Chartstalkers -- December 08

holly said:
ETA: didn't want to double post.. sorry for the huge above moan. things going on at home have got me on edge lately and it's making me stressed about EVERYTHNG! i apologise :(
Dont be so blimming silly Holly!!! The amount of winging I've done lately. Thats what this is also for, to help with our frustrations and to talk to others who are in the same situation. If you cant come on here and vent every now and then, then when can you? Its nice to see it's not only me lol :hug:
temp is the highes it's ever been today :) waiting for my lines.. anyone else think 'll be getting them soon ? I think I OV on the 20th..
Woo hoo! Yep, I reckon they are on their way Holly :D

Ha ha, my chart looks soooooooooo good. But after all that talk yesterday with Donna, I just had a sudden desire to test and the test monster bit good. Negative :lol: I know I'm not totally out of the running but have always had a positive at 10dpo before. My high temp today, could I suppose suggest that implantation occured yesterday. But my husband was complaining of being hot too, so, I think I'll assume it's not my month and get a nice surprise if it is.

Donna - will pm you my number later for the Christmas Day results!

Oh Becs, your chart's looking great hun!! fingers crossed you'll get a BFP, I have a really good feeling that this will be your month :pray: :cheer:
waterlilie said:
Oh Becs, your chart's looking great hun!! fingers crossed you'll get a BFP, I have a really good feeling that this will be your month :pray: :cheer:

snap! fingers crossed for you hun :D
fingers crossed becs :pray: - its deff not over yet and your chart is looking very good- i'm assuming yesterdays test wasn't earling morning urine either so as it was an early test (10dpo) that may well have affected it!

looking forward to seeing todays temp donna!! :D

looks like u've ovulated holly- yay!!!! :cheer: bet u can't wait to see a red line on ur chart!!

lilly your so lucky ovulating again so quickly!! fingers crossed this will be ur month. :pray:

melissa- i had reflexology as well yesterday- snap!!! :lol:

as for me just sitting here twiddling my thumbs!! think the next round of bd'ing may commence tonight won't be ovulating for couple of weeks - but hey its good practice!!! :lol:

puds said:
looks like u've ovulated holly- yay!!!! :cheer: bet u can't wait to see a red line on ur chart!!

i am actually excited! :lol: seeing as BD before, on and after OV by the looks of it i should be in with a good chance this month :D
Morning ladies xx
I caved again this morning and tested. Went to Asda last night doing my food Christmas shopping and bought an Asda cheapie (good job DH doesn't read these) and it was a BFN. :doh: Again I dont know why. I never show early, always late :wall: Feel really down now :(

Becs, temps look great hun, fingers crossed you just tested to early :pray:

Holly, the horrid part, 2ww but at least you've got christmas and new year to keep you busy!

Lilly, hope your bding lots!!!

Puds, your on the fun part :lol:
donnashere said:
Puds, your on the fun part
fun part for now donna yes but how long do u think till i'll be gagging for the 2ww again for a rest!!! its the curse of long cycles!!!
puds said:
donnashere said:
Puds, your on the fun part
fun part for now donna yes but how long do u think till i'll be gagging for the 2ww again for a rest!!! its the curse of long cycles!!!

i know how you feel! was going to BD last night but OH said he didn't feel well and we could tonight, but i'm not feeling well enough too and to be honest, it's nice to have a rest! i want this baby more than anything, but knowing i have a long cyles and BD every other day from CD 14/15 to whenever I know i've OV was getting abit sore this month (sorry tmi!) but now i'm pretty sure i've already OV on the 20th i don't feel as bad as i did before for not BD yesterday night or tonight :)

can't wait for my lines to confirm this!
Hi again ladies - back in the office to use the computer and pick up a pheasant that our landlord shot for us for Xmas dinner....think what you will. :lol: I got my crosshairs today...dotted, of course, thank you FF. I'm still not so sure - what do you all think? I'll use another opk today, but the saliva scope seems to be leading me in the wrong direction (as it did when I first started using it and I'm remembering now why I stopped). If I did ov on day 25, it would make sense as per my last cycle, but my temps are so low and still erratic!

Donna and Becs, you're both looking really good - I've got my fingers x-ed for you both!! :pray:

We have a new reuter...just waiting for dh to have the time to set it up and hopefully this will solve our problem and I can continue feeding my little PF addiction. :D
holly what u just said is exactly how i have felt the past 2 months!!! we bd every other day from day 10 onwards then every day from 1st faint line on opk (abt day 24) by which time we've almost had enough bding and feel guilty we are not bding when its the most important to!!! wonder if we should be doing it less as i have long cycles so as not to waste the little spermies!!!!!! :think: so confusing!
exactly puds! don't want to BD too much, but then don't want to not BD enough and miss OV.

if i don't get my lines saying i've OV on the 20th i think i'm pretty much out this month as we've not BD since the 20th.
just updates myself, been out all day shopping and an hour in the gym!!

oohhh nearly testing time for some of you... all the luck in the world girls!!

my temp dropped today! wanted a 3rd rise to get lines!! the first temp i got was 36.22 and thought no way its never been that low so i did it again and got 36.33!! think my thermometer is related to your broken one Donna!! :doh:

i got another + on the OPK this morning (just had to check). We BD'd Sunday night but not last night cos OH only got in from work at 10 and fell asleep (how crap is that, i WAS in a mood big style!! im just going to have to jump on him tonight my little eggy is on its way (hope its not arrived yet)

me xx
puds said:
donnashere said:
Puds, your on the fun part
fun part for now donna yes but how long do u think till i'll be gagging for the 2ww again for a rest!!! its the curse of long cycles!!!
It's bad enough mine being anything from 31 to 37, sorry hun, didn't really think.
But then in the last 12 days weve only bded once so maybe thats why I see it as fun lol, IF af arrives no doubt I'll be enjoying it for a few days anyway :wink:

Lilly, hope its not your thermometer hun, mines had me on the hop too much this last week. Hopefully you'll have a massive rise tomorrow and get your lines :hug:

Hope you get your internet sorted asap Melissa, were missing you & your wisdom :hug:
right so i've practically decided that i OV on the 20th, meaning 14PO will be January 3rd.

would new years eve be too early to test ? i may be going out (i don't know yet) so if i am i'd quite like to know if i can have a drink/2. if i'm not then it can wait.
Holly, I think that would be miles too early to test hun. I've tested at 10dpo, 12dpo and in pregnancy before when AF was due and still got a BFN even when I was pregnant. I know everyone is different but if you do test and get a neg, then it might still be wrong! A drink or 2 wont hurt you either way. Think of all the piss heads that full pregnant so a couple of new years eve drinks wont hurt :hug: (hope that doesn't sound bad, meant it in the nicest way)
Yeah I agree Holly, go and have a few drinks and let your hair down. If you test early and get a neg it will leave you wondering if you are pregnant and if you get a positive it will be great but will definetly put a halt to your new years drinks. I have had 3 positives at 10dpo so on me it usually works to test at 10dpo. But everybody is different and I guess every pregnancy too. The fact I have tested on 10 and 11 ( :oops: )dpo now this month with negs on both days has me convinced this is not my month.

Oh dear, I have a serious case of morning rambles.... :? :bored: :)
thanks girlies :)

my temp has gone up again! highest it's ever been. got me thinking i didn't OV on the 20th though as i still have no lines :? and that was the last time i BD.
Good Christmas Eve Morning ladies xxx Holly I'd say you ov'd on day 20! Sometimes FF messes about.
Becs, you never know hun, try to stay positive like Holly said to me :D

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