Chartstalkers -- December 08

Donna's here said:
lilly said:
the vertical line is when FF thinks you have OV'ed they are dotted because its not 100%. the horizintal line is your cover line, your temp DPO should not fall below that.

correct me please ladies if im wrong! :)
Your spot on hun :D The horizontal line is the average temperature before ovulation and its normal for your temps to be higher after ov and in pregnancy.

Becs said:
I just take my temp at 06.30 bang on and put what it says on my thermometer. It only has one decimal place though, some have two I think.
The proper basal thermometers have 2 decimal points and are recommended using in charting. Some peeps are known only to rise 1 and a half points, so the second point can make a difference. My temp yesterday was 36.57, today 36.50 and it does make a difference on my chart (put me below coverline) but if I didn't have that extra point I'd still be above it :wink:

Hi, I charted for half a year with the two decimal spaces but just found it too stressful. After moving to the one decimal space I noticed all of my charts still show ovulation very clearly but I am not fussing over every little peak and troff. Toni Weschler in 'Taking Charge Of Your Fertility' advises against the thermometers with two decimal spaces for pretty much this reason too. I'm not sure who has advised you that you need two decimal spaces for charting purposes but I would be wary of them. They create more stress than I think is nessaccery.

Glad your temps have stayed nce and above that line. Gearing up for Christmas testing :cheer: :hug:
Morning Becs. When I 1st started charting just over a year ago, I was doing it from home and I couldn't make head or tail of it. I read all over the Internet about temping and spoke to the Dr and was told and read to use a basal thermometer. I must admit though if it wasn't for the 2nd point, mine would be nice and straight like your is at the moment. Are you still testing christmas day?? I'm starting to worry about it. Got it in my head that theres no chance with the temps that I can be, but because I so desperately want it, every time I think about it it makes me feels sick :( Madness!
Was planning on testing Christmas Day but might even do it on Boxing Day or just see if my temps stay high. Why are you thinking of testing early? I am such a testing slut, I could easily be pursuaded as I have loads of tests at home. I am so convinced this isn't my month as I think I ov'd overnight and only had one late night indulgence with hubby, which must have been within a few short hours before I ov'd so I would be amazed if the spermies made it there on time (so much for trying for a girl though hey?) What are you thinking Donna? I want t be testing buddies but also am allowing myself a drink each day until I find out. :twisted:

I have no symptoms what so ever by the way - you?
Like a plonker I tested Saturday :lol: like that was going to show up! I've slapped myself and made hubby hide them till christmas morning. Think I'm going to buy a 1st response for christmas morning though as I've only got ebay cheapies! We bd'ed text book for a girl this month, but thats if I did indeed ov on day 17 which by my temps I'm really not sure about, so I dont know. As for symptoms, god knows. Last month I had sore boobs, bloated belly, wrote it all down, this month I've had strange cramps and full of wind (probably explains the cramps :lol:) but apart from that nothing. Do have low af type cramps at the mo, but then I always still got af cramps with my other kids so who knows. And yes drink, me too, it's christmas so should we be testing christmas eve? But then my af due day is based on a 31 day month, which is one of my shortest usually 31 to 37, so could be too early. OMG lol, decisions decisions! What do you think?
Hi girls! :wave: how's everyone? :D

Shaunie-Louise, looks like you've ovulated! yayyy!! 4 DPO already, looking good so far :pray:

Lilly, looks like ovulation is around the corner for you hun, get in that bedroom and don't come out until you see the red line on your chart!! :shakehead:

Holly, i tend to dream a lot of weird and disturbing dreams around ovulation and during the waiting period. I try not to tell my husband because he'll think i'm just becoming obsessed with this thing (which is true :lol: ) but i I wouldn't worry much hun, it's just a dream as Lilly said and you'll get your BFP for sure :hug:

Donna, did you get your thermometer from babymad? sounds a lot like mine from what you describe. I also thought it didn't hold the last temperature so ended up putting 35.60 every morning on my chart for about 10 days until my husband (who didn't believe i could have such a stable metabolism :shock: ) read the instructions that came with it and they say you have to press the on/off button for about 5 secs to read the last temperature :doh: :lol:
waterlilie said:
Donna, did you get your thermometer from babymad? sounds a lot like mine from what you describe. I also thought it didn't hold the last temperature so ended up putting 35.60 every morning on my chart for about 10 days until my husband (who didn't believe i could have such a stable metabolism :shock: ) read the instructions that came with it and they say you have to press the on/off button for about 5 secs to read the last temperature :doh: :lol:
:rotfl: Yep from baby mad, didn't read the instructions :lol: brilliant, glad its not only me :lol: Shall try that in a mo and see if it works on mine. Still laughing :lol:
Hmmm :think: , I think I might do Christmas Day or Boxing day. Altough, it is soooo tempting to do it earlier. Let me know if you are caving. I kind of like the idea of just waiting for AF (I'm due boxing day)

Might change my mind in a day or two, knowing me I probably will :lol:
Nope, I'm gonna do it christmas morning. I have no choice, hubby had me tests :lol:
Donna's here said:
waterlilie said:
Donna, did you get your thermometer from babymad? sounds a lot like mine from what you describe. I also thought it didn't hold the last temperature so ended up putting 35.60 every morning on my chart for about 10 days until my husband (who didn't believe i could have such a stable metabolism :shock: ) read the instructions that came with it and they say you have to press the on/off button for about 5 secs to read the last temperature :doh: :lol:
:rotfl: Yep from baby mad, didn't read the instructions :lol: brilliant, glad its not only me :lol: Shall try that in a mo and see if it works on mine. Still laughing :lol:

:rotfl: :lol: what are we like!! i must admit i am glad you had the same problem, makes me feel less :doh: !! my husband is still teasing me about it, i told him i got tricked into thinking it was similar to my previous Boots thermometer which displayed the last temperature as soon as you switch it on but he was like " no, you should have read the instructions, that's why they come in the pack"!! :evil: :lol:
:lol: I hope you have the best possible xmas gift! Might join you, but will be checking in here either way to see how you got on! x x
Honey, do you want to swap mobile numbers, I could text you over christmas and let you know! Got a new phone for christmas, will give me an excuse to use it :D
Waterlillie, we have the same one :rotfl: Hold it for a few seconds and it gives the last reading. Blimming brilliant. I'm not telling hubby, he'll cane me too :lol:
good luck donna and becs and any one else testing soon! :pray:
oh i can't wait to ovulate, its only cd6 for me and the days go by so slowly... :(

Donna and Becs, i've got everything crossed for you for a Xmas BFP :pray:

I'll definitely log on on Thursday to check your results!! :cheer:
waterlilie said:
Holly, i tend to dream a lot of weird and disturbing dreams around ovulation and during the waiting period. I try not to tell my husband because he'll think i'm just becoming obsessed with this thing (which is true :lol: ) but i I wouldn't worry much hun, it's just a dream as Lilly said and you'll get your BFP for sure :hug:

thanks love, that really made me smile :) i know it's only a dream but it being my first month of charting i'm now thinking what if i don't OV! i'm hopeing that i do soon as i don't want to test on my birthday and get a BPN, or just have AF turn up on my birthday as i won't be going out if that happens my cramps are so painful.

fingers crossed aye :D
Hi all! I've missed you terribly...we have no internet access at home right now, so I've actually had to come into the office on my day off to get some online stuff done! STILL no ov for me, which puts me out of the running for December testing, but I had a reflexology treatment today which will hopefully get the ball rolling down the correct side of the hill. Hopefully we'll sort out our little internet problem this evening! Figures it would go just in time for me to twiddle my thumbs at home. :lol:
Been wondering where you were Melissa. Hope your back on soon and that blimming ov finally arrives before the new year :pray:

Waterlillie & Puds, thanks girls. I'll try and get on here asap christmas day either way, but I do have 17 to dinner so it might be later on :shock: :lol:
i wish i'd brought an OPK this month, my dream has really stressed me out!

still got watery, yet strechy but not quite egg white consistancy CM at the moment :wall: going to BD tonight and christmas eve and hopefully by then FF will have picked up on me OV.

only thing is my twinges get, that i put down to OV, have now stopped.. no more pain.
holly said:
i wish i'd brought an OPK this month, my dream has really stressed me out!

i said last month that i was really not going to do OPK test again because they freaked me out (i had cheap ebay ones).

But i gave in and bought a clear blue digi one with 7 sticks, one for each day. i started using it sat and got a smiley face this morning. They are fab no messing just one test in the morning. i now know i am OVing over the next 2 days!

takes the guessing away, 'am i arent i?'

worked for me.

good luck hun
yeah i think next month i'll buy some if need be. i'll have chrismas and birthday money so will be able to buy myself a few and not worry about the money like i would on a normal month.

i've had pretty much constant watery CM since AF, past week/2 i've been so tired it's reduck, past 4/5 days anything over a packet of hula hoops (that i've been craving 2/3bags plus a day) makes me feel sick so i've not been eating that much as when i eat more, i feel sick more, i've had wind! :lol: which is strange for me as i hardly ever get wind, ever.. and my boobs hurt aswell, can't lay on my front anymore :( i feel pregnant already and i haven't even OV yet! what's going on.

ETA: didn't want to double post.. sorry for the huge above moan. things going on at home have got me on edge lately and it's making me stressed about EVERYTHNG! i apologise :(

looked at most people charts on here and i think if i get another 36.2 or above temprature i might get my dotty-OV lines. my dip was on 20th 35.9 the lowest i've had so far and then yesterday and today it's been 36.2. Sounds about right, right ? trying to be positive right now :) look at the good things instead of the bad, even though i'm surrounded by it pretty much right now! heh :)

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