Chartstalkers -- December 08

yus girlies stay positive! or.. or else :D because i said so ok :D

s'what i thought :D ;)

ETA: updated my ticker with this months cycle. i was pretty clever predicting a 35 day cycle when it's actually 34 days this month. 10days till testing :D
Hi everyone! :wave: Haven't been on here much over the past couple of days. Have I missed anything?

I have EWCM and I got a faint line on an OPK today (didn't have a line yesterday), so I'm guessing I will ovulate on Boxing Day and have another 24 day cycle :cheer:
lol, last time I came off the pill, I hated the fact that my cycles were shorter than 28 days, but now I'm loving it! :cheer:
merry christmas everyone in here :D hope we get some BFP tomorrow.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Hi girls.

Have a great day ladies xxx I'm not testing today, have bad af all day and have very low cervix so I've deceided not to test for now :( but I'm ok. Have a great day girls and speak soon, love Don xxxxxxxxx
Morning Ladies,

I'm not testing either. Ran out of tests as I got all test-tastic earlier in the week :rotfl: Don't care, it's christmas, if I don't get AF tomorrow I may start to get excited but am cool either way, never expected to get a BFP first month.


Hope you've all been good girls and someone is filling your stockings - especially you Cori (nudge, nudge, wink wink)

Donna :hug:

B x x x

Haven't tested but haven't got AF either, might test tomorrow xxx

PMSL at your comment to Cori Becs :lol:

Have a great day ladies xxxxxxx
i think you both have made the right decision not to test, stay of that emotional rollercoster today. Get on it tomoz instead!!

have a great day hunnies!!!

must say ladies i'm slightly disappointed came on here as dh is at work looking for some testing news and what do i find neither of u have tested!!! :lol: honestly though i think ur doing the right thing waiting for 2moror although both ur charts look bliming fantastic- not in the slightest bit jealous :fib: !!!!
anyways will be keeping my fingers crossed for u both!
FF has given me my lines saying i OV on the 22nd, which if it is true then i'm pretty sure i'm out this month :(

i'm hoping FF is wrong :( i want my BFP *stomps feet* it can be wrong right ? just a little bit. heh. the 22nd is when i should have OV for my 25 day cycle that i put into FF. d'you think it's taken this into account and gone with that.. or does the 22nd look about right ?

merry cristmas everyone BTW:)
Good morning ladies :wave:

Merry Christmas everyone! hope you'll all having a great day :hug:

Donna and Becs, good decision! better wait till tomorrow if AF doesn't show up and enjoy your day with your families. I've still got my fingers crossed for both of you and won't uncross them until you get you BFPs :pray:
holly said:
FF has given me my lines saying i OV on the 22nd, which if it is true then i'm pretty sure i'm out this month :(

i'm hoping FF is wrong :( i want my BFP *stomps feet* it can be wrong right ? just a little bit. heh. the 22nd is when i should have OV for my 25 day cycle that i put into FF. d'you think it's taken this into account and gone with that.. or does the 22nd look about right ?

I thought FF got me wrong last month too! nobody knows whos right just have to wait hun! you know your body better than FF tho. just noticed you had the same dip as me on the 20th, but 22nd you had a large rise in temp think thats why its gone with it. :hug:

i think i OV'd on CD13. i had that funny dip i get just before OV. just noticed it now on my passed cycles. Also got a postitive OPK Monday and Tuesday. ive not BD'd every day but every other day so you never know. im staying postive tho!! :D
yeah i've had a look at some other charts and usually it says OV is on the day of the dip. after then i really didn't feel in the mood to BD to be honest and the fact that OH was ill then i was, it was nice for a break.. so i'm putting that down to a change of hormones because i did OV on the 20th :lol: :wink: and the fact you can get a slow rise in temprature, it doesn't have to be an immediate rise they day after OV. i think that's all the excuses i could think of to make me feel better that FF is lying.. i am right and i'm in with a good chance of getting a BFP :D :rotfl:

i think i'll go with FF with testing. because either AF will turn up when i've predicted or when FF has predicted. if AF hasn't turnt up by the day after FF has said AF is due, then i'll be 1 day late according to FF or 3/4 according to my calculations.

that makes sense right ? :lol:

i've decided not to buy any tests until AF is late.. at the moment anyway :D

Shaunie_louise: if your FF is right about you OV on the 20th.. and my prediction of me OV on the 20th.. we could both get our BFP as the same time :D

ETA: turning into the worlds longest post :lol: been looking on FF and on some charts people have BD upto 5days before FF has predticted OV, and not at all after and got their BFP.

keeping positive :D
Hi all! Merry Christmas!!!! We're piggybacking off of a neighbour's internet at the moment as we're still having major issues. Becs & Donna, reeeeeeeeally got my fingers crossed for you both! :hug:
Just checking in to see if Becs has tested??? Where are you woman???? Your chart looks great :D

Jane x
Hey, can someone take a look at my chart?

I didn't temp on xmas day but this morning my reading was 37.0.
Is this normal?


shaunie_louise said:
Hey, can someone take a look at my chart?

I didn't temp on xmas day but this morning my reading was 37.0.
Is this normal?



im no expert but its a good sign, your temp should rise during DPO. so dont worry! it prob wasnt such a big jump if you knew what your temp was yesturday.

mine jumped up today too, but i got my lines!!! i was right... i OV'd on Tuesday!! in that long long 2WW now.

how did our testers get on this morning then???
Hey holly we can be testing buddies now... im on DPO3 like you!! :D

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