Chartstalkers - February 2009

Im starting on this slippery slope!

My chart is now set up, but I keep forgetting to take my temp before I get out of bed! need to get into a routine! but as soon as I do Il start putting my info on! Im hoping I ov in the next week or so but going to start testing at the weekend to prepare myself!

hi girls :wave:
well, have been to the doctors and she confirmed the scan showed that both of my ovaries are polycystic :( she has started me on metmorfin- 1 aday for couple of weeks leading up to 3 a day in few weeks time. i'm hoping it will help me ovulate. she has also referred me to a gynacologist which will take 4-6 weeks. had a good cry but starting to feel more positive now- its best i know what is wrong! oh well guess its just gonna take that bit longer!
Fingers crossed for you puds! but like you say best to find out sooner rather than later so you can approach things as necessary!

Oh Pudsie hun i'm really sorry about your diagnosis, i was hoping you were just having a normal AF delay due to a hormonal imbalance after coming off the pill..but hey, chin up girl!! it's not the end of the world and you WILL still conceive even with PCOS. Loads of women do, it might just take a little bit longer as you said...but it might not!! you could still fall pregnant as soon as you ovulate, especially given your young age!! No idea about the metmorfin but i hope it will sort out your ovulation pretty soon. Lots of :hug: :hug: :hug:
BabyTime! said:
Fingers crossed for you puds! but like you say best to find out sooner rather than later so you can approach things as necessary!


Babytime, just noticed the note about your m/c :( so sorry hun and loads of baby dust to you. Hopefully charting will help you track your ovulation etc and you get a BFP soon :hug:
Thanks waterlillie

But what doesn't kill me makes me stronger and all that!
I am soooo determined now!

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Evening ladies xx :wave:

Had a proper stalk. (hope I haven't missed anyone lol)

Puds, sorry to hear your news. My sister was started on metmorfin and fell in her 1st month, well they think she fell before taking them so once the pressure is off a little you never know :pray:

Mel, see what you means by your temps. Guess tomorrows will tell ay mate. Hope it rises :hug:

Kele101, 8dpo and those temp rises are looking good. Keep them going!

Waterlilie, I think you must of ov'd on day 28. Fingers crossed you have hun x

Holly, nice steady temps babe, fingers crossed for ov soon :pray:

Sam, wow what a dip, hope its a pre ov one!

Wanting1, if you get FF to disregard day 42, does it give you your crosses?

Lou, yay 3dpo :cheer:

Kitkat, good pre ov dip, hope you have a good rise in the morning.

Spaceangle, 9dpo, any feelings?

tootsieb, +opk, hope ov is to follow :pray:

Babytime, welcome back babe :hug:

Lilly, you must be 7 or 8 dpo, hope your ok xx

Chrissy, Puddin, Becs, BeckyJ where are you? No temps put in for a while.

Cori, BB, Cyprus, A&J, Rose, Louise, Sazza, Shaunie, :wave: girls xxx
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I have the most amazing sore boobs! And I feel like I have a full bladder all the time. So either I am pg or I am in for a very heavy af!
Ugh...I'm so sleepy and seriously craving anything spicy! :lol: Maybe I can convince DH that a curry is a healthy substitute for pancakes. :rotfl:
Donna's here said:
Wanting1, if you get FF to disregard day 42, does it give you your crosses?

Thanks, I tried but no luck :-(

I saw the doctors today cause I was getting concerned and he said that I am probably a bit stressed at the moment and my illness at the beginning of my cycle did not help. He said that I am probably not pregnant as the tests are very sensitive and it should have picked it up by now. He felt my belly and that it all feels normal and not to worry but to come back if I do not get AF in 2 weeks.

Has anyone ever heard whether it is possible not to ovulate and than to simply ovulate as usual? According to the stats I am due my fertile time starting this Thursday with ovulation on Sunday.

Puds, I feel for you, best of luck with everything
Hi Girlies not been on much trying to chill a bit :lol: !!!

Donna - Mega stalk hun thanks saves me trying to catch up on the last few days!! x x x :hug:

Decided to get a bit fitter so started running :lol: (so unfit!), keeping up with the temping and we are off to the hosp on Thursday so will be back on then to update.

Keep lurking and posting a bit, hope you don't all think bad of me for not posting loads but just need to try and relax about all this ttc lark. Feel like I have tried everything else so relaxing is the last on the list but I think the hardest!!

FF changed ov day today but not to fussed as we bd a.m. after new ov day so fingers crossed :pray:

14 days off the fags!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: Really proud of me, bit of a boast sorry!!
LouF said:
14 days off the fags!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: Really proud of me, bit of a boast sorry!!

Woohoo!!! :clap: I won't say anything about your boast if you don't say anything about me bragging about my weight loss! :lol:
melissa5317 said:
LouF said:
14 days off the fags!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: Really proud of me, bit of a boast sorry!!

Woohoo!!! :clap: I won't say anything about your boast if you don't say anything about me bragging about my weight loss! :lol:

Mel you can brag all you want hun 12.4 pounds is amazing :clap: what the hell have you been doing???

Think I could do with losing a stone I'm normally a size 14 and happy with that but since stopping the fags been nibbling on trash. Went shopping yesterday and I couldn't do up a pair of 14 trousers VVVV Bad!!!!! :evil: Refuse to get 16 so will keep squeezing in to what I have and hope running takes effecy quick!!!!
Thanks, dude! I've been eating almost NOTHING I shouldn't be (cut out dairy, wheat, potatoes, sugar, caffeine), avoiding having to buy lunch (making enough for leftovers each night), and doing 45mins of exercise every other day when schedule conflicts don't arise. I was hoping to have lost a bit more by now, but the snow really screwed up my schedule and I've been busy with other stuff since then, too!

I'm being a bad girl tonight, tho, and getting curry b/c I'm gagging for one and it's been two months!
Well done Mel x x

I need to cut down the food intake or up the exercise even more so it balances a bit more!!

Enjoy the curry!!! You deserve it x x
thanks donna, i am sure i am about to O as have cramps and more cm but i am not even getting a faint line now on the ic, so i have got some first response ones to try

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