery Channel contacted the president of the Kirby company because they wanted to do a reality T.V. show on salespeople and how sales take place and just how difficult it is and are we the typical "salesperson" like you would come across say at a car dealership. So the Kirby company decided to take the #1 distributor in America and allow his organization to be the one to have the reality show made about and we happened to be the #1 distributor so we were having the discovery channel come out and film us and make a show about our organization THEN a different kinda show ended up taking our spot!!! and that show is Dog the Bounty Hunter!!!! ever heard of it???? not sure if that airs where you guys are, but here's the irony Dog the Bounty Hunter used to be a kirby salesman 20yrs ago and he uses the kirby company alot actually to catch his fugitives!!! So anywho my hubbies is always looking for more ideas to send to discovery channel. He's trying to get them to come out and do a show with his wrestling school (hubby is a retired WWF Professional Wrestler) he runs an independent federation so he's trying to get them to come out and film that!!! He's always trying to do something!!!! :talkhand: WoW I sure did ramble on!!!!! :roll: :roll:

xoxo Ree
Just had our mw appointment and was able to convince her to hold off on giving me a c-section and to just do a sweep today!!! So far the baby is still high up and I'm still only 3cms maybe a little more. So I had a sweep I'm gonna bounce on my ball, try and convince hubby to have sex (he aint buying it though :wall: ) and go for a looooong walk!! She told me that we can do a mini induction but not a long drawn out 3 day induction, so when I go into the mw's next week we'll talk about breaking my water but we have to get the baby to come down first. So that will be my mission getting the baby to drop somewhat. So that's the game plan anyway.

xoxo Ree
i'm gladyou've held her off.

Get sitting on the ball with your legs open, and walking will help. good luck hun, hope the sweep will set you off again. :dance:
nice one ree bet your well pleased youd best get bouncing on that ball lol and drag o/h off for an early night :wink:
my brother in law sells kirbys over here wow wish they were that cheap here they are 2 thousand pound to buy he keeps trying to persuade me to have one :shock: at that price he can forget it ive had a demo and they are good though but whats the point when my sister got one i can use anytime i want lol xxxxx
I'm hoping the sweep has helped!! :pray: All I'm feeling now is a little crampy nothing to write home about though. DH is a little freaked out about having sex I think even though he is willing to do whatever it takes to help me out!! :wink: lol

rach- That's to funny your brother in law sells them, how much is 2000 pounds in US currency??? This is true you could use your sisters lol There are alot of big selling distributors over seas. Tell ya what knowing what I know now I would never use anything but a Kirby that's for sure!!!

xoxo Ree

Here's to hoping my labor comes on for real this time!!!!

Anyone heard from Jenny????
Live Rates as of 2006.03.30 05:25:02 UTC.
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omg :shock: think if ever i buy a kirby im coming to the states to get it lol xxxxxxxx
Hi All,

Just got back from the Midwife and i'm happy to report my little tinker has fully engaged himself - woohoo - I think he must have been busy last night as I was awake quite alot with pains shooting down my lower back & bum and round the front of my bump, also was getting alot of period type pains.

M/W asked if i'd packed my bag yet for hospital as it could be any day now but when I asked if it could still be 2 - 4 weeks away she said yes! :think: :? so who knows? Guess he'll come when he's good and ready but keeping my fingers tightly crossed.

The M/W & trainee were laughing at LO again coz he kept wriggling away whenever they had a feel & my stomach was making some v.weird shapes, they could hardley find his heart beat he was moving so much! Hope he's not like that when he pops out!

Still here guys

Had a horrible night last night. Was litterally up every hour and half going pee and then first thing this morning at about 630 my body completely emptied itself out!!! Then I started getting sick throwing up have no clue what is going on. So I spent most of the day in bed feeling very uncomfortable having pains in my belly but not feeling like contractions or anything like that it was a different kinda pain hard to describe. After getting up and about I've started to contract but I'm not timing them yet it always results to nothing anyway!!! :twisted: I will be getting on the ball again to try and bring her down. That's about it for me though.

Glad to hear your good news nicki hopefully it'll be anyday for you now!!!
Keep my fingers crossed for you!!!!

xoxo Ree
Diahorrea and sickness can be a good sign, your body emptying itself out for labour!! OOOOOOHH!!

Mind you i'm not suprised you are not getting your hopes up after the time you've had of it!! :D

Fingers crossed hun
Checking in again!!

Still contracting but not doing anything!! Bouncing on my ball more and praying!!! Another sleepless night ugh!!! I'm back to being miserable AGAIN!!! But I guess I only have days left not months!!! :pray:

xoxo Ree
I had my baby on 28th, full story in the new arrival section! :D
Massive congratulations on your little bundle!!!

Hope everything went well :D :D :D I'll read your story on new arrivals

Has anyone heard how jenny is??
Fab news Kelly, I was going to ask if anyone had heard from you, I thought you must have had your little one. Congrats. :D

Nicki.x :D
Congratulations!!!! I'll be reading your story!!! :D :D :D

xoxo Ree
Havent heard from Jenny and have texted her loads, am a little worried please post Jenny if your reading. Perhaps shes still in hosptial and cant use phone?
I'm in a bit of cunfusion right now!! I've been contracting all day (I know what else is new) that's exactly what I was thinking so I wasn't paying to much mind to it and I was laying on the couch this afternoon and I had some trickle of fluid come out that I had no control over so I went to the bathroom and it kept coming and then suddenly stopped. I know this is gross but I smelled my pants and it had an unusual odor to it not like a urine smell I dunno how to describe just weird is all. So I called over to mw's and they are of course having me come in but the thing that sucks is that I don't know if that's what it was or not and if it isn't then I'll really be ashamed!!!! :oops: :oops: So if ya don't see me here for a little while then you know why but chances are I'll be back posting tonight!!!!

xoxo Ree

Keep everything crossed that this is it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

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