chartstalkers- September 2008

How's everybody today?

Andrea - you got any symptoms yet? 7dpo now...

Jojo, when do you go on holiday? Are you symptom spotting...?

MrsH looks like you OV today! Happy BDing

I STILL haven't OV.... I'm just going with the flow now and not stressing about it... It will happen when it happens... I struggled to work out the difference between EWCM and leftovers :oops: but I defo had EWCM yesterday (we hadn't BD'd since Thursday morning) -ve on an OPK though and no twinges...!?
Jools I thought some of that bf prog was well weird too especially the woman who had had no kids and said she found it sexual! what a freakin weirdo! i'd have had her to the police and put on the sex register!!!!

Anyway, tested yesterday which would have been cd27 (if it was) and not even a hint so think I'm, out - but took temp this morning and it's 36.9 which is higher. I really felt all the familiar signs this month but think it's just my body going back to normal (?) so just waiting for a proper af now but no feelings it'll happen today.
Holly its not over yet :hug: :hug:

JoJo - your chart is looking really positive! Lots of luck :hug: :hug:

Ellie :hug: :hug: :hug: I wish I could help but Ive no idea how to interpret your chart but I definately don't think you ov'd on CD15 :hug: :hug: :hug:

As for me... my symptons are all but gone :roll: And I must have taken 20 tests now :rotfl: all -ve obviously :lol:

Haven't tempd this weekend as I went to stay with my sister and forgot my thermometer :doh:

hey andrea if testing keeps you occupied dont feel guilty - we all need a hobby :wink:

nah i'm defintly out, did a clearblue after i'd been on here and 'not pregnant' which would be cd28 if the m/c was cd1 (it's getting complicated) mind you we only did it the once so chances were slim anyway! I think all the pains and twinges were just cos it's so early afterwards. Zolta said october anyway to try again so will do!!
andreaaa said:
Holly its not over yet :hug: :hug:

JoJo - your chart is looking really positive! Lots of luck :hug: :hug:

Ellie :hug: :hug: :hug: I wish I could help but Ive no idea how to interpret your chart but I definately don't think you ov'd on CD15 :hug: :hug: :hug:

As for me... my symptons are all but gone :roll: And I must have taken 20 tests now :rotfl: all -ve obviously :lol:

Haven't tempd this weekend as I went to stay with my sister and forgot my thermometer :doh:


Thanks Andrea, I can't work it out either....just going to keep on temping!

How many days now until AF is due? If I knew I'd OVd I wouldn't be able to stop myself testing either!!!

Did you have a good weekend?
Awww Holly :hug: :hug: lots of babydust to you for next month :hug: :hug:

Ellie I had a fab weekend thank you :cheer: only thing is we never get much sleep at my sisters so I'm tired now :doh: I had my first go on the decks Friday night, couldn't get me off til gone 5a.m :lol:

I think i'm due on 22nd but FF has changed my ov day from a thick line on CD 18 to a dotted line on CD 16... Did that when I removed + opk from Sunday as I realised it was Saturday that I got a +, any idea why it moved it? I'm either 6 or 8 dpo anyway :hug:
I think the +ve OPK usually comes just after OV as it detects the surge after the egg is released? So that would make sense to move it one day back, maybe then it's your temp dip that moved it 2 days....? 8dpo is loads better though, knocked 2 days off your 2WW!

Sounds like a great weekend! After all my partying recently I decided to have a really quiet night in last night so feel great now!
yoohoo everyone, i've got my chart infront of me to take a pic but my camera battery has run low and i cant charge it up :wall: dont know what to do, it was a £150 camera!! :x
Anyway was surprised to find my temp at 37 today :think: which would be cd29, otherwise known as cd1 if i come on. :think:

I'll try and get my chart on and see what you think.
this is cd3 to cd29 (cd1?)


My right nipple was knacking last night and I've got an inverted 'L' vein running right through it and I never had veins before, got some in the other one but not as bad and some in the actual booby and got some of those little spots - i really didnt have any veins showing before I got pg as we kept a look out to see if I would get any last time round, so they are a new thing. If I'm really no pg I wish they would go away as i really don't like them! They did go away alot after the m/c but are back again.

Anyway, what should my temp be doing assuming I'm not pg? I thought it would go down leading up to af. I've had a bit periody pain this morning but it's gone off, but I've had that for ages now.

I need to research this more!
Hi Holly

Did you miss a load of temps out mid cycle? I think your temp stays high until the first day of bleed when it drops....might be wrong though?

The dip you think was OV might not be, it might have been later than that in the end but it's difficult to tell with the gap in temps? I've heard your cycles can go a little different after a MC, my friend didn't get her AF for 5 weeks and she's regular as clockwork normally

You should defo chart online with us if AF does come... FF are really good at picking out OV and it's not as hard to use as it looks!!!
Hi ladies, just wanted to say that ovulation usually occurs 12 to 36 hours after seeing a positive OPK, the LH surge happens prior to ovulation, in fact its what kicks the egg out of bed so to speak. OPKs are great indicators as to when you should start BDing!

Holly - Ejjie is right, the temp would usually drop on the day of or the day before your AF arrives. If you continue to see high temps then it is quite likely that you are pregnant, unless of course your cycle is a bit messed up because of the m/c, which does happen a lot. I think its rare that your cycle will go back to exactly the same length it was before you were pregnant, it may take a little while for things to get back to normal. :hug: It may still be too early to know if you are pregnant. As you missed a few temps on your chart you cant be sure when you ovulated so it may just be too early to test.

Andreaaa - I think the cross hairs have becoming dotted instead of solid on your chart due to you moving your positive OPK to the day before, this is because it would make sense that if you had a + on the Sunday, the slight dip in temps on the Monday would be an 'ovulation dip' which is another good sign of ovulation. This happens quite often before the rise in temps which shows that ovulation has occurred. As you had the + on the Saturday, and you dont have a temp on the Sunday, FF cannot accurately say that ovulation occurred on the Monday. Also FF expects that you ovulated the day after you have seen a +OPK, that isnt always the case as it can happen on the same day or happen 2 days later, FF doesnt always get it spot on. I bet if you had a temp that was around the same as your temp on the Saturday that you would have solid lines. I hope this makes sense. Im not very good at explaining things!

I would personally say that ovulation occurred for you on the Monday, day 18, as the high temp on the Tuesday shows that ovulation has occurred. The OPK only shows that the egg is about to be released, that can happen up to 36 hours after the positive OPK.

Just to make things even more complicated, you can have positive OPKs without actually ovulating at all. Say you got ill or had a major crisis in your life, this could stop ovulation occurring, for a while anyway, it may just be put back for a while. This is why temping is the only way you can tell for sure that you have ovulated, once you have seen the temp rise.
FF has finally picked up OV for me! On Friday though when our BD wasn't perfectly timed....rubbish :(

Also, I drank Friday night. Not loads but enough that my temp was high so I automatically discarded it like other times it's been high after drinking. Now I've taken the tick off to discard it so not definitely sure I OV but I got a line on an OPK that was about 2/3 strength of the control Thursday PM so it does fit...there's no line any more

Just need to wait and see if I carry on getting high temps
Holly hobby that chart looks impressive hope aF stays away. :pray:

yey ejjie you ovulated good luck for the 2ww :hug:

i have a question for you charting experts i am around 8 dpo and my temps have dipped 2 days in a row now normally they stay up and drop on or the day pre AF but why would they dip this low only 8dpo. - i was wishly thinking they drop for implantation but i'm sure thats not possible is it surely they would rise? my AF is due around the 22nd so its too early to drop and no AF?

any ideas anyone? :think:
Hi, yeh I only put the ones on I had in my note book, I did have a few more recorded on here but did it downstairs so didn't have access. It didnt go under 36.2 as far as I know, which is the dip in the chart. Looking at other charts my temps seem really consistently high to other peoples and i live in sleeveless tops so not overly hot or anything and we have the window open a tad at night.
Did another test at tea time on a 25mlu and we thought we could see the slightest hint of a line but I think it was our eyes in the end.
Still no af, so if I don't start before midnight tonight then it will be officially my longest cycle length! I never go over 28 days.

Rusks wish I could help you but I don't know much about this temping thing :hug: I would suggest you poas but I wouldnt dare!!!! :rotfl: :rotfl:
HollyHobby said:
Hi, yeh I only put the ones on I had in my note book, I did have a few more recorded on here but did it downstairs so didn't have access. It didnt go under 36.2 as far as I know, which is the dip in the chart. Looking at other charts my temps seem really consistently high to other peoples and i live in sleeveless tops so not overly hot or anything and we have the window open a tad at night.
Did another test at tea time on a 25mlu and we thought we could see the slightest hint of a line but I think it was our eyes in the end.
Still no af, so if I don't start before midnight tonight then it will be officially my longest cycle length! I never go over 28 days.

Rusks wish I could help you but I don't know much about this temping thing :hug: I would suggest you poas but I wouldnt dare!!!! :rotfl: :rotfl:

:rotfl: :rotfl: you'll probably end up converting me by the end of this cycle as i don't know whats happening now that would be funny :D :talkhand:

my cm hasn't dried p either its been sticky rather than dry- oh god knows whats going on any advice ladies?
Rusks have you got an online chart?

I might get like mrs doyle and say go on go on go on poas go on poas! :wink:

Anyway re both your dipd, could it be you might be getting a cold or something? :think:
HollyHobby said:
Rusks have you got an online chart?

I might get like mrs doyle and say go on go on go on poas go on poas! :wink:

Anyway re both your dipd, could it be you might be getting a cold or something? :think:

never crossed my mind guess that would be a good explanation my LO has had a virus apart from being tired i am ok, will keep you posted thanks hunny you are a great support to me tonight especially as i have been a battle axe in the past to your obsession. :lol: i will wait til monday til poas ..... i think, or i ......might wait til just sunday NOOOOOOO :doh: leave me alone bad voices in my head!! :wink:
Hehe I think I dont qualify as a poas obsessionist next to others :wink: not yet anyway.... :)

Might be a virus then, or could be nothing, maybe you were just colder. :think:

Well it's officially past midnight and no af so gone over 28 days now If i dont come on for another week then I'll only be a week behind my normal cycle, so it might play catch up.

God luck for testing friday, saturday and sunday :rotfl:
Hi Lisa,

Got nothing to add really other than what Hollyhobs said about you maybe getting sick? I don't know how long and implantation dip would last - could it be over 24 hours? What's your temp this morning?

Holly, the dip you think was OV dip might not necessarily be. It isn't always the lowest temp of the month so if you plot all of your temps during that blank period you might be able to see something different. Baby dust to you

Andrea, 10dpo - are you tempted to test yet?

Jojo's chart looks good. I wonder if she took tests on her hols with her.... :lol:

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