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Chatstalkers- July 2008

Hiya can you add me to the chartstalkers list please :D
I think I have cut and pasted the right bit???? Mind you I have added on my chart that we BD last night but it isnt showing on the link, weird? We did do it I promise :oops:

Hiya Ladies :wave:

Can you add me to the Chartstalkers please!!! After a few months after my M/C and nothing happening I thought I would give charting a go! I have no idea what I am doing but I have Candy (Flossy) helping me :hug:

Kate xx
Hi scones and MrsH welcome :wave:
Scones you have pasted the right bit in there! Not sure why when you put in that you'd bd'd that it isnt showing? :?
MrsH il always lend a helping hand if you get into a muddle there hun :hug:
How is everyone today then not heard from some of you for a day or 2 hope your all ok?! :)
Thats it now i give up the bloody witch is still here CD9 and hasnt gone yet i now think we'l miss our chance this time round :cry: And whats with the temps its gone right up again??? :?
Oh Claire that is such amazing news! Im so pleased for you! After everything you have been through and thinking that you couldnt have a sticky boy! :cheer: :cheer:

Welcome back Scones :wave: and welcome MrsH, Im sure we will do our best to help you with any questions you have re-charting! Its good to have a new face around here :hug: Good luck!

Flossy - sorry it seems to be taking a while for your body to get back to normal, I guess its understandable after what you have been through. I hope you will get a chance this month hun :hug:

How is everyone today? This is my last day at work for a week and a half so Im excited! :cheer: Ive nothing planned but im going to tidy up my garden and hopefully have some time completely to myself, which I have realised lately I never ever have! Im either at work or at home with Mike, I never have time to myself, so Im really looking forward to that. :)

Mike is having his sperm test tomorrow too! I cant wait to get it over and done with. Fingers crossed for him :pray:
Hi all!

I am still in Wales, and have finaly find a wi-fi cafe - hurrah! And even more hurrah:


This was taken on Saturday. I'd been so busy with the conference I had lost track of my cycle. Managed to use the library computer to check FF (very furtively!) to see when AF was due and was totally shocked to realise I was on 14dpo and my lp is usually 11. So obviously I had to rush out and buy a test - I had no HPTs with me, just a load of sanitary towels and tampons! I took the pic after 1 min, it got even darker afterwards.

Keep your fngers crossed for me... I shall be home on Sunday and will read the forum properly then.

In the meantime, love to you all, and huge hugs to Flossy - keeping my fingers especially crossed for you. Babydust - I'm so pleased for you, and Sookie and Trudy - it's finally happening, the long-term stalkers are getting their BFPs, so keep the faith!

Now I'd better go or my car's going to get clamped... :(
OMG!!! :shock: I've been lurking on the thread but had to come up for air to say CONGRATS!!! Looks like a break was all you needed. Fab news. :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :dance: :dance: :dance: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Guess I'd better post whilst I'm here. Hiya Kate :wave: hope your okay. We'll help you through the world of charting.

Babydust - great news. Glad all is well
Flossy - sounds like you had a good weekend. You deserve it hun! Hope AF goes soon.
ROM - Cooper is fast becoming the alpha male. Poor Bruno. :lol:
Welcome back scones :wave:
Loola hope mikes tests go well :pray: enjoy your hol

Hi everyone else. I'm just lurking at the moment. I don't know why but I'm still here and sending baby dust to you all. Kitty I hope you're right and the long term stalkers are about to stage a mass exodus!!! :pray:
Morning ladies :wave:

Hope everyone is well :hug:

I did my temp this morning (as directed by Flossy!! :D ) and it was quite a difference from yesterdays - is this right?

Also, not really read up on the charting as yet (been busy) and was wondering what my temp should be when i am ovulating?

Sorry for the questions - just finding this a bit confusing :wall:


Kate x
OH MY GOD KITTY!!! I literally went dizzy when I saw your post! I am so happy for you lady! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
So you had no idea before you tested that you were pregnant? No tell tale signs at all?

MrsH - there isnt really a rule to what your temp should be, and yes it will change quite a lot daily. Its not really about the actual temp its more about the pattern of temps over the month. So as long as you temp at the same time everyday if possible you should get an accurate reading for the month. So before ovulation your temps are low and once ovulation has occurred they rise, sometimes quite drastically, and they stay high until you either get your BFP (in which case your temps will stay high) or AF arrives, when your temp will drop again. Hope that helps.
OMG KItty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is great news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Wow Kitty! I am sitting here trying not to cry!
How absolutely amazing! I am so so happy for you :hug:

(Thanks to Loola for the heads up!)
Many congratulations kitty its ace news! :cheer: :hug: Thanks ladies im hoping she'l go soon though :hug: I think i might be getting ready to OV or OV'ing not sure which as i have those type of pains you get when you OV. Im hoping AF will have gone by then. Sorry this is a daft Qu but how long normaly after AF do you OV or can you OV during AF :? :)

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

I cannot tell you how bloody excited I am - Kitty you absolute star!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Come on girls thats the start now get your bums over to first tri with US!!
Flossy - I think you can ovulate at the same time as having AF so it is possible to get pregnant and have AF. :?

Im so chuffed for Kitty! such brilliant news! I hope we do get to join her and ROM in 1st tri :pray:
Fantastic news Kitty!!! Have a happy and healthy 9 months. Thanks for all your help in the past and i hope you can perhaps continue to help me out as i would like to start temping soon... if not im sure the nice ladies in chartstalkers will help me! So pleased for you. :cheer: :hug:
Of course we would help you Sammy! The more the merrier in here! We are a lovely bunch I promise! :D :hug:
Kitty thats fab news Huge Congratulations to you and OH :cheer: :cheer:

:hug: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
WOW!!!!! That it just fabulous news Kitty! I am super chuffed for you. It´s about time another long term stalker got a BFP. A huge CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS to you and your DH :dance: :cheer: :dance:

Hi to everyone else :wave: I don´t have anything to report really. Still not temping. I figure there´s no point this late in the cycle, it will just stress me out. This 2ww though seems to be one of the longest ever for me, I really don´t think we have much of a chance this cycle so I just want AF to come so I can get on with it again.

ROM, we will be going back to Melbourne, which is where I think you SIL is. It´s where they make Neighbours. I am very much looking forward to getting my normal life back, but it will be hard to leave behind the lovely apartment, weather and relaxed lifestyle we have here.

Welcome back Scones :wave: and hi to MrsH and Sammy. Good luck.
Thanks ladies!!!! I'm going to go and dig my basal thermometer out and TRY to remember to temp (im not very good at it ive tried before!) I am on CD 12 so i dont know if its worth starting now? I am due to ovulate within the next 3 - 4 days maybe, would temping from tomorrow morning onwards still tell me anything or am i too late for this month? :(
Well you might be able to see that you have ovulated if the temp rise is dramatic enough to tell, otherwise Id wait til next month (hopefully there wont be a next month!) so you get a better picture.
Oh Claire, with the excitement of Kitty´s BFP I forgot to say congrats to you :oops: That really is fantastic news for you! I am so pleased that you have a sticky boy. What a relief! :clap: :clap: :clap: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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