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Chatstalkers- July 2008

oooo the list really is short now!!

Trudy - glad the scan and appointment went ok :D

Loola - glad all the plans are going well! :cheer:

Loca - I hope everything will be ok :pray:

ROM - hope everything is going ok :hug:

Hello Kirsty! :wave:

I have finished my first round of clomid so fingers crossed! The main effect I noticed was insomnia so a couple of nights I haven't been able to chart as I haven't slept! Hopefully I will get some rest later!
Hi chartstalkers... i wondered if you could help? AF arrived yesterday (Friday) on CD27. My last AF was June the 8th. Could anyone tell me when they think i ovulated? How many days after ovulation do you have AF is it 11 or 12 days? Also i just wondered how you work out your luteal phase and what this means. Thanks in advance girls :hug:
Sammy its impossible to say when you ovulated just by the dates because everyone is different. Some people have 10 day luteal phases some have 16+. My own luteal phase is around 13 days. The only way you can work it out is after a couple of months of charting or if you are lucky enough to feel ovulation or get definite positive OPKs then you could work it out roughly. Only temping will confirm that you have ovulated by the rise in temperature which will then drop once AF arrives so then after temping for a few cycles you should be able to tell what your luteal phase is. They say that you luteal phase needs to be at least 10 days for a pregnancy to occur because if it is shorter they egg wont have had enough time to embed in the womb. Luteal phases can be increased though if they are short by taking hormones, so thats good! :D

I hope this helps :hug:
Morning ladies :wave:

Loola and Trudy how is the every 3 days going? I'm patiently waiting for you :D

Welshpolly - how are you feeling - will they check you have ovulated now you have started your meds? :pray: that you catch first month and Cheri was right for you.

Kitty hope your conference went well and also your brothers wedding (if its been yet my memory isnt what it was :D )

Sookie where are you chuck???? I hope the holiday is going well - sorry the weather hasnt been better for you :hug:

Loca I hope your cycles settle down soon - I know how frustrating and expensive long cycles can be (queen of the HPT here :D )

Sammy it is so difficult to know when you ovualted - the medical profession quote a 14 day LP but as most of the ladies on here know it is often not the case - if you dont want to get into temping and charting I suppose a starting point would be to assume that yours is 14 days and work backwards - ie if your cycle is usually 27 days you should ovulate on or around CD 13 - be careful though as I am pretty sure I ovulated on CD7 in May and I usually have a 27 day cycle....... Perhaps bedding every 2 or 3 days from the last day of AF maybe safer... Do you check your CM? Having said that I found if I had bedded it was quite difficult to tell the difference between EWCM and left over sperm :lol:

Jane x x x x
Hey i was wondering if i can come and join you all again. Ive finaly got my AF 24 days after i went in for my medical management. I would like to chart again just ro see where things are at and then take it from there. :)
Of course you can Flossy hun! :hug: Im sorry that you are back here but I am happy to see you :) I hope you dont stay here very long. Sending you lots of hugs hun. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hi all,

Just back from the doctors and it went differently to what I thought it would...

I have to go on Clomid :( Starting the 2nd day of my next AF (assuming I'm not already pregnant) I'm really nervous like, and I never thought I'd see the day...

Well I've to get all those hormone bloods done next Monday- those results I wont have til November, which is my gynae appointment :shock: :shock:

The doctor told me to scrap the temping and charting, thinks its all bull :rotfl: :rotfl:

Hope everyone else is well :) I really need to stalk all of your charts soon...
hi all,

sorry not been around much, been v busy. Off for conference today, back in 2 weeks. v late, pickign up colleague at Heathrow at 10 and haven't yet packed let alone left house.

sorry for brief message, will try to log on if I can find wi-fi otherwise hope all is well and that there are loads of BFPs when I get back
Damit! I just spent ages replying to the emergency forum and now this is up and running. Well I'm not repeating it all you'll just have to go an read it!!!! :shakehead:

I'm going to go have a play with all the new bits!!! Where's Mo's fro and the scrolly text gone? :(
Oh meh! I do love the new forum but I really loved the emergency bunker! Im sure that they can add more extras and Mo's afro if we ask nicely!
Thats it im going to go around with a sack over my head to cover the bad skin break out i seem to have arrrggghhhhhhhhh :evil: Btw how is everyone today! :lol:
I'm good ta. I'm loving the new puppy and the guy who I have the most fun with at work is back after a 2 week hol. So life in the office is silly again!!!! :dance: He's been jumping out from dark offices and scaring me to death!!! :twisted: Plus not temping has made me feel all reckless! I didn't even take any magic medicine. I'm down to 4 pill, 2 are my anti-d's one is vit B6 for LP and folic acid of course. I no longer rattle when I walk. :lol:

Hope your all well. :moon:
Dnt mean to jump in, but can someone look at my chart and tell me if ive ovulated ?
I havnt had a + opk but they say to trust your body.
Jemz its hard to tell today, though the massive rise in temp would suggest so. The only way you will be able to tell is if your temp stays high tomorrow. From your CM though it does look like that you have ovulated yes :)
Hi Jemz. :wave: Your not jumping in!!! That's what we're here for. You can't really tell until 3 days of high temps have passed. But looking at your CM and CP it looks like it's a yes for ov. I hope you caught that egg. :pray:
ok..thanx girls. we have bd's a few times up to ovulation so hopin ive have caught the egg. It strange coz i seem to be ovulating earlier this month
Hello everyone - I'm loving the new forum! :clap: :D

Flossy - Hope you're ok :hug:

Loca - ooo we're on clomid together!!! Hopefully it will work for us :pray:

kitty - hope you're ok and the conference goes ok :hug:

Trudy - off to the bunker to read your message! YAY for reduced meds!!!

I am doing ok - still have the insomnia which is driving me mad!!! Rich was meant to be home later but just been called into theatre for a long operation! Thankfully no positive OPK today!!!
Morning all :wave: Hows everyone this lovely day? Well im more tired now than when i went to bed last night :evil: And typicaly i woke 40 minutes before my alarm went off :roll: But decided to take my temp then as i was desperate for a wee. I hope im doing ok so far :)

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