Chartstalkers: June 2008


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2007
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Ok ladies, to show you that my dedication to charting and all of you is not waning, I am starting up this month's thread. Not sure if you realised it, but we are into June! And Phooldyu and Minnie-haha predicted this is my month, so watch out! I'm getting out soon!

reallyoldmum: BFP! 2 June, 2008 :cheer:
sookie: Cheri predicts "Girl - March (birth, conceive, find out)". Phooldyu and Minniehaha said "Girl and June"
Loola: Cheri predicts "GIRL - Around Feb 16th, to ovulate or test"
welshpolly: Cheri predicts "BOY - July as conceive, find out or give birth"
skairdykat: Jennyrenny predicted August to get BFP and also see's a girl
Tasha20: BFP! :cheer:
Lisa-Marie- BFP! :cheer:

I have taken out some people that we haven't heard from in a month or so, but if anyone wants to be reinstated PM me.

Also, are there any more predictions missing? It's probably about time for a new round anyway if anyone is up for it...
Alright, just a quickie to fill you in on what I've been up to.

So this month I took clomid on CDs 5-9, 100mg, and no more progyluton. I was supposed to go for a folicle scan last week but forgot, and was sick with the flu. So I went in on Thurday but my doc was off having an extra long weekend. So as yesterday was a holiday here, I went in today. I have been temping for a few days now as I missed the scan I wanted to know if I ovulated or not. I have had low temps, so decided it would be worth going in for a scan today to see how many folicles there were this cycle, and how big they are.

There is one huge folicle of 26mm :shock: in my left ovary this time. I am on CD18, and at that size the ob/gyn says I should ov tonight or tomorrow. So poor DH has to go again tonight :roll:

Thanks for all you words of encouragement. I'm not so much depressed, just over trying. But I have lots of fun stuff to look forward to as we are off to England in less than 2 weeks, and to Belgium for a music festival too. I have a friend here now and we went away last weekend and will go to the national park to sleep in hammocks on the caribbean this weekend. Then 2 more friends arrive just before we leave for the UK. Plus I only have 7 more days of school left as I am taking this Friday off. It's all a bit of a spinout really. I told the kids on Friday and that was sad. Some of them cried and then so did I. They are a gorgeous group and I will miss them (not the school though :roll: ) Then on our way home we are going to Canada and Fiji. I am looking forward to getting home. There are lots of people I miss.

Well ladies, it was lovely to catch up on your chats from the weekend. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw ROM's news!!!!!! I posted in the other thread before I started this one :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Loola, sounds like the wedding is coming along nicely. You won't have anything left to do in a few more weeks time :rotfl:

Kitty, so nice to have you back! I hope that the BDing practice will make things a bit more comfortable for you :hug: Also that your work eases up a bit. And, I want you to get on to that weather issue please! I have lots of sightseeing to do and will not tolerate rain every day while I'm over there thank you very much :shakehead:

Trudy is it your holiday? You could come to Colombia :lol: Turkey sounds like a good plan. Or what about Croatia? I haven't been there but have heard lots of nice things. It depends what you want really. There are so many options.

Hi Welshpolly :wave: Sorry about your uncle :hug: I hope that your family is doing ok.

I plan to stop temping once I have confirmed ov, so not to stress too much this month. I plan to have next month off too as I am travelling. But who knows, maybe I won't need to temp anyway if Phooldyu and Minniehaha were right!
Just wanted to pop in and say good luck to you all for June - hope there are lots of BFP's :pray:
Sookie - I hadn't realised at all that we'd moved into June! :doh:

FX you caught that egg! Still worth temping for a few days though, just to confirm that you did actually ov when the ob/gyn thought you would! I can't be arsed to temp properly during the luteal phase now - the last two days I've temped an hour later. I don't really see the point in obsessing about LP temps now.

Sounds like you're busy - but I do hope you're going to have internet access in the UK, otherwise you won't be able to tell us about the BFP! :wink:
Good morning ladies, I hope you dont mind me posting in here still but I am too scared to fully de-camp into 1st tri yet :oops: I will get the results back from my blood tests on Monday today after 2.00 pm so hopefully that will be good news - am still peeing on everything in sight and the lines are nice and strong still but it worries me that I am still only 12 dpo max which means my AF is not officially late yet!!

Sookie thanks for your lovely words. That sounds like one huge folli - I'm sure your DH wont feel too hard done by tonight :D When do you come to the UK? The weather here is lovely at the minute but hey you know england it can change from sun to snow at the drop of a hat!!

Kitty hope you have time to continue to pop in over the next couple of weeks as I know you are really busy. Good luck with everything you have going on.

Trudy where in Turkey are you thinking of going? I must of missed that with all my self centred excitment sorry :oops: I love Turkey, we've been to a few different parts and Han is off to work there next week.

Loola nice dip today :D With all your wedding plans I bet your BFP will just sneek up on you x x x x

Welshpolly I am sure it was loosing the weight that helped to kick start my body - how are you doing?

Love to everyone else. x x x x
oh shit oh shit.... Just spoken to my doctors receptionist and she said she had been trying to get hold of me as the doctor wanted to speak to me!!! Now I have to wait for them to ring me back some time this morning..... Feel so so scared think I might cry :(
rom thinking of you and keeping everything crossed for you today :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: xxxxxxxx
OK she has just rung and my level was 73 at either 7 or 9 dpo - they want me to have another blood taken today to check that things are progressing ok - she seemed to think that was low but having looked on Beta tables it looks OKish to me...... Only time will tell now I suppose.

I have to pick up the form and go back upto the hospital at lunch time.

Thanks for your lovely comments ladies dont stop praying for me x x x x
ROM :hug: :hug: :hug: I think that beta sounds good! You are still soooooo early, what would they expect it to be??? Try not to worry. YOU ARE PREGNANT! We are all thinking of you.
ROM hun! dont worry, Im sure they are going to keep an extra close eye on you after what you have been through, but you will be fine! I can feel it my bones :hug:

Sookie - Best of luck for this month hun! That is one huge follicle! :pray: :cheer:

I AM ILL. :( In fact I dont think Ive ever felt so ill before in my entire life. You know I said Mike had spent all of Sunday being sick and he put it down to a dodgy curry, well it wasnt. It was a nasty sickness bug which he lovingly gave to me. I woke up feeling awful yesterday, spent every awake moment :puke: I really thought I might die :rotfl: Every little bit of me is aching, and I am the clammiest person in the world. I still fought my way to the bathroom though to do an OPK, which I didnt even get to read the results of before I blacked out on the bathroom floor.

Im feeling a bit better today, though I am delerious and weak, i havent been sick though.

Today is our 3rd anniversary of being together. :D I am probaby ovulating today (my OPK was pretty strong last night - though I didnt get to read the results til this morning). So to get pregnant today would be amazing. Unfortunately the last thing I want to do right now is have sex :( I just havent got any energy at all. I really hoped that my illness would have delayed ovulation, but no. My temps are all over the place due to being ill too. This sucks.
Sorry your poorly Loola, Ihope you manage to get some bedding in and get your bfp this month!

ROM, I hope your next bloody test is higher and I am sure eveything is fine, your only in the very eary stages yet :hug:

Sookie, I hope you get your bfp too! :cheer:

Trudy can't wait to see you over in first tri aswell hope to see you with a bfp soon. :cheer:

Welshpolly, hope you get your bfp too :cheer:

Kitty you too, hope to see a bfp soon.

And all you other girls!! come on bfps!!! :cheer:
rom that level sounds good to me hun :cheer: keeping everything crossed for you when will you have the results from todays test? xxxxxxxxxx
ROM - what do they mean, 73 could be low?! If 73 at 7 or 9dpo is low, then why do all the HPTs say that on the day of the expected period (i.e. 14dpo for their purposes), 'most' (not even all) pregnant women will have HCG levels of over 50 (CLearBlue says 50-250 at 14dpo)?

Assuming that HCG levels normally double every 2.5 days, then 73 at 9 (worst-case scenario for you) would be 146 at 11.5 dpo, and almost 300 at 14dpo.

Being blunt here, I think the doctor's talking out of her arse. It's not the actual number that matters, anyway, it's the rate at which it increases. I suspect she has just seen the number, and compared it to 'the normal' timing levels - i.e. she is comparing you at 7 or 9 dpo with the average at 14dpo, without checking. To be fair, most women would not get a blood test done till they knew their period was late; it may be an easy mistake to make. Is it the same consultant that you saw over the ectopic, or a different one - or your GP?

Anyway, I hope that by the time you read this, you'll have had your test and it'll show 120-170 or so.

Sookie - I've just realised just how big a 26mm follicle is... I thought the ovary was the size of an almond, which in my book is about 2.5-3cm long... sounds like you have an ovary growing on your ovary! Well, if the sperm can't see THAT one coming...
Kittykins said:
Sookie - I've just realised just how big a 26mm follicle is... I thought the ovary was the size of an almond, which in my book is about 2.5-3cm long... sounds like you have an ovary growing on your ovary! Well, if the sperm can't see THAT one coming...

:rotfl: My DH is almost blind so hopefully this time his sperm might be able to make out what they´re looking for :roll: More likely that it is so bloody huge that they are running away in fright! :rotfl:

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh Loola :hug: :hug: :hug: That sucks! Can you do the syringe thing instead of BDing? Or put something on the tele to get you in the mood, if ya know what I mean :lol:

I am being such a lazy teacher at the moment. I have the kids doing silent reading while I am here on the computer chating with you guys. In all fairness, they are supposed to be doing silent reading but really I shouold be modelling good reading habits for them :roll: Not that I´m counting but I only have 5 more days of teaching here after today!!!!!
Sookie - WOW big follicle!!! I hope you catch the egg! :pray:

ROM - HUGE congratulations!!!! I am so so happy for you! :cheer: I don't know about all the levels but you are definitely pregnant! :D

Loola - I hope you feel better soon :hug:

I hope everyone else is doing ok - sending lots of babydust :hug:

I had my CD21 bloods today. Last month, with the bank holiday they took them on CD19 so asked me to come back! We go back to the fertility clinic a week today and will have the results from all the tests :? Nervous but at least we'll have some answers!

I am at the weight needed now to start the clomid if he still thinks I may need it.
oops, sorry Loola, I missed your post entirely :oops:

I hope you feel better soon. And if you do decide to go ahead with BDing tonight, make sure you pass that nasty bug back to your DH - that'll serve him right :wink: Seriously though, look after yourself (better still, get DH to look after you) and don't feel this is your only chance and force yourself to do something you really don't want to. :hug:
Thanks Kitty :hug: There was absolutely no way he was coming anywhere near me tonight with any part of his anatomy, the thought made me gag :rotfl: But I am feeling a hell of a lot better now, so hopefully tomorrow we will just about catch the egg in time. I managed to find the energy to change the sheets (there is nothing worse than sleeping in bed that you have been ill in is there!), hopefully it will help us feel more in the mood tomorrow.

Sweet dreams ladies! :hug: :hug: :hug:

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