Chartstalkers -- December 08

Morning ladies xxxx
Becs, sorry she got ya hun :hug:
Still no AF for me but still neg on a test this morning. My temp dropped big time today so maybe she'll show her ugly face later or tomorrow :( Puds, I dont think I'll really ever know with everything that happened this month. Still blame the thermometer :wink:
Just been on ebay and bought a clear blue ovulation kit for a tenner. Seems everyone has rated it so well I thought next month I'll give it a go after all the confusion this month. Lilly hun, does it tell you in advance of ov though?
I might do the same - these ebay cheapies are crap and really confusing! They're as dark now as they were when I actually did ovulate. :roll:
I thought for £10 Melissa I might as well try. I didn't really get a real answer with the ebay cheapies. But they do say if you are pregnant they show as positive results on them too. Ooooo your possibly 11 dpo :wink: maybe hun, do a pg test :pray:
:lol: yeah I heard that, too, but I did an ebay cheapie preg test this morning and it was bfn. I figure I'll wait until my actual testing day to go out and buy a couple decent ones. I haven't had any cramps this month, tho, like I normally do before my period, so I'm REALLY hoping, but my boobs also aren't as sore as they usually are during my LP and my temps aren't as high this time either. Weird month.
Awww Melissa. It's been a strange month for the pair of us. Having a different chart to your normal one is good though. Good luck hun xxxxxx
Im completely sick of everything this cycle. Started temping this month as I wanted to check I was ov and it doesnt look like I am :(

Ive been back in the UK for the past week so my temping has been all over the place. Took my temp. this morning, 5 hours late, fully dressed after half an hour of being up and my temp. was lower than average.

I was desperately hoping to get my BFP this month so that we could tell all our family face to face while were at home but thats out of the window so feel even more disappointed than usual.

Guess that means Im out of the running this month :cry:
Cyprus08 said:
Im completely sick of everything this cycle. Started temping this month as I wanted to check I was ov and it doesnt look like I am :(

Ive been back in the UK for the past week so my temping has been all over the place. Took my temp. this morning, 5 hours late, fully dressed after half an hour of being up and my temp. was lower than average.

I was desperately hoping to get my BFP this month so that we could tell all our family face to face while were at home but thats out of the window so feel even more disappointed than usual.

Guess that means Im out of the running this month :cry:

Honey, you cant tell anything from your chart because you haven't done it properly. You have to take your temp every day, the same time of day, before you even move in bed to get a good reading. If I get up and take my temp 20 mins later, my temp is lower than in bed. When you ov, it's such a slight difference that unless you chart this way you will never know if you have or not. All hope is not out this month for you from your chart because your chart is so incomplete it shows nothing. Carry on like a normal month and test like normal and keep your fingers crossed and if your not pg (fingers crossed you are) but if not, come back in here Cyprus and we will help you out the best we can ok :hug:
shaunie_louise said:
I have no idea whats going on with my chart!!!

Maybe I didn't ovulate??

your chart looks fine to me hun i would say you deffinately ovulated.

:hug: becs - thought this was ur month sorry she got u
:wave: lilly hope ur having a good break!
:pray: donna and melissa hope u get ur bfps soon

starting to feel a bit better now so will resume bding tonight hopefully! as we have only bd'd once since last months ovulation though i don't expect the little swimmers will be renewing themselves very quickly- if that makes sense!!!! want to get this month over and done with and try again with max. effort next month!!!

my temp is still high above my coverline but past few days i've been getting niggly cramps and this morning i've had the 'AF ache' like everything inside me is heavy and weighing down, just like on the day of AF. i don't usually get any cramps before hand, but AF might just turn up early.

Any ideas ladies ?
holly said:
my temp is still high above my coverline but past few days i've been getting niggly cramps and this morning i've had the 'AF ache' like everything inside me is heavy and weighing down, just like on the day of AF. i don't usually get any cramps before hand, but AF might just turn up early.

Any ideas ladies ?
I've had the same cramps, aches, squiggy feeling for 2 weeks now Holly. I cant make head nor tail of it either :(
Morning all,

My temps gone up by alot again today?

Can anyone make heads or tails of my chart? I know I can't! :think:

sounds like good news for u both to me- anything out of the ordinary is a good sign!! fingers crossed! :hug:
holly- cramps do not necessarily mean af is coming - many people get af style cramps before a bfp ur just going to have to wait and see!!! :pray:
wish it could be good news for me Puds, but after all these pg tests I cant see they can be wrong :( Think I must just of had a windy month :lol:

Help anyone- MrsU has had 2 very short luthal stages. I remember HollyHobby taken prostigen (sp?) cream to help lengthen her phase. She's turned off her pm's so cant get hold of her. Do you have any idea what cream she tried?
shaunie_louise said:
Morning all,

My temps gone up by alot again today?

Can anyone make heads or tails of my chart? I know I can't! :think:

It is up and down a bit hun, but it's ok. Sometimes your temp does fly around after ov, as long as it stays above the coverline it's good.
Donna's here said:
Help anyone- MrsU has had 2 very short luthal stages. I remember HollyHobby taken prostigen (sp?) cream to help lengthen her phase. She's turned off her pm's so cant get hold of her. Do you have any idea what cream she tried?

Didn't want to read and run, but I think that was a bit before my time, I'm afraid, so can't help with the cream, but I know that Vitex is supposed to do the same thing with regard to regulating progesterone levels, and any good progesterone cream should probably do the same.

Donna, your chart is a bit confusing but still looks good; I really hope you get your BFP this month!! :hug:
Thanks donna?

I had a panic episode last night. Could that have anything to do with the sudden rise?

Yeah Shaunie, your temps can rise from anything and a panic attack will certainly change it! Hope your ok now :hug:

Melissa, FF had me oving on day 17 with my discarded temps that I thought were wrong from my thermometer. Theres no way I could of ov'd on day 17 as I still have no af and negs on tests, so I decided to pop the discarded back in to see what happens and thats what I now have, no lines at all :? The problem is I know I haven't fallen late in my month because we are trying to sway for a girl and havn't bd'ed properly since day 14, so I really have no idea whats going on. Not impressed though I must say :(
Donna's here said:
Melissa, FF had me oving on day 17 with my discarded temps that I thought were wrong from my thermometer. Theres no way I could of ov'd on day 17 as I still have no af and negs on tests, so I decided to pop the discarded back in to see what happens and thats what I now have, no lines at all :? The problem is I know I haven't fallen late in my month because we are trying to sway for a girl and havn't bd'ed properly since day 14, so I really have no idea whats going on. Not impressed though I must say :(

ARGH! *smacks FF again* It's going to learn its lesson one way or the other, even if I have to beat it into submission! :twisted: Sorry FF took your lines away. Don't lose hope, tho. Are you checking your cm as well as your cp? I thought I might be in danger of losing mine again too, now that my temp seems to have skyrocketed this morning for no apparent reason, and I'm expecting AF to show up today, so we'll see how that pans out... :pray:
melissa5317 said:
ARGH! *smacks FF again* It's going to learn its lesson one way or the other, even if I have to beat it into submission! :twisted: Sorry FF took your lines away. Don't lose hope, tho. Are you checking your cm as well as your cp? I thought I might be in danger of losing mine again too, now that my temp seems to have skyrocketed this morning for no apparent reason, and I'm expecting AF to show up today, so we'll see how that pans out... :pray:
Yep, checking cm, been creamy since the sort of ew day. Had a wipe of blood yesterday, nothing else though, cant work that out, was there for 1 wipe, thought about time she bloody showed, then nothing :? FF has given me a stressy month, one min have lines, then taken away, back again but spotty, taken away :twisted: it has ticked me right off, but it was a very strange month on charting! Be glad when af does arrive and i get on with it again, this is horrid being left in no mans land :(

But have my fingers and toes crossed for you hun, it's looking good at the mo isn't it :pray:

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