March 2006 Babies

Anna marie - theres no need for you to go without chocolate!!! - i read its good for the baby!!!!!!

I had most of a big size 'Wonka' bar last night - bloody lovely it was! :lol:

I too, really missed my wine to begin with, but now dont even like the smell ugh.

L x
Ahhh its good to know there are fellow itchy boobed ppl out their lol.
My size is getting bigger.....i dont fit any of my bras now most of them barly cover my nipples so ive got the old 4 boob syndrome going on....really must invest in maternity bras, any suggestion where is best to get them....i need measuring too!
Ive been to my midwife and will be seeing her again when i get back from my hols-shes comng to see me infact which i thought was really nice. Still waiting for my booking in appointment at the hospital though, probably wont b untill about 12 weeks as i think i get my first scan then.
Just thought id give you all that installment lol.
And to ask the doc midwife or chemist!
xxx Faye xxx
hi all...

Well my boobs are not at all sore or itchy today, I have had some spotting [very light] and feel weird. I am very worried - off to the doc this afternoon but not sure what she will say as she was not very hopeful that this baby would make it in the first place.

Feeling very scared.
Good luck honey - big hugs to you and keep us posted!!

Faye, Ebay do some great cheap maternity Bra's - I got two mothercare ones brand new for 4.99 each!!

Lots of love
I am feeling very sick, sometimes it's just in the morning other times it lasts all day. Apparently sickness is a good sign so I'll stick it out!

Ginger biscuits are supposed to help
I drink ginger beer too as I love it but not everyone likes it!! Its good if you do as you can just sip it all day!!
I finally got my BFP after 17 months and i am due on 30th March 2006. Please add me to your list! :D
Hello, I am new on here. I found out I was pregnant a couple of weeks ago and I am due around the 19th of March.

I know a lot of you have already mentioned it but for me, what is hitting me most is the tiredness! I feel like I could curl up anywhere and sleep. I am useless at home and not doing much housework, my husband is being great. I feel sickly all the time but haven't been sick yet. I am really looking forward to the second trimester :D
Hi Kelly,

So pleased we are due in the same month!!!

Much love
Hi everyone,

Haven't posted since Friday as was really anxious and worried over w/e due to the spotting, cramps and lack of all other symptoms but i managed to have a scan yesterday and my little bean is fine!!!!!

At first they could not find anything. but they did the vagi scan thing [lovely.. NOT!] and there it was... and the heartbeat was clear.. I just burst into tears while my OH was glued to the screen with a big grin on his face... I AM SOOOOOO RELIEVED AND HAPPY!

thanks for all your well wishes on Friday.. its great being able to find support and comfort from fellow mums-to-be!

hi there! my baby is due 3rd march like all of you im really excited and looking forward to being at least 12 weeks so i can stop all that worrying!

sarah x
Hi ladies!

I thought I'd join you all, i might not be able to post much, but will try to pop in and see where everyone is at :wink:

My EDD is 28th March 2006!

Anna- Marie I'm soooo glad things turned out ok after your scare :lol:

Hey- just thought I'd share this with you - 30 years ago my mum was 27 and pregnant with my brother whose EDD was 27th March 1976 - I'm 27 and my EDD is 28th March 2006! spooky huh - that's not the half of how spooky it is - my brother was late and was born 9th April 1976, our dad was born 9th April 1946 and our nan (dad's mum) was born 9th April 1911!!!!! :shock:

What do you think the chances of this one being 12 days late :wink:

Hi ladies and bumps

We're due 15 March, and a feeling sooooooo tired at the minute!

Haven't been feeling sick, just a bit woozy, but have totally gone off all foods (and I so wanted to crave curry and choccy :wink: ).

Good luck to us all...

Hi all,

My baby is due on March 10th and its my first!

Am glad to meet you all!!!
Hi to all, well time is getting on isnt it just 1 more week till the dreaded 12 weeks is over its wierd to think i can now say im in my 12th week of pregnancy!! I have my booking in appointment on saturday....the midwife is coming to see me which is nice and then my first scan on 8.30am!!!!!!!!! Agggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh
oh well i cant wait hope u n ur bumps are all well
xxxx Faye xxxx
Had an early scan this week (few issues, but fingrs crossed all seems OK now), and I'm actually due 17 March, not 15th March - Laura can you change my date please?

Does anyone know how they can be so precise, i.e. changing me by 2 whole days... :roll:
Hi all had my scan was amazing it was jumping around all over the place.....the radiographer struggled to get decent pics it was moving that much lol!
They have also knocked 1 day off my EDD....its now the 1st of March so im still in this month....just!
Seeing our baby has really made it alot more real, I have a feeling my uterus has popped on out of my pelvis today navel looks as though its on the move that possible so early? I have definately got a looks more like 5 months rather than 3! Im gonna b a house!

How can we see the calendar with all our due dates on?
Take care all xxxxxxxx
Hi Fayebalina ... if you go back to the start of page 1 of this topic (there's a link to all of its pages - "Goto page .. 1, 2, 3, etc ..." - at both the top and bottom of this page) then you will be able to see the list of everybody who is due in March. Hope this helps!

Best wishes,
Laura B
had my scan yesterday, but now my due date isnt until 12/3/06, makes it longer until i reach 12 week mark but everything seems ok so far so fingers crossed!
Hiya all you mums2b.

My due date is 24th March 2006. Still can't believe it!!!!!


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