waterlilie said:
Hi girls
Can someone take a look at my chart and explain to me why would my temperature drop so dramatically at 8 DPO? This is just not looking good is it? i thought i was doing so well
Well, there could be two main reasons for it, really:
1. it's an implantation dip and your temp will go up again tomorrow and you'll get a bfp (
2. it's a drop in progesterone which may or may not trigger af. Mine did that a couple times last month causing me much consternation!
If you don't get af after this and you get a bfn (or just get af later on), you might want to just watch your luteal phase progesterone levels (via your temps) because if you don't have a sustained enough progesterone level it's very difficult for a blastocyst to implant properly.
Other more minor reasons could be if you slept with your mouth open, if you were particularly cold last night, if you took your temp early, etc, etc, etc.
Hope that helps, hon!