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Chatstalkers- July 2008

Morning ladies :wave: how is everyone today?! Well im good and tbh not really much to report here :) Hope you all have a nice day :D
ladies can i ask if your CM was clear a bit stretchy and with specs of white in it how would you note that as on FF?
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: to those who need it.

i can remember the way you feel at times and i feel it myself again here and there,even though i have only really started trying again and i am lucky enough to be blessed with a DS. its great when people get there BFPs it really is and you are so happy for them but you also wish it was you announcing it. but you will be one day and hopefully very soon, look at shellbams story that really makes me smile :cheer: and we will all be here to celebrate yourrs too when it happens x x x :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hi, I haven't posted in here before, but I have been charting on FF for 2mths. I wonder if some one could have a look at my chart.... http://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/21256d it says I Ov on CD16, but I have been getting a positive OPK on about CD17?? I have been getting a second shift on CD19/20 and I think that might be my actual OV day??
What do you guys think???
looks to me like u ovulated on day 19. the chart will probably need more temps to read it better.
My chart did that this mornin it did say ovulation was on day 27 but has now put it to day 29.
Hi Littlelambe :wave:

I would say that you oved on CD19. You still had EWCM up to day 18, and you also had your +OPK. Good Luck!
Grrrrrr that's it im giving in im not sure if ive charted my CM right? And the pains ive got im not sure if they are OV pains hmmmmm :| Let alone even know if im near to OV or not :evil:
:wave: Hi all, I'm home - hurrah! :cheer: And back to stalking...

Flossy, you might ov a little later this month than you would normally. When I had a chemical pg, it screwed up my cycles for 3 months, which the doctor said was entirely normal after any miscarriage, no matter how early. Looks to me like you're charting just fine... you might want to start BDing now if you haven't already, EWCM is a good sign! Have you got the Toni Weschler 'Taking CHarge of Your Fertility' book? It's got pics of CM - totally bleurgh, but quite helpful. The FF handbook has quite good descriptions too. TBH, this first month back, you'll just have to note everything and then assess retrospectively, as your cycles may have changed a little - but if you BD every 2-3 days, you'll be in with a good chance anyway. Good luck, I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you - and rumour has it you'll be super-fertile right now, so make the most of it!

I've not had time to read through all the posts yet, will try to do more tomorrow. I have 2 weeks' worth of washing to do... it's lovely coming home (and not living in a student hall of residence... can't wait to get into our kingsize bed tonight, after a 2'6" one with all the springs coming through...) but I am shattered, and I hate unpacking... hope everyone's well!
Kitty :D so lovely to see you back.

Flossy looks like you have been bedding - now you just have to watch the next couple of temps - fingers crossed :hug:
Thanks for your help! Next month i'll BD as if I ov on both CD16 & CD19!! :rotfl:
cheers Babydust :wink: I wasn't going to get myself a ticker yet but I keep losing track of where I am. I think I have totally lost my mind...

Oh, here's an update on symptoms for Loola!

Occasionally feeling a bit queasy but not feeling really sick. Apparently my nipples have grown - thanks to DH for that bit of info... I did buy a new bra a couple of days ago, I'm usually 30D/DD but all my bras were a bit tight; I tried on a couple and ended up with a 32D, so I guess I'm a bit bigger all over. I need the loo every 30 mins or so, which is ridiculous. I'm also desperately thirsty - I went shopping this afternoon and less than an hour after lunch (a quinoa, feta & pumpkin salad and 500ml fresh raw juice, so not salty), I felt really hot, thirsty and dizzy and glugged a 750ml bottle of water. Of course, 20 mins later I was dying for the loo, and then I was really thirsty again... I'm quite tired but that could be anything. Other than that, sweet FA. To be honest, I get more symptoms just before my period arrives each month...

Btw, one thing I noticed is that numerically, this month was our lowest chance of conceiving since we started TTC. I ov'ed on CD18 this cycle - we had BD'ed on CD13, 'to clear the old sperm out'(!), and then BD'ed again on CD17. We had pretended that we were conducting an experiment after reading that the sperm take a couple of days to recover (in fact, we just couldn't be arsed to BD any more...). I read that if a sperm sample is required, the bloke's supposed to give it not more than a week and not less than 3 days after the previous ejaculation, as this gives the best results - allegedly. Anyway, it seems to have worked for us. What a waste of time it was trying to get in morning and evening sessions for the 5 days before and including ovulation - there was probably nothing left by the time the egg turned up.

As you can probably tell, I intend to hang around here for a bit longer, hope that's ok! Not because I'm particularly afraid of moving to first tri, but because I don't know what I'll do without charts!!! :rotfl:
Thanks ladies :hug: im such a plank at times :oops: Well today i feel pants we went out last night for a drink and i was going to be good and only have the 1 because we knew the person behind the bar he was giving me triple measures of whisky (which i was drinking) with lemonade and before you know it i was more than worse for wear i ended up being sick in the pub toilets with hubby coming to find me to see what was wrong i then walked home somehow and was greeted by hubby walking behind me laughing and got in and was sick everywhere again and ended up being put to bed by hubby and undressed as i was totaly incapeable myself :oops: Oh the shame ladies needless to say i felt totatly rubbish this morning didnt help i as working either :doh: And as for my temps i didnt take them so had to note them as disregarded and tick the drinking bit on my chart. I hope that wont make a huge difference to it there? :?
I'm not sure the being sick will have helped but relaxing will have done you good! As for the temps, if you miss one day it shouldn't matter too much - if it turns out to be a crucial day, the crosshairs might be a day out, that's all!
Thanks kitty :hug: Btw just to ask how long should we carry on BD'ing for this cycle as im a bit unsure as to where i am with things? And also im not sure if i worked out my cycle length right? I counted from the day i went in to hospital for the medical management and had the bleeding then to when AF arrived this time which was 24 days. But i dont want to stop BD'ing just incase i have calculated that wrong and do OV late.
You should carry on BDing until ovulation has been confirmed by 3 consecutive temperatures at the higher level. It looks like you're in your fertile period right now, so don't give up just yet! However, there's no need to do it every day, if you're getting tired - every other day will give you a good chance.
Thanks kitty :hug: I think im near/close to OV as ive got a lot of EWCM :oops:
Evening ladies,

Just thought I would do a spot of stalking to keep my hand in and take my mind of our nuchal scan next week (getting really scared about it now!!).

Trudy :hug: I'm sorry honey.

Loola - hopefully tomorrow will bring you that BFP :pray:

Welshpolly - do you think you have ovulated yet?

Skairdy as I said on your other thread :hug:

Flossy keep an eye on your temps the next couple of days :D

Sookie when will you test?

I hope I havent left anyone out if I have good luck to you all.

Jane xxxxxx

PS Kitty when are you coming over to First Tri? its kind of lonely in there at the moment :D
Thanks ROM :hug: Hope your keeping well :D Dont worry im watching my chart like a hawk :lol:

Hope your all ok ladies :hug:
I'm going to move to First Tri just as soon as we get a 'Chartstalkers with BFPs' group going in there! I've got nowhere to post without the stalkers! Had my doctor's appt earlier this evening and now I'm terrified. It suddenly seems a bit more real.
Soooo.... if I set up an 'Ex-Stalkers' thread in first tri, will you join me ROM? and hopefully we'd have a few more people join us shortly :wink:

Btw - I meant to say to Trudy, the luteal phase thing obviously isn't a major obstruction to pregnancy - as you know my luteal phase is 11 days, with spotting on 11DPO, and I had worried that was too short for implantation, especially with the chem last year. Hopefully that will put your mind a little more at ease. :hug:

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